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Discussion Board in English Time to rejuvenate English board
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Time to rejuvenate English board

06-01-2011, 07:37 AM
hassan bashir
<ahassan bashir
Registered: 02-17-2006
Total Posts: 1302

Time to rejuvenate English board

    I think it is high time that SOL's English discussion board become an active platform for serious dicussions and debates about our own state of affairs.

    I hope it will attract more of those who can write in English. Arabic forum, with due respect to all members,has become more of a social network, with pressing political and economic issues of importance to our country, taking the back seat.

Arabic Forum

06-11-2011, 05:36 PM
عبداللطيف محجوب
<aعبداللطيف محجوب
Registered: 09-13-2008
Total Posts: 753

Re: Time to rejuvenate English board (Re: hassan bashir)

    You're right Mr.Hassan, I hope so also and I will try to be an active member here from this moment.

Arabic Forum

06-12-2011, 05:32 PM
hassan bashir
<ahassan bashir
Registered: 02-17-2006
Total Posts: 1302

Re: Time to rejuvenate English board (Re: عبداللطيف محجوب)

    Welcome aboard (Pun not intended :))Abdul latif

    I can see that you have already made your presence strongly felt. I'm sure your contributions will add a great value and will lure other bystanders to join.

Arabic Forum

06-13-2011, 00:44 AM
Asma Abdel Halim
<aAsma Abdel Halim
Registered: 05-01-2006
Total Posts: 1028

Re: Time to rejuvenate English board (Re: hassan bashir)

    What a good idea! it needs a serious background and format face lift

    Thank you

Arabic Forum

06-13-2011, 05:16 AM
hassan bashir
<ahassan bashir
Registered: 02-17-2006
Total Posts: 1302

Re: Time to rejuvenate English board (Re: Asma Abdel Halim)

    Salam Asma,

    Quote: it needs a serious background and format face lift


Arabic Forum

06-13-2011, 06:31 AM
الطيب رحمه قريمان
<aالطيب رحمه قريمان
Registered: 03-21-2008
Total Posts: 12377

Re: Time to rejuvenate English board (Re: hassan bashir)

    Dear Hassan,

    Thank you for the post. Hope the English Board attract more memebers,

Arabic Forum

06-13-2011, 06:59 AM
hassan bashir
<ahassan bashir
Registered: 02-17-2006
Total Posts: 1302

Re: Time to rejuvenate English board (Re: الطيب رحمه قريمان)

    Salam brother Al Tayeb,

    Pleased to have you here.

    I am very optimistic about that. Bakri himself seems to be attaching a great importance to this and devoting a great deal of his precious time to promoting the English forum. I do read, and immensely enjoy, your posts in the Arabic forum. I truly wish to read more of your writings here.

Arabic Forum

06-13-2011, 04:25 PM
Registered: 04-22-2002
Total Posts: 16044

Re: Time to rejuvenate English board (Re: hassan bashir)

    Originally non-arabic speaking as Nubian and born as such but been taught arabic same as english at schools...However` my generation
    of Nubian has been forced at elemntary schools not to use our Nubiin language and if someone caught using it then he/she was whipped harshly...
    I do not think that at thoses days Nubian had any objection to learn another language ..Several of our relatives who used to work as cooks , watchmen and managers of houses for British or migrated to Egypt and eslewhere used to talk arabic and english, french and some of them Italian and German...Regretfully the decision of forcing Arabic language on Nubian as such was a Sudanese Government decision!!! At those days and till now a good number of Sudanese insist to find own identity in the "arabic language" or believe that it shall give them "identity"..
    To add salt to injury the only and main media outlet "Hona Umdurman" Radio Braodcasting was not allowing songs in any other one of the several Sudanese languages but Arabic only....I was a kid but still recall that Wardi was not allowed to sing in Nubiin when he was introduced to Umdurman Radio then there was some frenzy mediation to allow him sing " alliyala ya samra"
    Anyway I always take languages as tools and media of communication and containers of cultural elements to some extent...Surprsingly enough this language which we have been forced to learn and abandon our mother tongue for it has not helped us much in our work life and education...Even when I migrated to the arabian peninsula I found out that English and not Arabic is work language as well as overwhelmingly media of communication among the wider sector of expatriates...
    Arabic language is a very charismatic one and definitely helped us to know our Islamic Religion well but being mainly dependent on it's literary values and with no industrial input shall always deprive who speaks it from better use of it...
    Couple of months back a famous British Linguist said that English shall cease to exisit as the main language in this world within the next 300 years if China continues to expand it's industries and Chinses shall be the main language...He referred to Persian language which dominated the world for 700 years when Persia dominated the world and the Latin for 1000 years before that..etc...
    BTW: The most famous and accredited arabic linguist "Sibawyh (Abū Bishr ʻAmr ibn ʻUthmān ibn Qanbar Al-Bishrī) was a Persian!!

