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Tips for Raising Bilingual Children

04-03-2008, 08:29 AM
Osama Mohammed
<aOsama Mohammed
Registered: 04-02-2008
Total Posts: 4619

Tips for Raising Bilingual Children

    At some point I got worried , cos my daughter couldn't utter words until she was 2 years ... While on the other hand our neighbours’' kid talks like an adult and he is only 3 years and four month.....I searched for help luckily the social visitor came for her normal check up.... I talked to her about my worries...she recommended a speech therapist '' it was a shock for me '' everybody knows how I love chatting and talking .....
    The day when the speech therapist came she was carrying a bag of toys, some paperwork and forms....she started talking to my wife and me asking about our mother tongues ......then she handed us a piece of paper contains websites addresses ...and books in the local library to go across......and she recommended interactive playing '' weekly a specialist comes once and play with my daughter ''....
    I started going to the library and study about that matter when I found these essays which helps ''beside the interactive playing'' my daughter to start speaking :-

    Quote: Babies learn to differentiate the sounds from the language they hear during the first year of life. They store up these sounds to be used later when they start talking. When your baby hears different languages, he/she hears different sounds being stressed. You can talk to your baby in English or any other language. The size of a child’s vocabulary is strongly linked to how much his/her parent talks to him. You can talk about anything such as clothes he/she is wearing, what you are doing, what the food tastes like, etc. The more words your baby hears, the more he/she learns.

    When you speak to your child in a particular language, provide him/her with a good command of the language. In other words, speak in a language that you are good at. If you are speaking in Arabic, use only Arabic words and not mix your sentences up with various languages. This may confuse him/her, and he/she may also mix words from several languages when he starts talking later.

    You can create a rich language environment in your home. Start a bedtime ritual of story reading. When your baby is awake and interested to play, sing nursery rhymes for him/her to enjoy. Go on short walkabouts and label the objects you see along the way. The more language activities you do with your child in a fun way, the better he will learn. Learning languages is all about experience and practice.

    Link:- http://www.parentwonder.com

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