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campaign for ratification of the convention against torture.

12-26-2005, 07:41 AM
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Registered: 06-22-2005
Total Posts: 3881

campaign for ratification of the convention against torture.

    Khartoum Center for Human Rights & Environmental Development

    Report on:
    The events of the campaign for ratification of the convention against torture and other cruel, inhuman, degrading treatment or punishment
    From 1st up to 26th of June 2005

    Prepared by: Ali M. Agab


    This campaign come as authentic execution for the recommendation of the October 2004 legal training workshop in Khartoum co organized by Sudanese Organization Against Torture (SOAT) , the Khartoum Center for Human Rights and Environmental Development and REDRESS .the workshop brought together lawyers , civil society representative , human rights organizations from different regions of Sudan , as well as representatives from the judiciary , ministry of justice – advisory council for human rights , police and military to discuss strategies and options for improving access to justice for survivor of torture and other serious international crimes , they recommend to organize national campaign to lobby the Sudan government to ratify the convention against torture without reservation and to go for further implementation of The convention by taking effectual measures for prevention of torture and to empower the civil society to be capable to contribute in the process of eradication of torture.
    Khartoum center (KCHRED) started the preparation for the campaign immediately after the end of this training workshop, the plan be to bring all NGOs, civil society, political parties, and government international organizations to adhere the campaign as partners.
    The advisory council for human rights agreed to join the campaign as actual partner and to smooth the progress of all activities.


    The activities of the campaign started with forums in the three cities in Khartoum – Khartoum, Khartoum Bahri, Um Dorman, and other four symposiums outside Khartoum in Nyala ,Kosti, Kassala , Medani

    Campaign in Nyala
    Khartoum center and Amel center organized training workshop to raise the awareness about the convention against torture, the importance of the ratification of the convention & the principles of human rights .in Nyala City / Darfur state on 5-7 June 2005 this training workshop prong together participants from judiciary, attorney, advocates as well as participants from the police and military .the workshop took place at the agricultural union club- south Darfur State from The work shop held 5- 7 June

    Campaign in Khartoum state

    The opening activity in Khartoum state started with forum held at Abd- Alkareem Mergani Cultural Center on 9 June 2005
    the first spokesman Mr. Faisal Mohamed Salih the editor of ( Ala Dwa- News paper) and human rights activist he spooks about the convention , the rights of the detainees and prisoners according to the international conventions and other human rights instruments, he also elaborated the terrible effects of torture on the victims life physically and psychologically, he emphasize the prohibition of torture in all religions and human believes, he acknowledged that torture is known in all types of government in Sudan with extra graveness in the dictatorial regimes .

    The second speaker D. fuad Mursi psychiatrist, director of Amel center for treatment and rehabilitation give main outline of the psycho pass features which he describe as strong inner motivation to violate the others rights.
    He persist on the chaos of the perpetrators which result in their aptitude to practice torture which he believed is hard to be dedicated by ordinary person , he give further information regarding the side effect of torture and the difficulties of the treatments for torture survivors.

    Khartoum Bahri

    Dr. Amin advocate , president, Arab Human Rights Organization insure that this is the appropriate time to initiate this campaign to talk about torture and the ratification of convention against torture and other cruel , inhuman, degrading treatment or punishment . he give wide-ranging introduction about the situation of Sudan regarding ratification and signature of the conventions and other human rights instruments , he said that Sudan already ratified the covenant of civil and political rights , Sudan also ratified the covenant of economic social ,cultural rights and other international instruments. He regards these ratifications as central stand for the upcoming achievements for human rights in Sudan.
    He said the adoption of the international declaration for human rights in 1948 was translated in the latest conventions particularly the convention against torture which enforced since 1987.
    He gave comprehensive presentation to article one which identify the torture, he also spook about article 7 on the covenant for civil. Political rights which prohibited torture.
    Dr. Amin ensure that torture is an international crime unfortunately it still broadly practiced in countless places in the earth and scores of perpetrators are succeed to escape from justice and he urge the activist to work hard to put an end for this atrocities .
    He condemned the existence of article 11 in the Sudan evidence act 1983 which allowed the courts to accept the evidences collected with illegitimate means he urge the activist to work on the pulling out of this article for the actual threat that it will be used as legal cover for torture and my encourage the perpetrators to continue on commit the crime of torture. This point also elaborated later by Mr. kmal Algizoli –advocate-who spook in the advocate club in the same events of the campaign asking the organizers to put the abolition of this article from Sudan evident act as on of the most important recommendation of the campaign .
    Dr. Amin also spoke about the importance of the international criminal court and ensure that the ratification of this Rome statute will enhance human right situation in Sudan , and will improve access to justice in Sudan as general and in Darfur particularly , that he said if we aim honestly to achieve enduring Pease in Sudan

