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Leadership in South Sudan, the greatest crisis of our life By: Danie

10-09-2013, 06:44 AM
Daniel Abushery Daniel

Leadership in South Sudan, the greatest crisis of our life By: Danie

    Leadership in South Sudan, the greatest crisis of our life

    By: Daniel Abushery Daniel (USA)

    They say in leadership, there is no born leader. All are made, polished or groomed by other people, who came before them. More to the point, some people aren't meant to be leaders. And, I can’t agree more with those principles. That being said, just before the liberation struggle that's claimed many lives and properties was ended by the heroes and hereon under the leadership of all time charismatic and visionary, the late Dr. John Garang De’Mabior, whose consistency and commitment were instrumental in helping him to manage and lead the SPLM/A for more than two decades, a time that amazed all of his foes before his pros in the region and indeed around the world.

    Dr. De’ Mabior ran the movement with an iron rod in building one of the most- if not the most- fearful, most sophisticated, and certainly most well organized guerrilla movement in modern history. I couldn't be more proud of the lions called “Garang’s Boys." Matter of fact, I could’ve been among them- dead or alive- had I joined the movement at the time. But on the sidelines, I was their cheer leader, and am will forever be proud of all their victories and all the good moves they made against the enemy, particularly during those critical times.

    The fact of the matter is: after the Comprehensive peace agreement (CPA) was signed in Nairobi, Kenya, unfortunately, after the untimely death of former president Dr. Garang, many disappointments had been realized, and on the top of them, the insecurity, and rampant corruption that spoiled not only the reputation of the SPLM as the people party, but the good name of entire nation of South Sudan, in the eyes of the world, but particularly our neighbors in the north Sudan.

    What a shame!

    The point I am trying to illustrate here is that after the tragic death of the emblem, the late Dr. John Garang, and subsequently the political bureau, the liberation council unanimous selection of President Salva Kiir Mayardit as Dr. Garang's successor. But, as we all knew, his selection “President Kiir” to the helm was emotionally, and purely based on seniority and certainly not on any leadership qualities he posses. Soon enough, it was clear to everyone that the decision wasn't the right decision, as events that unfolded have proven.

    Ironically, even Kiir's closest pals and colleagues in then Sudan Military intelligent, were dismayed at the news that Kiir would be Dr. Garang's successor, after paying their respects and condolences, I vividly remember some comrades from old Sudan once said; and I quote “You guys are now mourning the lost of Dr. John Garang, one of the most respected leader in Sudan the well-known politician in the region, I wish you would choose one with similar qualities, and abilities”. Again, one of them went on to say: “We are not trying to disrespect his successor President Salva Kiir, who is my long time colleague in Sudan Arms Forces (SAF) along with the late Arok Thon Arok, as Sudan military intelligent officers in Khartoum and Malakal before they joined the SPLA/M, and here is my take about your President. Unfortunately, and with due respect to him” I means Kiir” is a brilliant military man, but, he is not shrewd enough to be the head of the State,
    especially, in this crucial, and turmoil time in the horn of Africa where the hot potato game politics played. He was not groomed to be a leader. But, again, there is no born leader, you never know, I maybe wrong.

    Comrade, you are absolutely dead right on that!

    The untimely death of Dr. John Garang was a staggering lost to the whole population of South Sudan, the people party, and to the international community at large. Not to forget that Dr. John was a real go-getter, he had quite a reputation not only for his entrepreneurial genius, but, also for his famously extravagant approach to social life, he was a hell of a lot of fun to be around.

    My friends, we have to acknowledge that; good fortune, long life, and domestic tranquility don’t make life well lived if we are afraid to risk it for the love of something worth fighting for, something bigger and greater than our desires! Dr. Martin Luther King had this to say: “If a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live."

    Nevertheless, there are many leaders in the SPLM party and SPLA that were groomed before and during our liberation struggle, among them; Pagan Amum, Deng Alor, late; Dr. Samson Kwaji, Dr. Marial Benjamin, Deng Nhial Deng, Dr. Ann Ito, Dr. Luka Biong, plus, some ready- made leaders and among them are: the late Dr. John Garang, and Justin Yach, Dr. Lam Akol of SPLM D .C, Dr. Riek Machar, and many more.

    Therefore, now, no wonder that; the SPLM party in total disarray, and no doubt on my mind that; thing are going to be ugly soon in South Sudan under current rouge regime of three stooges Amigos. What a disgrace!

    My friends; the current embarrassment and humiliation incident that occurred in New York airport during UN summits to our delegations was a clear signal that; “you are not welcome here”. Oh God. Exchange the curse of Adam’s by Abraham overwhelmingly blessings, and give our leaders the wisdom of King Solomon!

    The author is former chairman and the founder of South Sudan Peace Forum (SSPF) in India, and can be reached at [email protected]. Or [email protected]

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