02-08-2014, 01:40 AM |
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 85
Words By:Abdulaziz Ali Omer
By:Abdulaziz Ali Omer Words! said Hamlet, the prince of Denemark to speak of his feelings to the father of his darling . This February carries words of Sudanese maddened not with flesh of women but with the earth of this land-The Sudan. The first word is mine and through it I whisper to my dear mother and her good nierghbours a thank you on behalf of a poor window for their contribution to her ticket . She wanted to see her son who an accident was afflicted with amensia that is the loss of memory . The second word is list of grienvances and images of environmental degradation in Sennar State by Abdulrahman Zouma in his column” between two brackets” . He described the bungled governor of that state as “bull in a china shop” calling for his resignation. The third word , Igive to some citizen of Gedaref who who demanded an access to all drugs within pharmacies of health insurance. Well done!. In the final word , Farmers asked for repealing the 2005 act of flawed Gezira agriculural schem . Professor Zubair Taha raised the recovery of the fore-mentioned project as the dvelopment slogan in 2014. Professor Zubair visited us while we were in the army in Gedaref as a minister of Higher Erducation in 2000. One of words I recall from his address is “ repulse” in a reference to pushing off the troops that rebelled against Khartoum. His visit out-wardly provided us a recess from the rigour of going through drills. In-wardly , we were tormented by sorrows of Sudan as nation. We didn’t carry the card of party. We dreamt og going to to any Sudanese University, holding manuscripts of researches and mixing with the wits and beauties of the country. One of army instructors described us as scum . I believed and I still believe in two things: Arabic –Gum isn’t scum and repulse isn” new pulse.