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Articles and ViewsHistory will never ever forgive S. Sudan leaders by Mubarak Ibrahim
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History will never ever forgive S. Sudan leaders by Mubarak Ibrahim

02-08-2014, 00:38 AM
Mubarak Ibrahim

History will never ever forgive S. Sudan leaders by Mubarak Ibrahim

    What has happened recently in S.Sudan is a big shock for the whole humanity and it was so shameful as well. We, as Sudanese people who belong to the northern part of the “ Mother land” before it has been torn out by some evil hands into what so called North and South. On the ground we are hundreds and thousands miles away from S.Sudan but with our inner painful feelings we are entirely with the sufferings of all the innocent victims . really, we are suffering like them because we are one nation .
    No doubt, the image there; in that newly born state is so horrible and painful . Great numbers of an innocent, children, women have been killed in a cold blood as well as forcing and chasing many others to flee from their humble villages .
    Oh , my God…we could not imagine…it is perfectly tragic and shameful scene which will never be forget easily . what kinds of devils behind those horrible crimes …who is going to bear the responsibility of destroying the dreams of the newly born state ….why those fresh and wonderful flowers been damaged unmercifully while the Sun of the independence and freedom has not yet fully risen in the heart of the sky …Oh, how so painful! …how so disappointed for them! And also how so disappointed for us. !!
    Oh , my God ! ..How those leaders feel right now and how they will convince us and all the people round the world one day with satisfactory justifications which forced them to ruin and damage all the green fields and dreams of the recently new born state in Africa !! Of course, it is going to be so difficult if not impossible to get any justification for all the horrible and cruel crimes which have been committed there in a cold blood against those innocent children and women.
    No body, round the globe could able to imagine exactly the catastrophic situation of the newly born country because the child is still creeping on the ground and so far has not grown up properly. If so, it is going to be very hard and difficult to be explained and justify. Anyway, whatever the reasons, purposes and hidden agendas behind the miserable image the history will ever never forgive the president Salvar Kiir and his comrades. Oh , not only the history but also the innocent victim’s condemns will chase them forever. In particular, the president because he has made a big mistake and he did that very early. Yes , he is mainly responsible for all the bad reactions and consequences which caused the bloody conflict in S.Sudan. If I were him, I would not have made such hasty decisions. Yes if i were in so high position, I would not have acted in such hurried way!! How can someone delete with a pencil his comrades history easily and without making any respect to their history, feelings and their sacrifices as well. Really, true heroes and freedom fighters never put in their consideration remaining in power as top aim in their life because such way of thinking is against the principles of any revolution on the earth and under the sun . finally, let us all remind the great hero; Mr. Mandila as an unique model of wisdom, cleverness and modesty . If only, we were Nilson Mandila, the situation in S. Sudan would be quite different so far.

    Mubarak Ibrahim
    [email protected]

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