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Articles and Views Say `no` to incivility in South Sudan. By Luk Kuth Dak- Atlanta
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Say `no` to incivility in South Sudan. By Luk Kuth Dak- Atlanta

10-26-2013, 04:18 AM
Luk Kuth Dak

Say `no` to incivility in South Sudan. By Luk Kuth Dak- Atlanta

    Say `no` to incivility in South Sudan.

    By Luk Kuth Dak- Atlanta.

    There are a lot of reasons to be proud of my 11 - year- old daughter, Mirry Dak. She's a decent human being.

    Mirry says " thank you" to her teachers when homework paper is passed back to her. She's the first to thank the waiters and waitresses when we go out to eat.

    Most importantly, she thanks me and her Mom, Ms. Pricilla Abel Chol for doing our parental duties she receives from us. To that: I'm very, very proud of my daughter for being decent, and I hope that she will not succumb to the peers pressure of incivility.

    Lack of decency's the prime reason why people do not get along very well. A look at the comments at the bottom of my article entitled: " Demanded: Who's the Real Manasseh Magok Rundial," the Speaker of the Parliament in the Republic of South Sudan ( RSS) indicated very clearly that there's a gap. A gap between my generation and the current one.

    Growing up in Nasir, my Mom and Dad taught me to respect anyone and everyone, especially those who are older than me. I have never insulted anyone. Not once. It was a shame like no other to disparage, berate others even when they did something wrong to you. They understood that in order to be respected you have to first respect yourself.

    Their wisdom never left me.

    But that's not the case with the " Ghost" commentators. It seems the only thing the really know is throwing insults around with such an ease. The burning question is: Why can't they stand behind their words if they're proud of them?

    As a writer, I welcome the debate with those who disagree with my viewpoints, but only if they stand behind their words and identify themselves. That task is impossible with the " Ghost " commentators.

    And as a positive person, I do not loath all of them, for some of them have contributed positively in enriching debates in our quest to serve our country. Also, am aware that as writers, we sometimes catch hell from luns for telling the truth.

    Admittedly, one comment brought tears to my eyes and sadness to my heart. The commentator insulted my Mom, the late Nyawoub Bol Mut Kour with words I cannot repeat here.

    But for the best information of the coward, my Mom was a mother, a community leader and a volunteer midwife, who refused any compensations for her service.

    I am proud of you, Mom. Like your grand-daughter, Mirry, you were a lady and a decent human being.

    I love you!


    The author is a former broadcasting journalist at Juba Radio. He can be reached at [email protected].

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