Arabic Forum

06-13-2011, 04:54 PM
hassan bashir
<ahassan bashir
Registered: 02-17-2006
Total Posts: 1302

Re: Time to rejuvenate English board (Re: abubakr)

    Believe it or not ya Bash, I was about to contact some members via the messanger, urging them to join the English forum. Guess what was the first name that popped into my mind?

    I'll be back once I finish reading what you wrote here.

    Thank you Bash. We look forward to see more of your writing..

Arabic Forum

06-15-2011, 01:50 PM
Gaafar Ismail
<aGaafar Ismail
Registered: 08-27-2005
Total Posts: 4951

Re: Time to rejuvenate English board (Re: hassan bashir)

    Dear brother Hassan
    Thank you very much for your valuable proposal to revive the English forum. I certainly agree with your point of view and I hope to actively contribute to this forum.



Arabic Forum

06-16-2011, 04:22 AM
hassan bashir
<ahassan bashir
Registered: 02-17-2006
Total Posts: 1302

Re: Time to rejuvenate English board (Re: Gaafar Ismail)

    Dear Gaafar,

    I'm extremely pleased to see you here. I look forward to benefit from your insightful contributions here. Thanks for the kind words

Arabic Forum

06-14-2011, 12:31 PM
عبداللطيف محجوب
<aعبداللطيف محجوب
Registered: 09-13-2008
Total Posts: 753

Re: Time to rejuvenate English board (Re: abubakr)

    Quote: BTW: The most famous and accredited arabic linguist "Sibawyh (Abū Bishr ʻAmr ibn ʻUthmān ibn Qanbar Al-Bishrī) was a Persian!!

    Eng.Abubakr .. I'm a big fan of you .. I read most of your posts ..

    And really you're one of those who are enlightening this board .. you're a good addition of course

    Regarding to what you have mentioned about "Sibawyh" and this is the first time I know that he was Persian, And that gives us an example that we should keep using our own language as well as using the others .. and this point already mentioned by Hisham Amin in this post Poor contributions to the ENGLISH forum .. reasons and solutions!

    Quote: I think your call is a very valid call and it’s very important to all of the Sudanese in general.
    But when we write we write for our generations and the future of the upcoming generation, my kids your kids and beyond. We need them to know about the grate Sudanese people, about history, so our focus should be in using Wikipedia to write in Arabic about such people , not in English first, document that and authenticate it, for all who contributed to the country of Sudan and then we can translate the work to any language.
    Just a suggestion

    (Edited by عبداللطيف محجوب on 06-14-2011, 12:33 PM)


Arabic Forum

06-14-2011, 06:55 PM
hassan bashir
<ahassan bashir
Registered: 02-17-2006
Total Posts: 1302

Re: Time to rejuvenate English board (Re: عبداللطيف محجوب)

    Salam ya Abdul Latif,

    Not only Sibawayh but almost all intellectuals, linguists, scientists and musicians were from Persia. In fact, the Taj Mahal was designed and built under the supervision of architects who were brought from Persia, then the cradle of civilisation in the post Islamic era.

    Bashmuhandis Abu Bakr, an engineer by profession, is walking encyclopedia. His presence here will add a tremedous value to this forum.

Arabic Forum

06-14-2011, 07:13 PM
Registered: 04-22-2002
Total Posts: 16044

Re: Time to rejuvenate English board (Re: عبداللطيف محجوب)

    Many Thanks Hassan and Abdellatif...
    For fairness it worth mentioning that with the liberization of the Internet early 90th of the last century emerged two Sudanese mailing lists moderated by two Sudanese Academics/Post Graduate Students in USA and sponsored by respective Universities where the two used to study/work. Sudan-l was moderated and by Dr. A.Moniem Younis of emory University and Sudanese list by Dr.Gadora of MSU ...Both were Listserv based list and have hundreds subscribers of Sudanese in diaspora , mainly Students (Graduate and UnderGraduate), Academia persons, politicians ( NDA ,SPLA and NIF),professionals ...etc... Both lists were in English...However those two lists been in text format contributed to network Sudanese diaspora worldwide at those years when the Forums wit GUI/WWW/HTML in both Arabic and English were not common or affordable...

