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Articles and ViewsSudanese experts rule out lifting of the U.S economic sanctions on Sud
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Sudanese experts rule out lifting of the U.S economic sanctions on Sud

09-02-2013, 05:35 PM
SudaneseOnline News

Sudanese experts rule out lifting of the U.S economic sanctions on Sud

    Sudanese experts rule out lifting of the U.S economic sanctions on Sudan at this stage
    2013-08-29 18:20:00
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    Osama bin Laden Osama bin Laden

    Khartoum-Sudanese diplomats, economists and businessmen have ruled out lifting of the economic sanctions on Sudan at this stage, downplaying the importance of the diplomatic efforts to lift sanctions under the America strict in this regard.

    At workshop on the benefit of exceptions in U.S economic sanctions which organized by Sudan's Foreign Ministry on Sudan, the experts called for alternative means to override the sanctions, including the direct contact with American businessmen and institutions through Sudanese private sector and to promote the concept that the Sudanese citizen is the single victim of U.S economic sanctions

    The legal counsel of Kenana Sugar Company, Dr. Al-Tigani Al-Karib, said that America could be against Sudan but not an enemy as the mutual economic interests between the two countries can break the sanctions.

    In October 1997, the US imposed comprehensive economic, trade and financial sanctions against Sudan in response to its alleged connection to terror networks and human rights abuses. Further sanctions, particularly on weapons, have been imposed since the 2003 outbreak of violence in the western Darfur region.

    From 1991 to 1996 Sudan hosted Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, who was killed in
    Pakistan by US Navy SEALS last year.

    But since 2001 Sudan has cooperated extensively with the US on counterterrorism matters drawing praise by Washington in terrorism assessment as recent as this year.

    According to the annual US terrorism report, the Sudanese government continued to work last year on limiting activities of Al-Qaeda inspired groups operating in Sudan, while also disrupting foreign fighters’ use of Sudan as a "logistics base and transit point for violent extremists going to Iraq and Afghanistan".

    Except for Hamas, the government "does not openly support the presence of terrorist elements within its borders," the report said.
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