    Kassala forum:

    In kassala city the capital of Kassala State Khartoum center, Amel Center for Treatment & Rehabilitation held forum at the advocate hall in the judiciary head quarter in Kassala on 16/6/2005.
    Mr. Faisal spokes about the convention against torture give general idea about the earliest steps and effort made by human right activist to materialize the international declaration for human rights into convention to bring all countries together for unite action against torture and to provide the human right activist with legitimate mechanism
    to work for eradication of torture.
    He also spokes about the prohibition of torture in all religions and human cultures all over the world. But as matter of fact the practice is found in all man history with different types even in Sudan torture reported in all governing regimes whether it’s democratic or dictatorship with some consideration for the graveness of torture in the dictator ones contrasting to the democratic regimes.
    Mr. Faisal Elbagir elaborated the conception of Islam regarding the
    (Hudud) punishment which he said is still debatable issue among the legislative experts and Islamic scholars. But he insists that it's not logic to look at the Islam religion just from the punishment point of view.
    At the end of the forum the general secretary of the advocate in Kassala Mohamed Abdo, thanks the speaker and the participants welcome more gatherings to raise the awareness about human rights in general and about the convention against torture.

    Dr. Nageeb Nagmeldin, the general coordinator of Khartoum Center for Human Rights and Environmental Development. Introduced the main speaker welcoming his effective support he mad to human rights movement in Sudan as human right defender.
    Mr. Kamal Algizoly Advocate and well recognized Sudanese writer, human rights activist started his speech with thanking Khartoum center for organizing the forum.
    Mr. Kamal spokes about the crime of torture throughout all the man history acknowledged that torture was used in the ancient communities as officially permitted mean to bear confession out of the accused persons using many types of torture, some communities are forced the accused to put his hand on heated metal to proof he is not guilty if he is not harmed, in ancient Egyptian communities they used to ask the tumble whether the person is innocent waiting for his response with yes if he node his head.
    Then he support his idea that Islam is strongly prohibited torture by showing many (Ayat & Ahadeth from Quran And Suna) stated that torture has no any allowance from Islam main resources, that make clear its phenomena associated to man behavior more than any thing else so the eradication of this practice will Asher the way for real Pease in our daily life and that will enhance Pease culture which means respecting the other idea and believes.
    Mr. Kamal condemned the existence of the 11 article in the evidence act and regards it as shameful point on the forehead of all people who works in the legal field; he ask the organizers of the forum to comprise the recommendations with request for diminishing this article from the evident act.
    The participants ensure that the campaign for ratification of torture is coming in the perfect time to breach the silent about torture and working for further step after ratification of convention against torture, looking forward for more discussion about the issue.

    Kosti Forum

    At the post graduate club in Kosti City Khartoum center for human rights & environmental development with Amel center for treatment & rehabilitation held forum at the same time as continuation for the campaign activities for the ratification of the convention against torture and other cruel in human, degrading treatment or punishment.
    The speaker Mr. Amir M. Suliman spokes about the convention against torture giving historical background about torture and the bad effect of this cruel crime which he affirmed it intend to destroy the dignity of the victims and to smash his heart, he said this crime must be strongly fighted by all people by contain the criminal act tied criminalization for torture, abolish the article 11 from the evidence act.
    Also Mr. Alrashed Ali Omer advocate and human right activist from Kosti city participate in this forum as presenter he gave brief about the targets of the campaign, the programs, and he ensure that the ratification of the convention is not target for it self but he said we are looking forward for further implementation for the obligations resulted from the ratification.
    The participants made much valuable intervention regarding the enhancement of human rights in Sudan and eradication of torture.
    Campaign in Medani City

