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what do U think brothers?

05-04-2005, 06:35 AM
jafar hashim

Registered: 04-25-2005
Total Posts: 293

what do U think brothers?


    From: "Hajia Zainab Abdulkarim" Add to Address Book
    Subject: Assalamo Alaikum
    Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2005 09:32:00 +0000
    Assalamo Alaikum,
    Wasalaam to you,and how are you doing?. My intention of contacting you
    is to solicit your assistance for a project which will be mutually
    beneficial.Though I know my decision to contact you is to a large extent
    unconventional, the prevailing circumstances necessitated my action.
    I am ZAINAB ABDULKARIM from Libya. I am married to Late Mallam USMAN
    ABDULKARIM of blessed memory was an oil explorer in Libya and Kuwait for
    twelve years before he died in the year 2000. We were married for
    twelve years without a child. He died after a brief illness that lasted for
    only four days. Before his death we were both devoted Muslims. Since
    his death I too have been battling with both Cancer and fibroid problems.
    When my late Husband was alive he made a huge deposit in millions of US
    dollars with a Deposit Company in oversea.
    (I will tell you the amount as we proceed).

    Recently, my doctor told me that I have only six months to live due to
    cancer problem. Though what disturbs me most is my stroke sickness.
    Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to either a Muslim
    organization or devoted Muslim individual that will utilize this money
    the way I am going to instructs herein. I want this Muslim organization
    or individual to use this money in all sincerity to fund mosques,
    orphanages, widows, and also propagating the word of ALLAH and to ensure
    that the society upholds the views and belief of the Holy Quran.
    The Holy Quran emphasizes so much on ALLAH'S benevolence and this has
    encourage me to take the bold step. I took this decision because I don't
    have any child that will inherit this money and my husband relatives
    are into some radical organisations and I don't want a situation where
    this money will be used in an Unholy manner. Hence the reasons for this
    bold decision. I know that after death I will be with ALLAH the most
    beneficient and the most merciful.

    I don't need any telephone communication in this regard because of my
    health, because of the presence of my husband's relatives around me
    always. I don't want them to know about this development. With ALLAH all
    things are possible. As soon as I receive your reply on Email:
    [email protected]. I shall give you the contact information of the
    Deposit Company in oversea where the money was deposited. I will also
    issue a letter of authority to the Deposit Company authorizing them that
    the said fund Have being willed to you and a copy of such authorization
    will be forwarded to you. I want you and the Muslim community where you
    reside to always pray for me. My happiness is that I lived a true
    devoted Muslims worthy of emulation. Whoever that wants to serve ALLAH must
    serve him in truth and in fairness. I will not stipulate any precise
    amount to reward you as it will have to be on pre-negotiated terms,based
    on your level of involvment.
    Please always be prayerful all through your life. Any delay in your
    reply will give room in sourcing for a Muslim organization or a devoted
    Muslim for this same purpose. Until I hear from you by email, my dreams
    will rest squarely on your shoulders.
    May the Almighty ALLAH continue to guide and protect you.
    Allah Hafiz.


Arabic Forum

05-04-2005, 08:10 AM
Mohamed A. Salih

Registered: 03-23-2005
Total Posts: 83

Re: what do U think brothers? (Re: jafar hashim)

    Man!! This is a well known scam that comes in different forms. These scams are believed to be conducted by Nigerians. The basic idea is to have access to your bank acounts. So, when I receive these kinds of e-mails I just delete them.

Arabic Forum

06-12-2005, 05:33 PM
Registered: 12-09-2004
Total Posts: 219

Re: what do U think brothers? (Re: Mohamed A. Salih)

    I, too, receive many of these emails on a daily basis. They are indeed scams and they prey on curious, unsuspecting people. Please ignore them. It is so sad that this is going around because now we can't believe any honest or serious requests that are received.


Arabic Forum

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