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Articles and ViewsUNAMID – accusation float on surface Kamal Ahmad Musa
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UNAMID – accusation float on surface Kamal Ahmad Musa

05-07-2014, 03:25 PM
Kamal Ahmad Musa
<aKamal Ahmad Musa
Registered: 04-18-2014
Total Posts: 7

UNAMID – accusation float on surface Kamal Ahmad Musa

    Has UNAMID failed on its mission primarly to protect civilians in Darfur? The preceding question has been posed in several forums locally and universally .Recently, UNMID has been exposed to un-remitting criticism for a massing copious amount of funds to wield it's logistical operations .in addition to there is an accusation that UNMID hasn't disclosed information on some relevant events and served it's due protection to vulnerable civilians in Darfur. Some correspondents maintained that they encountered painstakingly suffering whenever they wanted to get some information on some of incidents that entail the explanation of UNAMID. Aicha Al-basri, the former UNAMID spokesperson confessed that she battled to release a press statement with regard to some events in Darfur in which UNMID was involved. Other correspondents complained that in their travel to El-fasher to cover the meetings of implementing Doha Document for Peace in Darfur as result of UNMID strict procedures, they were delayed for more than 30 minutes from the time allotted for the inaugural session.
    UNAMID was officially set up at the end of July ,2007 inclusive of both African and U.N peace keeping troops by the U.N Security Council after adopting resolution No:1769 under the 7th chapter of U.N Convention . The UNMID had been devolved authority from AMIS ON 31ST of December, 2007 and its mandate is annually renewed. And up to 31st of August, 2014 will be in effect according the recently adopted resolution No: 2113. Some African diplomats opposed the renewal of UNMID mandate 3 years ago on the account of its failure to protect civilians in Darfur. And such criticism still pursues a hybrid -African Union and U.N forces. In this context, Omer Adam , a member of Sudanese parliament believes that UNAMID hasn't met the expectations that are related to it's entrusted objectives. As for the accusation of hiding information and hoarding a huge budget in the space of ten billion dollars and taking legal measures against Aicha Al-basri, the former Spokesperson, I a approached UNMID Office in Khartoum, an official asked me to wait until the return of , Asharaf Eisa, UMID Spokesperson from a visit abroad.
    Aisha Al-basri thinks that the U.N media policy is based on transparency and that it's non-permitted to conceal information from the media personnel and those who are concerned with U.N missions. Wave resentment
    The UNAMID has ignored revealing information about the reduction of 40,000 of its troops including One thousand policemen. One of UNAMID officials' rejected to answer a question about the reasons of forces retrenchment saying that they had ample Helicopters to cover remote areas. On the contrary, Aicha Al-BASRI, the Spokesperson for the African Union and United Nation Mission in Darfur denied that UNAMID had Helicopters or surveillance planes that will support and protect civilians. She added that UNAMID troops are poorly-equipped.
    In this regard, Abul Rahman Mursal, a military expert described UNMID as a burden on the country (Sudan) and they are demoralized to maximize their effort to protect civilians. He considered UNAMID experience as a failure and an extension of U.N Peacekeeping forces in some other countries. He thinks that UNMID Soldiers are more interested in financial privileges than commitment to their mission.
    It is worth mentioning that the casualties of UNMID rose to 42 persons. In a bid to allay criticism, the UN deliberately nominated Muhammad Ibn Chambas to replace Abraham Gambari in February, 2013 as the head of UNMID. Bin Shambas, a Guinean national was born in 1950 , a Secretary General of African , Caribbean and pacific Group (ACP) and emerged as the Secretary executive of Economic Community of West African States(ECWAS) and member of parliament in his country. In point of fact, UNMID Under his leader ship confronted a complicated crisis of abducting 31 displaced people on their way to attend displaces ment conference in El-fasher. It is alleged that they were travelling in a convoy escorted by elements of UNMID troops.
    Aisha Al-basri thinks that the U.N media policy is based on transparency and that it's non-permitted to conceal information from the media personnel and those who are concerned with U.N missions. Wave resentment cropped up among officials in Darfur in the wake of a further renewal of UNMID mandate for another year. Yousef Tebin, the governor of Central Darfur stated that UNMID should activate the protection of civilians.
    Kamal Ahamd Musa –University of Gedaref- Faculty of Education- Mobile Phone No: 0122305587

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