    Campaign in Medani city

    On 25/6/2005 the campaign continued with held forum to raise the awareness about the campaign and the convention against torture and the importance of the ratification of the convention also the speaker made presentation to the convention articles particularly article one which define the act of torture and, he insure that this definition is more comprehensive and it must be adopted by Sudan government and to replace the vague articles in the Sudan criminal act by this article.
    He also emphasized that the courts must have the right to investigate in the torture alleges and to have similar power of the civil courts while investigating alleges of forgery.
    He also spooks about the article 11 in the evidence act and call for the pulling out of this article for the reason that he regard it as real threat to the human right and it may use to permit
    Committing torture crime since it gave the court the permit ion to accept the proof collected by illegitimate means.
    This forum prong together people from different backgrounds, advocate, political parties, judges, attorney, students, and civil society.
    The participants made very useful commitments and intervention. but criticized that the speaker dose not discus the issue in its political part. The speaker respond that he like better not to combine political issues directly with human right he give explanation for that by saying its better to discus the issue from legal approach.
    The speaker call for redress for torture survivors and the importance of implement the Pease agreement obligations which firm the sudan have to ratify all the human rights conventions , it also require the government to Asher reconciliation process.

    Campaign at the universities

    Alzaem AL-Azhari University

    In continuation to the activities of the campaign Khartoum center for human rights and environmental development and Amel center for treatment and rehabilitation organized coordination with Medical student association at Al Zaeem Alazhari University forum attended by the dean of Medicine faculty with tow guests
    Mr. Jollies advocate from Tanzania working for Year Nasa organization and Mr. Joseph the founder of Year Nasa organization working for prevention of HIV.
    Mr. Ali Agab advocate working for Khartoum center and the co coordinator of the campaign for the ratification of convention against torture , he give general idea about the convention and the importance of the ratification and the changes to be done in the Sudan criminal act to bring it in conformity with the international standard and the convention against torture .
    Mr. Ali made presentation to the important articles in the convention in contrast with the Sudan criminal act. He also spoke about the article 11 on the evidence code calling for withdrawing.
    The dean of the faculty D. Tag Alasfia Thanks Khartoum center for organizing this forum and welcome all human rights activities in his faculty. And thanks for welcoming his guests to spoke about HIV as human right hot issue in Africa the guests gave general idea about the disease and the preventive means and the right to be protected by the law and at the end there was competition with question about CAT.

    Campaign at Upper Nile University

    In coordination between Khartoum centers, Amel center for Treatment and Rehabilitation and Kush committee at upper Nile University held forum to raise the awareness about convention against torture and other cruel in human, degrading treatment or punishment.
    Mr. Hatim Elyas Musa advocate and member of the advocate net work at Khartoum center, he gave general presentation for the convention and the definition of torture in the convention contrasting to Sudan criminal act.
    Mrs. Nazik Mahjob advocate and coordinator of the prison, children& women program at Khartoum center she spoke about the violation of human rights committed against those tow vulnerable groups in the prisons and other detention places in the silent of the authorities which she describe it as crime.
    The director of Kush committee spoke about the need for protection of human rights in the coming days in Sudan for realization of peas and he call for people empowerment and participation in Pease making and decision taking.
    The forum was attended by about tow hundred student from different faculties.
    The union of Morocco Universities in Sudan
    In 3/7/2005 coordination between Khartoum Center for Human Rights and Environmental Development and The union of Morocco Universities in Sudan we held a symposium to discuss the importance of the ratification of convention against torture to raise the awereness about the convention as general and the reservation that Sudan government mentioned many times and how to over come such obstacles and the participant recommended to form united coalition for the ratification of CAT convention.

