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Articles and ViewsAn open message to Dafuriain revolutionary movements’ leaders by Mubarak Ibrahim
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An open message to Dafuriain revolutionary movements’ leaders by Mubarak Ibrahim

04-23-2014, 03:11 PM
Mubarak Ibrahim
<aMubarak Ibrahim
Registered: 04-23-2014
Total Posts: 1

An open message to Dafuriain revolutionary movements’ leaders by Mubarak Ibrahim

    Don’t worry …Nobody is in hurry!!
    Of course, nobody will wonder about the reasons, justifications and motives which lie behind the conflict in Darfur whether satisfactory or not because this point is useless and in vain. Simply, those who carried arms and willingly embraced death with their necked bodies aren’t crazy or mentally ill. If so, Then there must be very strong reasons and motives behind the eruption of revolution in Darfur region.
    More than ten years passed since the revolution broke out in Darfur region and it hasn’t finished yet. And as result of the conflict a lot of price has been paid in advance and in cash. In this regard, It doesn’t matter how much price has been paid and also it doesn’t matter how long time has been passed so far. In fact, nobody is interested in how much time has gone or how much time is remain till we reach to the last point of our destination. Indeed all these things are not important for us; as Darfuriains and as” the New Sudan “ believers because we firmly believe that freedom is priceless and we are definitely sure that the game is nearly to be over. Moreover, we are quite sure the victory is going to be glorious and it is our dreams’ victory. Definitely, we will win the game sooner or later. Just it is a matter of time and more patient.
    Related to this optimistic vision and solid confidence we , as freedom believers and as supporters of radical change in Sudan we would like to pass an open message to Darfuriain movement leaders on high levels of leadership. See, we would like just to remind you that one day you will be face to face with unmerciful moment of history which can be positive or negative ; either be glorious history or shameful one and that is the real big challenge on ahead.
    On this ground, you; as freedom fighters top leaders one day you will find yourselves face to face before the court of history for judgment. Oh , really?! You might wonder ! What sort of judgment?
    Indeed it is no way to a void the judgment of history whether you like or dislike. Actually, we aren’t against peace and we don’t reject any step towards peace and stability in Darfur region or in any part of this country because we aren’t crazy or clinically insane. However, it is our right to ask you some simple questions in case you decide to go to” peace” willingly or unwillingly and our innocent questions as follow:
    Well, What type of peace ? !.. And how much it weighs ?!! Is it glorious peace or going to be shameful ?! And what about the previous peace agreements which have been signed before ? What was the end of all those tactic games …!
    No doubt, you must be deeply concerned and scared because of the international rapid developments which make the whole political environment is so cloudy. Despite of that and whatever the challenges you don’t have to be worried or scared about any consequences related to our future and particularly refugees, IDPs and all the victims of genocide and ethic ‘cleanings. Don’t worry… nobody is in hurry. Moreover, people in Darfur are more patient and they are ready to pay more and more price because they believe that both freedom and dignity are priceless. If you believe so please don’t forget that one day you will have got an appointment with history either it is going to be black or white. Certainly, the unmerciful appointment with history is the real challenge ahead. So please don’t disappoint our dreams and once again for million times don’t get worry nobody is in hurry….

    Mubarak Ibrahim
    [email protected]

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