02-19-2014, 03:20 AM |
Salih Mikki
Pay attention (2) Forgery in Sudan Identity! ! ! ? ? ?/Salih Mikki
Salih Mikki منذ حوالي ساعة · • Pay attention (2) Forgery in Sudan Identity! ! ! ? ? ?. Firstly I would like to give you very short and brief historical background about the homeland Sudan, which is in the Garden of Eden territory, and it’s a very big country with many different tribes living together, for more than hundreds of centuries ago, before the coming of so called Arab tribes from Arab island after the changing of the environment into desertification, which let them to flee to earth paradise in Africa Sudan, and they came to Sudan following their livestock as animal herder, as well as traders, when they came to Sudan they found that Sudan was well organized with well qualified kings, who were ruling kingdoms of Alawa,Nabtah, Soaba, Sinnar, and Darfur kingdom which was Islamized long time ago, even before the coming of Arabs who are now claiming that Islam is their culture denying any religion, such as paganism and others African local religions, therefore Islam has existed in Darfur simultaneously without any messenger and definitely we are proud of that. Nevertheless, since they came to Sudan, immediately they started spoiling the land, dominating land, and creating problems to the indigenous African nation, though, Sudanese have received them warmly, and have agreed to love each other and live together peacefully without racial discrimination, believing in mutual respect and share interests, but they continued their conspiracies, aggressions, betrayals, and exercising the otherness policy against the African tribes, which deeply and seriously harmed the unity of the Sudan and sabotaged its solidarity and coherence, but above of all these, there are so dangerous attempts from Arabs threatening the identity of the Sudan, by doing a lot to change the identity of the Sudan into Arabization, and wash away all African culture through belittling and humiliating its origin, that’s why, since Sudan had its so called, Sudan independence” although I do not confess of it at all, because nothing been changed and achieved, but only was the changing of faces and ways, implementing the same policies of the colonization, playing divide and rule policy to enable them to rule the Sudan as long as they can, therefore all of these consecutive regimes including the current one of ALBASHIR regime, are the same currency with different faces, and all these regimes have been doing for a long time to change the identity, and they managed to Arabized Sudan, culturally and even physically, by using the power, compelling African Sudanese to obey and deal with the Arab culture otherwise you are not Sudanese! ! ! ! ! ? ? ? ? ?. So they have been working hardly day and night and mobilizing their people to fight African cultures, and they succeeded to erase it completely in the Sudan, which is horrible, and substituted it with the new one which is entirely Arabic, absorbing our original African culture into their own Arabized one, moreover they convinced some of African tribes to abandon their own culture and believe in Arabic one, because, when they use their own culture they feel with shame and embracement, that’s why they don’t want to speak their own languages but Arabic, in addition to this I want you to give a glance on all Sudanese TVs channels and see what types and sorts of people who work there, the answer is white Arab ladies and gentlemen, no one from black ladies and gentlemen allowed to be there or just appear presenting TV programs, this is why its legally prohibited and not permissible to any one of dark skin to be seen on TV screen, because it’s a big stigma for them in front of their brothers in Arab countries, even those who take pictures, photos and videos they are just concentrating and focusing on brown colors, rather than on black, so as to show Arab countries that Sudan has fully arabized and no more room to any black skin in the country, not only that but also many of government institutions, banks, companies, and taxation, are all their brothers, blacks working there as daily labors for hard works only, and majority of them are working in cotton fields in algazira state, and some other making bricks on the banks of blue Nile and white Nile, it’s really miserable life and tremendous sufferance and tragedy happening to our people in Sudan, consequently and it’s not surprised to find the same policy in the military field, all officers are whites on the other hand all soldiers are blacks! ! ! ? ? ?, who are used to come from marginalized areas, Darfur, blue Nile, and Nuba mountain. Finally, and sic, I attempted to shade alight on the horrible gloomy future for our people and our identity, and I will keep calling on and reminding you to be aware and vigilant to these kinds of issues, and fight for our belongingness, identity, freedom, equality, justice, real citizenship, and retake our identity, and let us all be Sudanese, regardless of our races, colors, cultures, and build Sudan well built constructed state, specifying the real identity of the Sudan not this current one which is mutilated, and not representing majority of Sudanese people, whereas it’s just for the minority of the people in the Sudan, imposing their power on us and exploiting our energies to work for them, but let me say the time has come to create new Sudan, Sudan of all Sudanese not for elite criminal gang, then we will raise up the flags in the sky and sing a song cheering Sudan for Sudanese and comers must, must, must go away. Written by Abuzikriat. Third of februry.2014
