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Articles and ViewsThe influence of factious leaders and the confederation in South Sudan!!By Daniel Abushery Daniel (
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The influence of factious leaders and the confederation in South Sudan!!By Daniel Abushery Daniel (

03-05-2014, 08:18 PM
Daniel Abushery Daniel
<aDaniel Abushery Daniel
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 9

The influence of factious leaders and the confederation in South Sudan!!By Daniel Abushery Daniel (

    The influence of factious leaders and the confederation in South Sudan!!
    By: Daniel Abushery Daniel (USA)
    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr says it best; “it is not enough to say we must not wage war, it is necessary to love peace and sacrifice for it.”

    Public consultation is essential and healthy where there are a verity of communities with different ideologies and prejudice among its members, especially in a newly born nation like South Sudan, not to mention the nation – state relationship, which is mostly vague, because they can't seem to agree on specifics. But make no mistake about it. It shouldn't be surprising that different view of confederation system in my humble opinion should be the answer!
    In spite of that; the simple legal definition of confederate system is; “a confederate government is a type of government where a treaty signed between states. However, they are allowed to preserve some independent power over internal and external affairs. Such governments tend to have a common constitution, common currency, common defense and common foreign affairs.”

    The truth of the matter is that, South Sudan is multi cultural, traditional and religious. You can also call it a homogenous country, if you will, and that's due to all these various tribes dwelling in. But, despite all of the above, the influence of factious leaders may kindle a flame within their particular ethnic groups. However, with federalism, it will unable them to spread a general conflagration through other states. Because in a large federalist system, there are always many checks and balance on a majority faction – more interests competing with each other and large distances to separate those who might scheme to deprive others of liberty.
    Because the causes of faction could not be removed without placing too many restrictions on freedom, its effects had to be controlled by a properly constructed government, if a faction were less than a majority, it could be controlled through majority rule. Nonetheless, if the faction were a majority, it can lead to limit the ability of a majority to carry out its wishes. “It’s Interests” and that was through well articulated and let me repeat; a well written constructed constitution of the land.

    My friends; if our leaders are listening to many voices and a numerous articles that were posted in the past; we should avoid the current catastrophe we are countenanced today!
    What’s the word interest means?
    The definition of the word interest may vary, but the common definition divided into two types; private interest groups that seek economic benefits for their members or clients. For example; business, labor, and agriculture:
    The second is; public interest groups, which always lobby for political and social causes, if they succeed, benefits are shared more widely than by just the members of the group.
    For example; here in America, the Taxpayers Union Lobbies for reduced taxes not only for its members but for everyone who pays taxes. Another example is; Amnesty International lobbies for the rights of political prisoners around the world even though none of its members are prisoners. Although nearly all groups think of themselves as pursuing the public interest, the label applies to those working for other than personal or corporate interests. However, “public interest” does not mean that a majority of the necessarily favors the goals of these groups.
    The points that I am trying to stress here is: Yes, we have many tribes and communities in South Sudan, but we can not achieved our interests through those communities, but through social, economic, and political parties, if we really mean to succeed and share the benefits. It will be faulty perception for a single group to achieve their own interests excluding other groups in the region.

    Therefore, we urge all conflicted parties, all forces and all citizens to stop escalating violence and embrace a culture of peace and to reject hostility, and return away from division, incitement, hate speech, rumors and accusations and learn to resolve dispute through dialogue in a spirit of unity, remember, we are all brothers and sisters regardless of geographical boundaries, ethnicity, religion, culture, or political affiliation, with the insisting on mutual respect for diversity through federal and confederation system!

    Mr. President; for the sacrificial of our nation that you and your comrades squandered more than two decades in the bush, struggling and fighting for its independence, it’s wasn’t worth the fighting for, just to achieve a private interests of a certain factious group. Let’s all embrace peaceful coherence, and averted the hell of war.

    Please, step aside!

    The author of this article is a Criminologist, reachable at [email protected].

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