04-02-2014, 02:56 PM |
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 85
April-stirred roots and hearts By Abdulaziz Ali Omer
Looking glum in our slum, I woke up in the wee hours with a question a kin to the yawn of blossoms that fronted bed-room. What is “aperire” ? I asked . The beautiful Annabel showered and came out wet, smiling and we betted over what did it mean( no stakes except the fragrance of flowers), breathed into our faces from Britainica Encylopedia that lost us the bet . But we learned what was “aperire”. That is actually the latin root of April translated as flowers in bloom. April, this year has arrived to see soaring Carbon dioxide temperatures . It is miserable Tuesday, with relentless sweat, no rain yet. As April breezes blow small birds fly in their journey South. If you feel irritated by the heat, think of white egrets that come with the return of depleted rain fall in July. Another thing you do , breathe in with pleasure and contemplate those words of the Poet T.S Elliot: April is the crulest month , breeding from dead land, mixing memory and desire , stirring dull roots with Spring rain. Oh, for the Spring rain! There is always hot sun, one of my friends says. In our sun-burnt country, sun, the invaluable gift is taken for granted. In the globe, there are people who are lusting for places dappled with it’s light. The same friend ask : where is the spring rain? It seems that Sudan is a like place described by D. lawrence as “ sprinked in to a darkness that has never penetrated it”. One columinst recently asked” If you cann’t trust aTibetan monk, who will you trust?! Shiekh Hamad Al-jali, the charasmitic sufi leader once led a peace initiative that failed . Let me repeat the same question to still bickering Sudanese: If you cann’t trust Sufi, the people of God, who will you trust?! April is new chance of life, the green touch of spring on the beach of soul. Be kind. It is April as you know now. April fool day is aday on which people tell thing that are are untrue . As nawar Yassin, the editor of Al-arabi magazine published in Kuait long reminded :” a teacher looks up to the ceiling shouting to student look! There is a flight of geese rising from the classroom. A lady in a light mood tell her friend that she had caught a glimpse of her respected husband with a red-dressed woman on the shore of Gulf.” Etc. April’s fool ar those people who thought April 1 was January 1. An April fish is fish with papery limbs on which are written sneering words stuck to the back of some one with out his notice. An April fish is a cause of smile to passer-by. A fool on climate change is a relatively recent term and means a person who denies the incidence of climate change and sails close to the wind. Fools on climate change will make residents of low-lying areas the casualties of flood , illness and death as the the blealk U.N has revealed. April has taught me that children and mothers should be cared for and not be left as a prey to our avorcaious appetite for money. Alshoroug , a Sudanese T.V channel presented a story called Ya gaza that is vigilance . In this story, a 12 year old girl was brought to court to act as historian for an event. A father has murdered his wife. The young girl didn’t accuse her father of having hanged her mother. She bowed to kiss his cuffed hand in silence as he cried. That was the worst penalty. The suspected father got out of prison for the lack of an evidence. But the guilt chased him in the looks of his children whose strangled mother image was imprinted in their minds. I have adream that April will be a month for lesser domestic violence.