    University of Umdurman Al- Ahlia

    In1/10/2005 coordination between Khartoum Center for Human Rights and Environmental Development and Cultural gathering at Al-Ahlia University we held an open day for human we held a symposium about convention against torture to raise the awereness about the convention and the coalition for the ratification of CAT convention.
    The participants were asking about the benefit of the ratification in lights of prevention of torture in Sudan and the change will result in the legal reform.

    Advocacy Seminar

    In continuation of the campaign for the ratification of convention against torture the Amel Centre for Treatments and Rehabilitation , Arab Network for Treatment and Rehabilitation of Victims of Torture (AMAN) International Council for Rehabilitation of Victims of Torture in coordination with the Advisory Council for Human Rights organized seminar titled : The Role of Advocacy in Torture prevention.

    six papers presented in this seminar:-

    Mr. Ali Agab : Advocacy and fortification
    Mrs. Zainab Abass : What is Advocacy and how to Advocate
    Dr. Murtada Alghali: Media and Advocacy, Distinctive of Media and Advocacy requirements
    Mr. Izzeldin Osman: Torture prevention and Chasing in Light of the Democratic
    Transformation .
    Mr. Kamal Algizoly: The Religion Cloture as Believe Contemplative for Advocacy against torture.
    Mr. Amir Mohamed Suliman
    The Role of Human Rights in Enhance Rights in the National Legislation

    Advocacy and Defense

    This paper give general conception about advocacy, presenting many different definitions to advocacy, in the mean time showing that its all are agreed on the main elements forming advocacy as frame work of activities and processes as well as the mechanisms used in advocacy. .He elaborate the importance of research in identifying the issue to be advocated and the importance of other mean to asses the priority of the issue, the criteria to be used in this process, the measures used for evaluation, policy analyses, construction of the advocacy strategy, reviewing of advocacy strategy .he insure that advocacy strategic plan is crucial for performing any systematic activities.

    What is Advocacy and how to advocate?

    This paper give detailed presentation to advocacy initiative requires in light of organization, strategic thinking , information , communication , out reach and mobilization, developing and delivering advocacy message , steps in advocacy process in light of – issue , message development , channel of information, building support , fundraising , implementation .
    The paper also discussed the needs of advocacy such as formation of message, information and supporting facts, opportunity, persistence, evaluation, advocate efforts.

    Torture prevention and Chasing in Light of Democratic

    This paper made clear presentation to the continuance committing of torture crime in Sudan it stated that torture is known in Sudan as crime committed wildly against the political opposition. But no one draw the attention to the crimes of torture committed against .the ordinary accused peoples specially to bear confession out of them by the police.
    Mr. Izzeldin thinks that the dilemma is the law it self that it did not regulate the rights of accused or detained people clearly and this shortness resulted in the gaps of treatments throughout the implementation of the law.
    He acknowledged that although the attorney has the right to follow the investigation and to monitor the perfect implementation of the law, and although the judges have the right to monitor the duration of detention. But the practice move off target. The judges have never got in to practical implementation of this obligation and the attorney never gives suitable care for the torture committed regularly in their custodies.
    He also discus the legislative gaps such as article 83 of the procedure act which did not mention clearly that the arrested person has the right to access to advocate immediately. The paper also refers to research made by Khartoum Centre for Human Rights and Environmental Development on the condition of custodies shows that it fell far from the human rights standards; he also discussed the phenomena of the disability of pinging the perpetrators to justice in Sudan he give some reasons.

    1- The Sudan criminal act did not include tied definition to torture as it found in (CAT).
    2- Article 10 in the evidence act allows the courts to accept proofs collected `by illegitimate means.
    3- The wide range of impunities given to law enforcement officials.

