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Articles and ViewsFrom an inspiration of freedom By: Kamal Ahmad Musa –Gedaref University
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From an inspiration of freedom By: Kamal Ahmad Musa –Gedaref University

04-18-2014, 02:59 PM
Kamal Ahmad Musa
<aKamal Ahmad Musa
Registered: 04-18-2014
Total Posts: 7

From an inspiration of freedom By: Kamal Ahmad Musa –Gedaref University

    Freedom is a beutiful word and every letter has meaing. F- food in the strife amidst crises. Festival of all colours and tongues. F, the first letter is the last letter in my city:Gedaref. I would like to thank Dr.Muhammad khair, the friend of Sudanese Novelist, Tayeb Salih who praised public education committee in Gedaref for opening the door for an attainment . The public committee in it’s structure was a typical ethnic mix of Sudan then. And Gedaref in which Dr.Muhammad khair waxed nostalgic in his corresspondene with TAYEB salih was Sudan that included the New South republic. One of my colleague at Gedaref Unversity from London described Gedaref as an ugly. Dr.Muhammad khair delighted me when he referred in his famous letter to Tayeb Sail :Danagal tribe as a part from the racial multi-components of Gedaref city. Michael Usher in his famous book:”Khartoum, the ultimate imperial adventure “ described Danagla as heir of civilizaton when Rome was a village and London a swamp. One thing my colleague didn’t know that the verb from the English word:beauty in Arabic is “tajamali” and that meant for the Ara bedoin girl ointing her her hair with little liquid fat to leave it shining and lustrous . Salah Bin El-badiya, a sudanese singer sung to such girl in Eastern Sudan who use fat or tallow to beautify her hair : From her hair the gold flowed, trickled but never spilled!”
    Now , back to freedom . “R.’ The second letter means roses and ray of sun. E,eye , the spell of eyes and the second e means an ear for music, songs of birds and cries of joy. The letter “r” means room for dialogue, spiritual meditations and reprief from the pressures of life. The letter “d” in freedom stands for drops of dew. And the letter “o” represents oxygene. And the last letter “m” stands for sunny and happy morning. And these days , the letter “m” is reminiscent of the Columbian novelist Marques Garcia who has recently passed away at he age of 87. He was one of the first journalists who visited Post-revolutionarr Cuba arriving 18 days after Fidel Castro entered Havana on the first of January,1959. Gabriel marques Garcia famous novels include “ Hundred years of solitude” ‘’The autumn of the patriach” “No one writes to the Collonel “ and “love in the time of cholera” and the last work was made into film in 2007. The Columbian president Juan Manuel Santos mourned the novelist Garcia on twitter saying ‘’ One thousand years of solitude and sadness for the death of the greatest Columbian of all times. Our condolences from Gedaref in Eastern Sudan to the family, friends and fans of Garcia who wrote epic stories of love and dictatroship in Latin America.

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