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Articles and ViewsWhy I am opposed to IGAD's role to mediate peace By: Gatkuoth Lok
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Why I am opposed to IGAD's role to mediate peace By: Gatkuoth Lok

03-30-2014, 05:48 PM
Gatkuoth Lok
<aGatkuoth Lok
Registered: 03-30-2014
Total Posts: 1

Why I am opposed to IGAD's role to mediate peace By: Gatkuoth Lok

    You people of the world should look into the malicious contradictory role played by IGAD in bad faith, the blood thirsty club of dictators which has orchestrated the dirty business of unfaithfully earning the petrodollars, gratuitously contributed by the peace loving countries; Norway US,UK, and others on the claim of bringing peace to our country, however ended up knowingly ignoring the law of non-contradiction seeing that lesser evil in favor of president Kiir to remain president for life !!!
    The presence of Ugandan troops (UPDF) in South Sudan actively fighting against pro-democracy forces of Dr.Machar has destroyed many lives in the country. These forces are not only fighting rebel forces but also now haunting Nuer civilians in anywhere they are in order to execute fullyMuseveni-Kiir's project of life presidency whose actualization presupposes bothMachar's and Nuercivilians's non-existence, which of course be applicable later on to other democratic leaders from other ethnic groups and their dear civilians. Such is a utilitarian necessary undertaking done by power hungry presidents; Kiir and his mentor Museveni of Uganda.
    This Museveni-Kiir's project has become the grand project wholeheartedly supported by the IGAD and almost all its member states embraced the same project for it may not only have a feature of redemption good for them all-life presidency in the 21st century but also have hypothetical imperative necessary for their progress? What do I mean here? Let us see as follows.
    One vital epitomizing factor of hypothetical imperative is that IGAD is receiving a tremendous support from troika countries and international community in terms of funds for the ongoing talks. Second factor is the fact that Museveni's mercenaries in South Sudan are paid in US dollars as sincerely exposed by South Sudan minister of defence, KuolManyang.
    One may ask this question whether or not is evil in religious context, is erroneous morally, dehumanizing philosophically, illegal in legal viewpoint and bizarrepolitically speakingto play a game of both directly and indirectly contributing the continuation of the crisis in South Sudan and exerting efforts in bad faith to bring the crisis to an end.This is the quintessential business of IGAD now in progress. This business will not help us to resolve the crisis but the reverse is true.
    Let us be pragmatic, that IGAD's forces in Ugandan military inform arecruelly cleansingNuer civilians using all means necessary, all traditional and banned weapons they have at their disposal and even they are using the banned cluster bombs in anywhere nowadays except Juba, yet IGAD made sincere appreciations to Museveni's military intervention into South Sudan crisis, crowning him as King of dictators. In other words,to almost everybody surprise President Museveni was given a thanksgiving banquet in disguise of IGAD's summit, in Addis Ababa where Museveni was praised for his partaking in the work of defeating or killing Dr. Machar, the rebel leader alongside President Kiir's forces. This has proven beyond any doubt that it is unthinkable to say IGAD is neutral to continue with the mediation work on peace negotiation between the warring parties.
    Therefore; thisbusiness should be stopped now by the world body-UN. Without stoppingsuch forces destroying our people, will be equal to my personal suspicion becoming true that Uganda is a close friend to the United States of America that cannot just be acting in such a way without a-yes-do-it-sign so to speak from the US unless lineal to socialist bloc this time.
    If the said relation is not encouraging the Nuer civilians cleansing in Juba and elsewhere then the UN should take its responsibility seriously of working to bring peace to South Sudanese. I am proposing that the quest of bringing peace to our people is beyond IGAD capacity so to say. Methinks it is not sacrosanct to say that the negotiation between Machar's and Kiir's camps be done by the UN and not by IGAD which is mediating the peace talks and sending forces to fight against the rebel. This must stop.
    The business of making peace is always done by a body which is fully aware specifically of the principle of non-contradiction, which does not permit IGAD in this context, to be a mediation team and be part and parcel of Kiir's allies fighting against the rebels. So Igad cannot both be peace mediator and peace violator at the same time under the same respect at the watch of the world body, UN.Let us see IGAD'S choice- explicitly manifesting where IGAD exactly belongs in the end.

