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Discussion Board in English top wanted Janjaweed leaders (((the list))))
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top wanted Janjaweed leaders (((the list))))

03-04-2005, 05:31 AM
د. بشار صقر
<aد. بشار صقر
Registered: 04-05-2004
Total Posts: 4102

top wanted Janjaweed leaders (((the list))))

    here they are:

    Quote: Who’s who on Darfur(African Confidential)

    The United Nations International Commission of Inquiry’s report into the atrocities in Darfur names 51 individuals it recommends for prosecution at the International Criminal Court. The file has been sealed, to be opened only by a ‘competent prosecutor’.
    The names of many people involved in Darfur policy have been published by governments, the United States Congress, human rights organisations and the media since the genocide/ethnic cleansing got under way in earnest in early 2003.
    A 2004 Congressional report lists Vice-President Ali Osman Mohamed Taha as at first in ‘charge of the offensive in Darfur’ and later ‘the key player behind the scenes’, according to ‘US and regional officials’. Other policy-making officials listed here and elsewhere include:
    Lieutenant General Nafi’e Ali Nafi’e, seen as second-in-command on Darfur: Federal Government Minister, ex-External Intelligence boss;
    Major Gen. Salah Abdullah ‘Gosh’, as third-in-command on Darfur: intelligence chief;
    Maj. Gen. (Air Force) Abdullah Ali Safi el Din el Nur: State (junior) Minister for Cabinet Affairs and ex-North Darfur Governor; described in Congress members’ June 2004 letter to President George W. Bush as ‘General Coordinator of Janjaweed’;
    Colonel Ahmed Mohamed Haroun: Minister, Internal Affairs, former People’s Police Force chief;
    Ali Ahmed Kurti, Minister, ex-head People’s Defence Force militias;
    El Tayeb Ibrahim Mohamed Kheir (El Tayeb ‘Sikha’: Iron Bar): Presidential Security Advisor, ex-Darfur Governor;
    Gen. Mutref Sideeg: Foreign Affairs Under Secretary; The published part of the US State Department’s List of Janjaweed commanders comprises:
    Musa Hilal Musa: Janjaweed coordinator and Buffalo Brigade (Liwa el Jamous) commander;
    Brigadier Hamid Dawai: Terbeba-Arara-Beida area leader;
    Abdullah Mustafa Abu Shineibat: Habila and Foro Burunga area;
    Omada Saef: Misterei area;
    Omar Babbush: Habila and Foro Burunga area;
    Ahmed Dekheir: Mornei area;
    Ahmed Abu Kamasha: Kailek area;The US Congress members’ letter names as ‘supervising and controllingJanjaweed activities and operations’ several of the above, plus:
    Abdel Hamid Musa Kasha: Commerce Minister;
    Gen. Abdel Rahim Mohamed Hussein: Internal Affairs and Police Minister;
    Maj. Gen. Adam Hamid Musa: South Darfur Governor;
    Brig. Mohamed Ahmed Ali: Director, Riot Police, which attacked Darfur displaced people in Khartoum in March 2004;
    Mohamed Yussef Abdullah, State Minister, Humanitarian Affairs; The Congress letter names a ‘Coordination and Command Council of Janjaweed’:
    Lt. Col. (Abdel Rahim Ahmed Mohamed) ‘Shukratallah’: El Geneina;
    Ahmed Mohamed Haroun: see above;
    Osman Yussef Kebir: Governor, N. Darfur;
    El Tahir Hassan Abboud: National Congress Party (ruling NIF faction);
    Mohamed Salih el Sanusi Baraka: National Assembly member;
    Mohamed Yusef el Tileit: State Minister, Western Darfur;
    Maj. Gen. Hussein Abdullah Jibril: National Assembly;As field commanders, along with Musa Hilal and Hamid Dawai, theCongress members list:
    Brig. Abdel Wahid (Said Ali Said): Kebkabiya area;
    Brig. Mohamed Ibrahim Ginesto;
    Maj. Hussein Tangos;
    Maj. Omer Baabas;Also potentially of interest in their military/political roles are:
    Gen. Abdel Karim Abdullah: intelligence chief;
    Gen. Awad Ibn Auf: Military Intelligence chief;

    Gen. Bakri Hassan Salih: Defence Minister;

    Lt. Gen. Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir: President


Arabic Forum

08-15-2008, 11:07 AM
محمد على النقرو
<aمحمد على النقرو
Registered: 06-29-2006
Total Posts: 1070

Re: top wanted Janjaweed leaders (((the list)))) (Re: د. بشار صقر)

    Thank you very much Dr. for bringing up
    "the list" of those criminals . It is their final
    step to be arrested and sentenced in Hague.
    the world knows them now they committed
    crimes that never forgiven.

    up for justice

Arabic Forum

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