    The paper suggested some mechanisms for monitoring and preventing torture with palming the Sudan human right activist for their weakness in documenting human right violations.
    He discussed Nivasha horizon for legal and administrative reform identifying the advantages and gaps in the pea’s protocols.
    Lastly he gives suggestions for advocacy strategies in the coming pre interim period.
    This paper give general background about torture and the use of it as accepted investigation mean in many communities along the man along history , he also presented many sample for using of torture in recent regimes and the bad effect of torture .
    He also elaborate the opinion of religion on torture specially Islam supporting his idea with many ( Aiat and Ahadeath ) proofing that torture has nothing to do with religions and there is no any bas for torture or allowance for this mean .
    He also elaborate the back ground of convention against torture and other cruel inhuman treatment or punishment and the great effort exerted by many human rights activists to translate the international declaration for human rights into many related human rights instruments including the declaration for all human rights defenders the standard for treatment of the prisoners and detainees .
    Also the paper tackled the issue of –Hudude- in Islam whether it can be regarded as cruel punishments such as amputation Mr. Kamal regards the implementation of Alhudud is can be suspended according to what done by -Sidna Omer Bin Alkhatab-
    In time of am (Alramada) so it’s some thing depend on the Muslims will and understanding to their daily life.
    He also condemned the insistence of the article 11 of the evidence code which he regarded as real threat to human right for the fear that it can be used as permission for committing torture crime since it allowed the courts to accept evidence collected by illegitimate means.
    He recalls the coming constitution to protect human rights by ratification of all human rights instruments specially the convention against torture and other cruel, inhuman treatment or punishment.

    Murtada Alghali
    Media and Advocacy, Distinctive of Media and Advocacy Requirements

    Dr. Murtada Alghali journalist, working with Khartoum Center For Human Rights & Environmental Development as coordinator of Human Rights Education Programme.
    This paper presents the importance of media as central element of advocacy , it elaborate the effectiveness of the use of media in advocacy the paper also acknowledge the tactics for attracting media to focus on the issue advocated, it also shows the ways in which media can work , it make detailed classification to the media sorts with presenting each mean to be use and how, with giving useful hazard that to be avoided in specific cases the paper also identified the interior conditions governed the work of media referring to the fact of government control he gave example shows that most of the news papers are governed or completely owned by the government , it shows that some times there is type of self control, practiced by chief editor or others ,which restrict the freedom of media in news paper side , the paper calls for more freedom to initiate free media in the upcoming constitution as necessity to address the diversity of Sudan and the need of free media in the coming period to cover the process of Pease and democratic transformation , to bring all different point of view .

    Mr. Amir .M. Suliman

    The role of human rights to enhance human rights in improving national legislation

    Advocate president of Khartoum centre for human right and environmental development
    This paper present the obstacle stands in obverse the endeavor to bring the national legislation in conformity with the international standard for human rights.
    He stated that the first trouble is the non ratification of human rights instruments; also even the ratified one did not implemented in the national acts, the national laws contradicted with many human right instruments
    The paper suggests the Sudan government has to ratify the human rights instruments, to establish effectual mechanism to monitor human right situation and the perfect implementation of the laws.
    The human right activist have to put up unite strategy to curry out the duties of enhancing culture of human rights in Sudan , to integrate human rights conception at schools , organise campaigns to lobby the government to ratify and implement all human rights conventions , to target specially the law maker and the law enforcement personnel

    Mr. Kamal Algizoly:
    Religion Cloture as Believe Contemplative for Advocacy against torture.

    This paper give general background about torture and the use of it as accepted investigation mean in many communities along the man along history , he also presented many sample for using of torture in recent regimes and the bad effect of torture .
    He also elaborate the opinion of religion on torture specially Islam supporting his idea with many ( Aiat and Ahadeath ) proofing that torture has nothing to do with religions and there is no any bas for torture or allowance for this mean .
    He also elaborate the back ground of convention against torture and other cruel inhuman treatment or punishment and the great effort exerted by many human rights activists to translate the international declaration for human rights into many related human rights instruments including the declaration for all human rights defenders the standard for treatment of the prisoners and detainees .
    Also the paper tackled the issue of –Hudude- in Islam whether it can be regarded as cruel punishments such as amputation Mr. Kamal regards the implementation of Alhudud is can be suspended according to what done by -Sidna Omer Bin Alkhatab-
    In time of am (Alramada )so its some thing depend on the Muslims will and understanding to their daily life.
    He also condemned the insistence of the article 11 of the evidence code which he regarded as real threat to human right for the fear that it can be used as permission for committing torture crime since it allowed the courts to accept evidence collected by illegitimate means .
    He recall the coming constitution to protect human rights by ratification of all human rights instruments specially the convention against torture and other cruel, inhuman treatment or punishment.

