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10-29-2008, 07:39 AM
فدوى الشريف
<aفدوى الشريف
Registered: 09-14-2006
Total Posts: 5390



    Shortly before Sudan gained independence, and in mid-1950s,foreign organizations appeared on the scene of local voluntarywork under the pretence of eradicating illiteracy. They entered the country through the consent and approval of English colonizers in South Sudan, not to remove illiteracy, but to spread Christianity among the inhabitants of the South. Foreign organizations also entered the country to spread the English language, and from here violations followed in succession. In addition, the emergence of voluntary organizations in Sudan, especially foreign ones, was associated with drought and desertification stalking the country in Mid-1980s.
    Some of these organizations have existed since 1950s relief organizations emerged conspicuously in Sudan, especially during the life-line campaign which was implemented in 1989 under the auspices of the UN.
    Some of these organizations exploited the humanitarian purposes to achieve certain agenda.
    This was represented in the exploitation of the suffering of the people to achieve political agenda related to the management of crisis and disasters, impose sanctions on governments and undertake military interventions a matter which led to further conflicts and crisis.
    Instead of that, these organizations should try to find peaceful
    formula and boost the achievement of security and peace which are two international goals sought by the UN.
    Within the framework of the National Campaign for Human Rights. Sudan News Agency (SUNA) is delighted to present this file which deals with the violations of international organizations in Sudan and their exploitation of Human Rights as a pretext for intervening in Sudan in general and in Darfur in particular to achieve their secret agenda.

    Although Sudan is an outlying country with a critical position, it represents a close-knit African country with a well-woven social fabric.
    Sudan is also the most experienced African country in terms of concepts, strategies, plans and programmes.
    It is noteworthy that Sudan is the only Arab, Moslem country sharing borders with a biggest number of non-Arab States.
    With the entertminment of its borders and the ethnicities resulting from that, Sudan position incurs a state of instability.
    All this can be perceived in the policy adopted by the governments towards the Islamic values and norms, considering them a base of general principle.
    This is in addition to the adoption of self-reliance which resulted in surmounting economic crisis, along with the diplomatic breakthrough achieved by Sudan against resolutions of the Security Council No. 1041, 1051 and 1070.
    Sudan’s ability in showing an endurable spirit of defense on the most difficult period of war rendered the country a target for international powers.
    Some of these powers wanted to overthrow the present regime, others want the country to continue to suffer instability and others seek to divide the nation into small entities that can easily be managed or controlled to serve the interests of other circles.
    From these conclusions, any observer is sure to recognize the hostility shown by many foreign organizations towards Sudan during all previous decades.
    Under these circumstances, these organizations, top of which are the “Human Rights Watch.” “Amnesty International” and “Medicine San sFrontiers” found a conducive atmosphere in Sudan to achieve their longdesired goals and objectives taking advantage of the permission allowed to them by the UN.
    Axis (1)
    Sudan and respect
    of Human Rights