    IGAD's summit outcome is the nuclear embodiment of Kiir-IGAD secret deal. How can we know this? Look into this bellow argument to expose IGAD's position.
    We are right now engaged with the act of rationally proving wrong the IGAD team of negotiation based on truth of facts.
    The outcome of the IGAD's summit is a clear indication of siding with SalvaKiir's regime. How?
    This became true forUganda president Museveni has a strong control over IGAD. How do you know?
    We have known this because this body, IGAD is not honest as of the beginning, its member states did appear to be doing different things, namely Uganda president declared his military support to Kiir despite the fact that it is part and parcel of the mediating IGAD. Whereas Ethiopia's rhetoric objection of Ugandan troops' existence in South Sudan made some people to believe that Ethiopia is opposed to Ugandan military intervention in the country. That it sounded to be supporting the rebel, yet that was not the case.
    And this even caused naïve opinion writers to say there emerged a kind of schism among the components of IGAD, but allof a sudden IGAD member states unanimously ended up deciding the second phase reinforcement to Kiirs's forces. For the first reinforcement is now exhausted fighting in the country incorrectly labeled as Ugandan troops but IGAD's forces in the name of Ugandan forces since they are all in Ugandan military uniform.
    The all business of IGAD is in bad faith legally speaking and the watching done by the international community and troika countries with their smart efforts exerted, has been in bad faith philosophically speaking too, for one does not expect such an entity as IGAD to do the job excellent between a fellow ideologue (dictator Kiir) and the opposite (democrat Dr. Machar).
    The IGAD's components are almost having one thing in common favorable to President Kiir, notably; life presidency is their virtue to helpKiir over Machar who is now accused of fighting a just war and on necessarily peacefully-politically propelling democracy into existence in the country, fabricated a coup attempt by Kiir.

    This brings us to realize that IGAD has a confidential deal with its members particularly with Ugandan that deliberately disobeyed IGAD's member states pretending mediating peace between the warring parties of this conflict.
    Hence, the rest of IGAD's member states did knowingly deceive the whole world that it has never been explicitly and implicitly supporting president Museveni in his interference in to the internal affairs of sovereign South Sudan, militarily.
    However; it is undoubtedly proved right that IGAD has a hand in Museveni's military interference into South Sudan internal affairs, which is contradicting the international law of non-intervention into a sufficient state's internal affairs, when it proposed another reinforcement to be sent to South Sudan????
    It implies that Igad is both working hard to resolve South Sudan crisis in bad faith and to fuel the country conflict more further at the same time, then it is blameworthy of the war continuation,for that reason; it is not neutral to mediate peace between the concerned parties.
    Consequently it is justifiable to disqualify it based upon its intentional unfaithfulness in the mediation.

