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Women’s hips, knees, legs, feet and toes

07-15-2013, 06:16 AM
Asma Abdel Halim
<aAsma Abdel Halim
Registered: 05-01-2006
Total Posts: 1028

Women’s hips, knees, legs, feet and toes

    Women’s hips, knees, legs, feet and toes are ailing,
    i thought of adding this to the old ladies post
    but sufferers of this ailment are mainly young women who are just over forty,
    For some reason these parts are wearing out especially among women,
    it is really hard to find a woman over 45 without one of these parts ailing.
    I think it is proper to play the gender card here and ask the question:
    why are there no researchers publishing anything on this phenomenon?
    Is it the usual gender gap in research?
    I myself suffered some of these ailments big time by spending a summer in the Sudan.
    A woman from the rural areas, where people are still healthy
    was asked upon return from the city about what had changed in the urban jungle;
    her answer was, “well, people in the city, especially women have moved prayers from prayer mats to chairs.”
    Knee replacement is a common and expensive operation, the recipients are mainly women.
    What gives?

    (Edited by Asma Abdel Halim on 07-15-2013, 06:23 AM)


Arabic Forum

07-15-2013, 12:34 PM
�براهيم عبد العزيز عثمان
<a�براهيم عبد العزيز عثمان
Registered: 07-06-2013
Total Posts: 175

Re: Women’s hips, knees, legs, feet and toes (Re: Asma Abdel Halim)

    Dear Asma

    You are absolutely right about women's new health challenges. Even now it is very annoying to the male gender, as well. The requirements and the stress of the fast changing modern life have impacted heavily upon our physical structure. However. sports like jogging or walking are not part of our daily practices. Having said that. I would like to add the poor dietary intake during our adolescent years, combined with the lack of some simple sport activities. The latter activities were very difficult for women to exercise few years ago. Though, I had come to notice some encouraging signs during my visits to Sudan lately. I saw some women strolling over the Halfaya bridge from Khartoum North to Omdurman and vice versa. This kind of simple sports for women were not acceptable socially at one point of time within our conservative society. Even nowadays, some women were subject to hassles and impolite comments from rude passersby!!!
    The new way of life dictates sitting long hours in front of computers or at office. Similarly, women stand for a long time in the kitchen preparing meals. With an increasing body weight, these hours are detrimental to the lower body bone physique.
    Furthermore, our dietary intake had changed dramatically over the years. Fast food had become a considerable part of our menu due to its convenience with the fast pace of our new life style. I had noticed in the Gulf countries where I use to work for the last fifteen years, the spread of modern life diseases like diabetes, cholesterol. obesity, high blood pressure and joints and ligaments ache as you had pointed.
    I talked to one of my friends in Sudan about the lack of physical exercises. he pointed to me that the difficult economic situation leaves no room for such activities to most Sudanese. Sports remain a luxury for the majority of my fellow nationals. It is in no way part of the daily activities which were limited to gain the daily basic needs of survival!!

    Thank you, Asma for highlighting the issue and I do hope the next Sudanese generation will embark on new life styles that fit the constantly changing pace of modern life.

    (Edited by �براهيم عبد العزيز عثمان on 07-16-2013, 05:39 PM)
    (Edited by �براهيم عبد العزيز عثمان on 07-16-2013, 05:53 PM)


Arabic Forum

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