    The humanitarian principles emphasized in Article (3) of Geneva Convention signed in August 1949 represents the basis of respect for people in cases of armed conflicts.
    The International Charters related to human rights ensured primary protection to man and stresses the necessity of securing better protection to the victims of these armed conflicts.
    This protection is provided to people without any discrimination on the basis of race, colour, #######, language, religion, doctrine, political views, national or social origin, or wealth, birth or any other criteria. According to this protocol, no protest shall be raised against the provisions of this protocol with an aim of undermining the sovereignty of any state.
    As an affirmation of respect for human rights in Sudan, the government raised the department of voluntary, humanitarian work from a commission to a specialized Ministry.
    So, in 1988, the humanitarian Aid Commission was affiliated to the Ministry of Relief Affairs during the transitional period.
    In 1991, the Ministry of Relief Affairs
    was cancelled and the commission was put under the supervision of Minister of Trade following the eruption of the National Salvation Revolution.
    The Commission was then affiliated to the Ministry of Social Planning which was established in 1993. In the same year, the voluntary work commission was set up as a controlling organ for organizational work in Sudan.
    In 1995, the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission was amalgamated into the Voluntary Work Commission to be named the “Humanitarian Aid Commission” which is now being supervised by the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs.
    The Humanitarian Aid Commission is now being tasked with the provision and distribution of relief material to the people in need throughout Sudan.
    The Humanitarian Aid Commission is also concerned with the management of disasters and attracting local and external efforts of voluntary work. It is also entrusted with controlling the work of voluntary organizations.
    1 - Christianization:
    In 1962. former President Ibrahim Abboud issued the “Missionary Societies Law” to Sudanize ecclesiastical jobs and to put an end to foreign exploitation of Religious conditions in Sudan.
    According to that law, it was made incumbent on missionaries to get permits in advance to undertake their activity.
    According to that law, missionaries were kicked out of Sudan from 1960 to 1964 after they were proved to have supported rebel movement in 1955.
    Some foreign relief organizations were found engaged in their ecclesiastical activity under the guise of humanitarian work.
    In early 1980s, foreign organizations tried to set a footing in the country toundertake their Christianization activity in Eastern Sudan through Irish and Scottish groups which entered Al-Bija area under the guise of humanitarian aid. In Darfur, the official security authorities kept monitoring the role played by some organizations in exploiting relief work in Christianization activity.
    To visualize the Christianization campaign in Darfur, the present US President said to the Christian rightist members of the Congress that he would never forget Sudan.
    2 - Life-Line:
    The Life-Line Programme started its operations in 1989 and was renewed to continue work in 1997 to extend humanitarian assistance to the war-affected people in the South.
    At the beginning of 1995, there were doubts that the Life-Line Programme has a relationship with the rebel movement. The security organs found out that planes meant for the transportation of relief material were engaged in transporting military and food supplies from Kenya to the rebel movement.
    In June 2000, some organizations (including a Norwegian relief organizations was engaged in extending military support to the rebels.
    Some other organizations were involved in intelligence activity and a UN plane was found transporting military leaders to Fanjak in April 2000.
    One of the UN pilot was found in Bor town conveying military information about the activity of the Sudanese Armed Forces.
    Axis (3)
    Using Human Rights as a Pretext for
    Intervening in Darfur
    Official statistics show that the number of foreign organizations working in Darfur has risen from 70 in 2000 to more than 210 now.
    The General Commissioner of Humanitarian Aid Hasebo Mohamed Abdel- Rahman explained that there are now 258 foreign organizations in Darfur, a long with 1580 foreign officials, 14500 national officials and 2000 moving vehicles.
    Humanitarian Aid Hasebo Mohamed Abdel- Rahman explained that there are now 258 foreign organizations in Darfur, a long with 1580 foreign officials, 14500 national officials and 2000 moving vehicles.
    He added that these organizations enjoy an exemption from customs duties worth $350 million for the import of vehicles and trucks.
    Abdel-Rahman further referred to the violations of the UN troops in the South and their non-adherence to the rules of humanitarian activity.
    One of the biggest challenges facing humanitarian work in Darfur is the provision of inaccurate information and statistics by these organizations which tend to exaggerate the real situation in the region, Abdel- Rahman said.
    He also noted that the status of human rights in Sudan is much better than it is in other areas around the world.
    The hidden purpose of all this work is to undermine Sudan’s civilizational project and to exploit the country’s resources top of which is the oil wealth.
    For all these reasons, Sudan found itself facing a campaign based on the following:
    1 – The country is experiencing a severe humanitarian tragedy.
    2 – The government supports the Janjaweed militias which exercise genocide and ethnic cleansing against the black African peoples.
    3 - The government hinders the provision of relief material to the affected people.
    Western Media and Enforcement
    The most dangerous message imparted by Foreign Media organs is that they visualize the conflflict in Darfur as an aggression launched by Arab Moslems against non-Arab Moslems.
    This media hype circulated by newspapers, news agencies, internationalbroadcasting corporations and TVstations exceeds any inflflux of media coverage disseminated about any other subject.
