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Discussion Board in English Why Muslims seek protection from "non-Muslim" countries?
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Why Muslims seek protection from "non-Muslim" countries?

03-10-2005, 07:04 AM
Mohamed osman Deraij
<aMohamed osman Deraij
Registered: 01-28-2005
Total Posts: 463

Why Muslims seek protection from "non-Muslim" countries?

    How can we explain the lineup of Muslim individuals seeking protection from "non Muslim" Countries?

    DOES it mean "Muslims" have failed to produce a "moral system" (like the one of the non-muslim west)that would respect the integrety of the individual and hence proctect her/him against ill-ltreatment, torture, fear, etc?

    WHY is there hardly any "Muslim" country that is willing and ready to obsorb the army of asylum seekers from Muslim countries who are every where in the four corners of the globe?

Arabic Forum

03-10-2005, 09:11 AM
Mohamed A. Salih

Registered: 03-23-2005
Total Posts: 83

Re: Why Muslims seek protection from "non-Muslim" (Re: Mohamed osman Deraij)

    It is not really a matter of Islamic vs. non-Islamic countries when it comes to Asylum/Refugee. These has to do with the system of governments we have in Muslim countries. Also, there is a large number of Asylum seekers from other non-Islamic countries. Look at the Table below from the US Immigration statistics, which lists top 10 countries with number of asylees approved in 1996.

    Asylees, FY 1996:
    All countries* 18,556
    Yugoslavia 2,205
    India 1,709
    Haiti 1,491
    Soviet Union 1,440
    Iraq 918
    Guatemala 889
    Ethiopia 818
    Liberia 694
    Cuba 634
    Iran 607

Arabic Forum

03-10-2005, 02:17 PM
Mohamed osman Deraij
<aMohamed osman Deraij
Registered: 01-28-2005
Total Posts: 463

Re: Why Muslims seek protection from "non-Muslim" (Re: Mohamed A. Salih)

    Dear Mohamed A. Salih:
    Thank you for passing by (this is a direct translation from the other platform, lol).
    I do agree with your statement that
    Quote: It is not really a matter of Islamic vs. non-Islamic countries when it comes to Asylum/Refugee
    . Moreover, the nature of work I do -or rather some of it- 'exposes' me to tens of asylum seekers coming --Ontario-Canada-- from all over the goble. Among them the number of those coming form 'Muslim' countries is very little, and is going down everyday, specially after 9/11. However, what I tried to 'reach' by posing these questions is the issue of why have we failed to egineer a moral system that would provide appropriate guarantees to protect the integrety of the individual as the case with the "non-Muslim" West. Bearing in mind the fact that the 'public discourse' in our world portrays the West as maintaing "relax" moral system that would 'contradict' in some aspects our 'moral values' which are supposedly relying on "God's plans" as their basic source.

    Thank you again, and hoping to see you again.


    (Edited by Mohamed osman Deraij on 03-10-2005, 02:22 PM)


Arabic Forum

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