    Kiir'ssycophants, lackeys and darn fools may argue that IGAD is the right mediation team because it is able to send some of its member states troops to help Kiir'sso-called elected government defeat the rebels and their supporters. Therefore it is impartial not to be changed.
    That argument in essence, is illogical and non-convincing for we need a neutral body not co-opted one. It is not rational to obey IGAD to continue mediating the talks in question and also sending troops to fight the rebels, this must be labeled as blind obedience. And it is unwelcome.
    Others can also argue that there is no need to complain about IGAD's partiality since it helps us defeat the so-called democrats' camp of Dr. Machar and cleanse all Nuer people as did by President Kiir Mayardit on 15 Dec. to date with the help of IGAD so as to institutionalize benyocracy ( a rule by few Dinka chiefs with their cronies).
    First of all, we need an impartial body as UN, second of all democracy is our ideal not to be tempered with, third of all Nuer cleansing by Kiir with the help from IGAD is never legal for it caused Kiir now to be illegitimate president who has killed the very civilians who contributed greatly for his election to transitional presidency under Sudan by then and IGAD non-neutrality to no longer fit for mediation.
    ----One may still argue that the world will not end because Nuer civilians were massacred in Juba, people like the Jews were in the past roasted in the gas chamber and the world is still moving. And Rwundans are no exception and their country now the peaceful country in Africa.
    This cynical attitude toward others is never entertained in a multi-religious, multi-cultural and multi- ethnic country as South Sudan in the 21st century.
    Another may argue that Riek Machar is not always for good things which benefit South Sudan, 1991 fight for the Independence of South Sudan was another setback he caused for us to obtain our independence early, because Dr. John Garang was about to defeat the Arabs to become president of the all Sudan. So Riek is bothering us with democracy, why doesn't he wait for president Kiir to finish his term till 2020 and beyond( GreaterBhar el Gazel's conference resolution).
    In fact Dr Riek managed to correct an erroneous mistake of pursuing unity of Sudan, Dr. Garang's vision. All of us unanimously embrace Machar's vision of secession of South Sudan from mother Sudan.To wait President Kiir till 2020 and beyond is equal to dictatorship which must not be our choice for political ideology whatsoever.
    A stupid one can also argue that why Riek is killing people because of power? Salva Kiir will not be there for life he will forgive him to come to sit in his house nobody will bother him.
    Salva Kiir chatters too, that people talk that Nuer is the second largest tribe in the country but it will be the least tribe in the country. And you can see for yourselves all hats and caps in the markets are over bought by the Nuer men covering their marks on their foreheads…………… This is the manifestation of Kiir's mockery on his genocidal project of killing all in whole and in part.
    To finish the remaining Nuers Kiir is mobilizing all 63 ethnic groups (now repudiated by Equatorians and Fertits) and Museveni with his great lake allies to kill Nuer people and cleanse them all.
    Last argument that Riek is after Prophet Ngundeng's prophecies and he is rebelling because he wants a Nuer country excluding other 63 ethnic groups in the country this qualifies him to be defeated militarily with the help of Ugandan military and the great lake countries.
    First Greater Equatoria declaration to rally behind Dr. Machar is enough to enlighten us that our cause is Machar's democracy plus federalism which is our system of government opposed to Kiir's dictatorship and his unitary system, the current government system.
    Though the great man of western Equatoria H.E Joseph Bakasoro is claiming not to support what he calls senseless war. He is never serious because the man is a strong believer in democracy as well as federalism. Denying that position is tantamount to his espouse of institutionalizing dictatorship in the country opposed to Democracy. In other words, to fight for democracy is never senseless war but the governor has compromised his faith in democracy consequential to his undoubted bad faith in Sartrean's point of view. Well we do not bother of his denial to his belief since it is our cause to pursue the fight to the end.
    The claim of Ngundeng's prophecies to be the reason for the rebellion is untrue.
    The rebellion was imposed by Kiir himself for he tried to assassinate Machar and his allies.
    Then it became rational for South Sudanese who are supporting democracy to fight back against dictator Kiir.
    I do not want to talk much trying to prove that Nuer are not the ones opposed to Kiir's government because the ones opposed to Kiir's govt are South Sudanese who are opposed to dictatorship that must not be our government.
    Have a look into Kiir'sgovt you will find good number of Nuers serving in the govt, but prone to death at any time because Kiir's criterion of killing people in Juba is being found a Nuer then you are qualified to die.
    Many Nuer civilians were badly murdered because it could not come to their minds that they would unquestionably die simply because they are Nuer by tribe.
    This cemented and concretized the statement that 'when you were or are found a Nuer you are dead'.
    This follows that the govt of Kiir is the one dividing and destroying the country by targeting Nuer people and making a projection that Dinka are killed by Nuer, you Dinka forgive them but do not forget.
    Where did Nuer kill Dinka because they are Dinka by tribe? Nowhere whatsoever. Kiir talked of mass graves in Bentiu, that was untrue it was a mere projection likening it with the Nuercivilians mass graves in Juba.
    Kiir talked of Dinka civilians killed in Akoba, but that was untrue also Akoba is a Lou Nuer home no Dinka residents killed. The fight broke out in Akoba between soldiers loyal to Machar against the ones loyal to criminal president Kiir.
    All the above series of counterarguments are the paraphrased counterexample arguments presented in every forum by Kiir's supporters, sycophants and lackeys, the like of Ateny Wek Ateny and Tellar Ring Deng, the two fake lawyers.
    To sum up our discourse it is a need for us in the country to have peace we need in essence
    The peace we aspire for is the peace we achieve with the help of a body which does not dance to the tune of any one of the warring parties that mediation team objectively sees the procedural steps to achieve a relative peace.
    It also imposes decisions for the fact that the decisions are contributing exclusively to achieve the goal needed-peaceful and fundamental democracy.
    IGAD should humbly accept to step aside to give way to UN for mediating the peace talks objectively.
    Gatkuoth Lok is a South Sudanese political analyst, a strong believer in SPLM-O in Khartoum. He can be reached @ [email protected]

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