    Some newspapers such as theWashington Post’, New York Times,’Los Angeles Times’, The ‘Guardian’ andthe ‘Telegraph’, and some International Agencies like Reuters’ and the BBC continued to talk about Darfur Problemon a Daily Basis.
    For all these reasons, Sudan found itself facing a Media Campaign launched by Foreign voluntary organizations.
    The statements made by the U.S Secretary of State continued to deal with Sudan government as if it is the only are responsible forwhat is going on in Darfur.
    of Foreign Organizations’ Agenda
    Likewise, the statements of the U.S
    President George Bush and officials of his
    administration came within the some context.The British attitude was not a departure of the U.S policy.
    The British Minister of Defence announced that his country is ready to send 5000 troops to Sudan.
    Austria also said that it Can send troops to Darfur.
    At the level of the UN, the U.S introduced a severe draft resolution last year allowing Sudan 30 days to disarm the Janjaweed and facilitate the flow of humanitarian aid, observe a cease-fire agreement, prosecute those Involved in Darfur conflict and sit for negotiations to find a peaceful solution to the crisis.
    The U.S draft resolution also threatened to import Southern on Sudan Government.
    We can discern the Policy adopted by these organizations towards Sudan through the following statements:
    1- UN High commission for refugees Lobeiz said: Violence is raging in Darfur. Peace is not prevalent in this area. Atrocities pervade. This region. (March 2004)>
    2- UN special Co-Ordinator in Sudan Mokeish Cabila said. The situation in Darfur represents. He Worst humanitarian crisis in the world nowadays (March 2004).
    3- Daniel Aghaster, the UN urgent relief official, said that he was a witness to a regular re-location of Non-Arab inhabitants who were transferred by the government to settle in special displacement camps (March 2004).
    4- The Human Rights watch report which said that Sudan government is engaged in killing civilians, raping them and facing them out of their houses.
    5- The Security Council strongly condemns violence in Darfur and call on
    Khartoum to bear responsibility ( May 2004).
    6- Sending the UN special rapporteur to investigate execution cases approved outside Sudan Judicial Authority and present a report (on that) to the UN (June 2004).
    7- The International Amnesty Organization Issued a Report condemning Sudan of violating Human Rights in Darfur.
    This is a general outline of the accusations adopted and circulated by Foreign organizations as hidden agenda. However, these accusations proved false when compared with the real situation on the ground. To prove the falsity of these accusations, Sudan left the door wide open for media delegations from all over the world to visit the country.
    Sudan also received government officials from many countries and allowed them to visit Darfur to get acquainted with the real situation.
    Then he statements changed somewhat positive in 2005.
    Kofi Anan: What is going on in Sudan is not genocides.
    Collin Bowl: What is happening in Darfur does not reach level of genocide.
    Asma Jahanfeiz: no ethnic cleansing in Sudan exists.
    European ministers of foreign affairs visited Sudan and stressed that there is neither ethnic cleansing nor genocide in the country. They also said he problem relates to development and is caused by a conflict over resources.
    In this regard, we can mention these positive statements.
    The U.S envoy to Sudan Andrew Nations denied in a lecture organized on Feb. 20 by the international development society at the U.S “John Hopkins” University the occurrence of any genocide in Darfur.
    He also said what had been circulated by Human Rights organizations in this regard does not correspond with the real situation on the ground.
    Nations further criticize he behavior of the Armed Movements and held them responsible for the deterioration of the security situation in the region.
    The humanitarian crisis in Darfur and he attitude of organizations
    On April 24, 2004, the situation was favorable to convey Sudan’s message to the world.
    The UN Human Rights committee then approved a resolution on the humanitarian crisis in Darfur.
    The resolution did not condemn the government, but only urged Sudan to stop the work of military.
    The Human Rights Watch Organization then rejected the resolution at once and issued a statement in which it expressed surprise at the failure of the European Union to reach an agreement in condemnation of these acts.
    Service and Moral corruption:
    As Foreign voluntary organizations operating in Sudan did not stick to their were humanitarian role and tended to flflagrantly politicize its activity, they were engaged in providing refugees with good and medicine passing their validity date.
    These organization even introduced wine into the local market in commercial quantities under he cover of diplomatic work.
    Finally, the UN troops were committing rape incidents against minor girls in the South.
    Politicizing voluntary work the local authorities, the concerned security organs and the humanitarian aid commission in Darfur continued monitor the general performance of the foreign voluntary organizations.
    The activity of these organizations showed a marked deviation from their humanitarian track by sometimes instigating the displaced people to disobey the local authorities and by sometimes inciting them to rise against the visiting and federal delegations.
    Foreign voluntary organizations were also engaged in exploiting international media forums to give a negative impression about Sudan under the cover of boost humanitarian work in Darfur.
    foreign humanitarian organizations prepared a memo in which they gave a negative idea about the humanitarian situation in Darfur.
    These organizations, which included Human Rights Watch Organization the International Amnesty Organization and the Norwegian relief organization, called on African leaders to deny Sudan the chairmanship of the African Union. The foreign voluntary organizations were also influential in mobilizing he Jewish lobby in American to launch what they call ‘salvation of Darfur’ and showed readiness to support the rebels in the regions.
    The table shows resources available to organizations in Darfur States Facilities available to organizations in Darfur:

