03-14-2014, 04:18 PM |
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 85
Another son is dead By: Abdulaziz Ali Omer
In the last column, we met proffessor Zein Al-abdin who applauded to us the University of Khartoum for having stake in issues of Sudanes people and their share didn’t leave innoculated to sporadic friction and skirmishes with the colonial Britich Adminstration or succesive governments of independent Sudan. These words lluminated by all candles and coloured with all flowers in world funerals come in a reference to Ali musa , a sudanese young man , bearded, non-chalant, the casualty of recent riot that broke out at khartoum university on the background of political unrest in North Darfur state. Could there have been a more tragic incident than the passing of a human in the prime of youth. Ali went out of the world not in the same way he went int o Khartoum University for the first time tall, athletic, smiling , winking and dreaming in peace of peace lost at his home town. Ali now is bereft of life, hostle bunk, lecture-hall seat, an iminent joy of graduation , family happiness but all these extinct mundane privilidges don’t lose him his right to the garden of Eden. Ali departed us to sprint in another world with no hypocrisy , groveling , indignities and flesh pain. Ali admonished like the artist Robert Henri his colleagues saying “ paint the flying spirit of bird rather than it’s feathers” The earth appetized the tempest torn feather and the flying spirit turned in Tear-Gas and wrath. We forgot that the flying spirit he meant was patience, restraint and keeping the struggle for a just and peaceful life without letting it ruined with provocateurs. One thing I loved hearing in the wake of recent protest is was a declaration of cease-fire in honour of the martyr Ali Musa instead of sharing threats and accusations. In order to shed some light on lastest violence causes in Khartoum , I asked Dr Safot Fanoos, from the poitical division at Univesity for his opinion. He is a proponent of using a peaceful mchanism as substitute for security deterences and believes that it is prudent for the moment not to release arbitrary accusations. Abdullah Khatir, a journalist regarded the inicidents of violence at Khartoum University as a consequence of political unrest through out the country, psychatric and social piling presures,. “The problems of Sudanese community should be resolved via a transparent dialogue” he said. Malik Abu-Hassan, the Secretaru-General of Sudanese Congress Party, viewed the protest at Univesity as an expression of legitimate demand and that confronting it with force is a criminal act. He added “ The incidents at the Univesity of Khartoum are inconsistent with the spirit of dialogue .” Saif El-din Al-dasougi, a Sudanese poet wrote” The most pleasnat thing in people is their simplicity and modesty but the metal of which they are made is more precious than gold” Let us preserve our people’s lives first and then we shall sing for democracy.