    The ceremonies opened with very interesting music and dance
    Show present the folklore of south Sudan from ALBALIMBO BAND.
    On 26 of June which regarded as the international day for solidarity with victims of torture Amel canter for treatment and rehabilitation, Khartoum center for human rights and environmental development in coordination with advisory council for human rights celebrate the international day with their distinguish guest from (AMAN) which held its annual meeting in Khartoum the home town of her coordinator Dr. Nageeb Nagmedin ,also this festival honored with the presence of the representative of international center for rehabilitation of victims of torture .
    The festival started at 11 hour later than the fixed time with some Ayat from Quran Al- Kareem and Sacred Book.
    The first speaker Dr. Nagib Nagmeldin greats the guests and the victim and survivor of torture asking for real redress for them and their families , confirming that the campaign for the ratification of the convention against torture and other cruel in human , degrading treatment or punishment will continue till the final redress of the survivor and their families , recalling the government of Sudan to ratify the convention and to bring all the act in conformity with the convention and international standard for human rights .
    He call for the new constitution to include all human rights instruments, he also call for the release of all opinion prisoners, and the guarantee of all freedoms, and ask the government to bring all the perpetrators to justice and to ensure Pease in Darfur .
    Lastly he thanks the representative of AMAN NET WORK , the doctors , advocates, journalist network and he thanks the advisory council for all kind of help and his real cooperation confirming the continuation of this cooperation .
    Mrs. Nazik Mahjoub
    From Khartoum center staff and coordinator of childe, women , prison program , she referred all the torture cases reported in Amel and Khartoum has either political back ground or conflict , so she urge the Sudan government to settle all the all the conflicts in Sudan and to ratify all the human rights instruments and to go forward with implementing the comprehensive peace agreement with reforming all acts for the real democratic transformation
    Mr. Ziada Bushara
    Representative of AMAN net work from Lebanon .He greets all the victims of human rights specially victims of torture criticizing all the violation committed against humanity specially Israel and united state of America and some Arab countries , greeting also the Palestinian for their struggle against Israel .he also asks for mercy for the victim of political assassination in Lebanon.
    Sana Hamza
    The representative of IRCT from Lebanon she thanks the organizer of the campaign and the welcoming of Sudanese people she express her delightful toward Sudan contrasting the warm weather with their truthful welcoming .She gave brief about IRCT and its activities which target in its present plan to build the capacity of the NGOs working in the treatment and rehabilitation of victims of torture more than establishing new ones

    Thanking the organizer of the campaign, and explain the plan of the UN mission in Sudan looking for more effort to enhance human rights situation in Sudan., calling for Sudan government to ratify the convention and all human rights instruments specially in this moment in the history of Sudan after signing Pease agreement and the democratic transformation, he also asks all the civil society organization to work in cooperation to enhance human rights situation in Sudan
    Ms. Elham:
    The representative of ministry if interior affairs
    She explain that all religion and human legislations prohibited torture, she also condemned the atrocities committed be Israel against the Palestinian, such as torture, diminishing of land, houses and the practicing of torture against prisoners in Abo graib prison , then she stated that the implementation of Pease agreement will enhance human rights situation in Sudan.
    Mustafa Mater
    The representative of the advisory council for human rights
    He said that Sudan already signed the convention against torture and the study of the convention has passed with many stages within the government and many workshops and seminars was held in coordination with the UN commission in Sudan this workshops and seminars came out with recommendation to the government to ratify the convention , with some reservation on some articles related to (Alhudud punishment) and the jurisdiction of the torture committee , so its matter of time according to him.

    Closing with BALIMBO BAND

    Opening the exhibition, different Sudanese artist participated
    Present the violation of human rights and the importance of human rights protection.
    This exhibition opening came in the moment of the finishing of the constitution committee its work which held its meeting in the friend ship hall so the entire members of the committee visited the inhabitation


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