    North Darfur
    South Darfur
    West Darfur

    Means of
    Means of
    Means of

    587 88 438 61 348
    425 664 272 699 350 726
    1251 360 1137 411 1073

    General outline showing foreign presence in Darfur:
    Foreign presence in UN agencies.
    The U.S presence tops the list:
    1- U.S 400.
    2- Swiss 300
    3- French 260
    4- British 250
    5- Other nationality ……
    Foreign presence in voluntary organizations:
    1- French 1000
    2- British 750
    3- U.S 700
    4- Dutch 350

    Examples of violations:

    1- International salvation
    1. Signing a memo of understanding between the international
    salvation organization and the criminal court.
    2. Calling foreign intervention in Darfur.
    3. Typing to send a child from Kalma Camp, South Darfur state
    outside free country with an aim at launching a smear campaign.
    4. Taking photographs of strategic and military positions in
    5. Photographing Alfapher Airport.
    6. Producing a videotape which films rape incidents against

    2- Medicine sans Frontiers
    1. Importing advanced communication equipment quite
    2. Dispensing with medicine and food supplies without
    informing the authorities.

    Medicine Sans Frontieres
    Greek n
    1. Employing un qualified doctors to work Darfur.

    1. Holding secret meetings at camps of displaced people.
    2. Preparing a false report showing the names of women who
    were raped in South Darfur State.

    UN Organization
    The UN organization is one of the major organizations known for its violations in Sudan.
    The organization committed many violations since it came to the country. These violations included:
    1- Heightening the conflict in Darfur by issuing negative decisions and statements during negotiations with the rebels, a matter which caused them to be more transigent.
    2- Supporting Sudan political and armed opposition.
    3- Violating agreements.
    4- Failing to facilitate the enforcements of Naivasha and Abuja agreements.
    5- Playing down the role of the African Union and describing it as being unable to protect displaced people.
    6- Instigating the international community against Sudan.
    7- Management and Moral corruption accompanying the UN activity was evident in importing wine through Khartoum and Al Obeid Airports.
    Table showing nationalities of foreign organizations:
    No Nationality Percentage
    1 American 19
    2 British 19
    3 German 6
    4 French 8
    5 Italian 5
    6 Swiss 3
    7 Canadian 1
    8 Dutch 5
    9 Swedish 1
    10 Danish 2
    11 Japanese 1
    12 Saudi Arabian 3
    13 Ethiopian 1
    14 Austrian 1
    15 Norwegian 3
    16 Sudanese 1
    The table above features the activity of foreign voluntary organizations working in Darfur. It also shows Sudan’s concern with human rights. All he negative aspects reported by western media and foreign organizations are false and baseless.
    The best example for the untruthfulness of these organizations is the positive testimony issued by the UNICEF, which proved the Non-existence of malnutrition among children. This was also emphasized by the World Health Organization (WHO), African Union and the Technical Mission of European Union.
    In addition, the U.S envoy to Sudan denied in February the occurrence of any genocide in Sudan. He added that there is no war between the Arabs and Africans in the country.
    Axis (4)
    Officials Attitude
    towards violations :
    To foil the accusations of foreign organizations, the government took a number of practical measures represented in:
    1- Signing an agreement with the 10m to supervise and assist in the voluntary repatriation of displaced people.
    2- Organizing a conference with national leaders to establish peace, security and resolution of conflicts.
    3- Obtaining international community support to improve the humanitarian situation in Darfur.
    4- Entering into talks with local leadership to form a rehabilitation committee to achieve development and reconciliation in Darfur.
    5- Providing assistance to the affected people in the region and attracting local and international support and relief material to the area.
    6 - Facilitating the movement and work of foreign voluntary organizations to secure a smooth flow of humanitarian services to Darfur.
    7- Facilitating the entry of foreign journalists and international media organs to
    Darfur states to get acquainted with the Real situation there.
    8- Making the agricultural season 2004 – 2005 a success, and boosting agriculture in Darfur.
    9- Catering for development projects in the state.
    10- Co-operating positively with the U.N and the African Union to allow the international community the opportunity to deal with the situation in Darfur.

    After ending the Southern problem by signing a peace agreement with the SPLM in Nairobi in 2004 the government went on with its efforts to sign the Abuja agreement with one of the major rebel movements of Darfur to prove its good intentions towards all issues. The government also signed an agreement with the East Front in Asmara.
    These efforts represent adequate evidence proving the government’s respect for Human Rights in Sudan.
    For further information about government’s efforts in the field of human rights, you can refer to Sudan’s file in the field of Human Rights .

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