05-31-2014, 05:21 PM |
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 85
A stormy telex to our ambassador in London -1969 by Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
History has an influential memory that retains events from which we draw lessons. Today is May 25 and on such a day in Sudan ,May regime , 1969 ruled the country for 16 years . After 45 years, history is still there to investigate, chase and convict on all things pertaining to values and home land interests. In the morning of May, 25 ,1969, an urgent telex arrived in London addressed to our ambassador , H.E Sirr AL-khatim Al-khalifa. Who is this diplomat? What is the substance of that ominous telex?. H.E Sirr AL-khatim Al-khalifa served as the Sudan ex-prime minister in October Revolution Government in 1964. He was selcted by the National Front for Professional s and political forces to head October Revolution Government so as to implement the National charter that stipulated an election for civilian rule. Mr. AL-khatim Al-khalifa originally is a man of education. He was appointed as an assistant Director of Education for the Southern regions of Sudan where he introduced fundamental modification in to the education system in South Sudan to eliminate the dominance of churches that disseminated hatred against Northern Sudanese. He was further more appointed as a dean of technical institute. After the success of October Revolution following the over throw of November regime, he was unanimously designated as the leader of October Revolution. He accomplished his mission: the election that produced New prime minister and parliament session and then he opted to be re-instated as Deputy Under secretery , ministry of Education but under the insistence of MPs , he accepted to be in the lead as ambassador extraordinary to Sudan in both England and Italy. Back to the morning of May, 25 in the wake of coup, emergence of new power institutions and preoccupation with securing condition, an identified authority sent to H.E Sirr AL-khatim Al-khalifa a telex to carry out the following order: Eviction of his official residence, surrender of his diplomatic passport and reporting to Khartoum. The Sudanese charge de affaires in Lopndon with trepidation received it. H.E was a way in Oxford attending a symposium or workshop concerning the South Sudan Cause. The charge de affaires didn’t relay the message as the ambassador had his conceived wife for delivery in Hospital. First, he remained silent and finally was compelled to break the bad News. H.E Sirr AL-khatim Al-khalifa was non-biased and non-chalant. He contacted some of his friends who advised him to delay his return home and observe the condition of his wife. The future wasn’t bleak. The first new child of ambassador came to life.