Arabic Forum

06-15-2011, 12:50 PM
Omayma Alfargony
<aOmayma Alfargony
Registered: 09-01-2004
Total Posts: 1434

Re: Time to rejuvenate English board (Re: abubakr)

    Hi all,

    I strongly agree Hassan. I support this suggestion very much and I will try my best to be an active member here
    Only if all members abide to the rules of forum as well as his owner Mr.Bakry. If at any point it started shifting to the same way the Arabic one is now, I will be the first to leave. People have different set of minds and thinking, I for one can't deal with fowel language and nonsense ideas.

    You already started a deep discusion in this post, keep it up. I will join some other time. I'm writing from work now.

    Have a wonderful day everyone.

Arabic Forum

06-15-2011, 03:54 PM
Hadeer Alzain
<aHadeer Alzain
Registered: 07-13-2008
Total Posts: 3530

Re: Time to rejuvenate English board (Re: Omayma Alfargony)

    Dear Hassan and all,
    Count me, and thanks for the pioneer idea.

    So many Westerners are ignorant about Sudan, let us introduce Sudan to
    some of them through this big forum.

    Thanks again ..

Arabic Forum

06-16-2011, 00:10 AM
mohamed hussein
<amohamed hussein
Registered: 11-03-2009
Total Posts: 253

Re: Time to rejuvenate English board (Re: Hadeer Alzain)

    What a pleasure to be able to type fluently.. loool
    It’s quite pleasant to practice a different language to discuss our home land issues, or any issue as matter. I have strong believe that language and thinking are related in real life. I find myself expressing ideas and thought’s much better when I have the liberty to use more than one language.
    I would like to invite every one to participate here for the general knowledge, and to perfect the English language. It’s becoming vital by the new era we living to master the English as a foreign language. Please allow me to join you for a better tomorrow.
    Thanks to you all..

    Mohamed Khalid Hussein

Arabic Forum

06-16-2011, 04:41 AM
hassan bashir
<ahassan bashir
Registered: 02-17-2006
Total Posts: 1302

Re: Time to rejuvenate English board (Re: Omayma Alfargony)

    Marhab ya Omayma and thank you for the enthusiastic spirit.

    Quote: I for one can't deal with fowel language and nonsense ideas.

    ... and I, for one, fully agree with you. I believe we are all determined to start serious discussions about different issues in a very respectful and responsible manner and will strive to keep this forum free of any profanity or insults.

    Can't wait to read your contributions here.

Arabic Forum

06-16-2011, 04:49 AM
hassan bashir
<ahassan bashir
Registered: 02-17-2006
Total Posts: 1302

Re: Time to rejuvenate English board (Re: hassan bashir)

    Salam Hadeer Al Zain

    Quote: So many Westerners are ignorant about Sudan, let us introduce Sudan to
    some of them through this big forum.

    Well said Hadeer. It is for Bakri now to make some improvements to attract non-Sudanese readers, starting by changing the Arabic language command icons into English

Arabic Forum

06-16-2011, 04:53 AM
hassan bashir
<ahassan bashir
Registered: 02-17-2006
Total Posts: 1302

Re: Time to rejuvenate English board (Re: hassan bashir)

    Salam Mohammed Khalid,

    Quote: and to perfect the English language

    This certainly applies to me. Beside the joy of exchanging views and ideas, I am here to improve my English and to learn more, thanks to you all.

Arabic Forum

06-21-2011, 02:50 AM
Registered: 04-08-2003
Total Posts: 826

Re: Time to rejuvenate English board (Re: hassan bashir)

    hassan bashir & co....
    respect to all of you out there, and will be coming here more often...

    mohamed hussein wrote:
    Quote: i have strong believe that language and thinking are related in real life. I find myself expressing ideas and thought’s much better when I have the liberty to use more than one language.

    and funny enough, i keep telling my friends that, english had done a great job improving my arabic...


    hafiz Kheir

    (Edited by farda on 06-21-2011, 02:56 AM)


Arabic Forum

06-21-2011, 07:12 PM
صلاح شعيب
<aصلاح شعيب
Registered: 04-24-2005
Total Posts: 2954

Re: Time to rejuvenate English board (Re: farda)


    It is good to see you here concerning about the English Board. To me, this is the first time to participate in such an english forum, and I will try to
    come again with some ideas.

Arabic Forum

06-21-2011, 11:30 PM
محمود الدقم
<aمحمود الدقم
Registered: 03-19-2004
Total Posts: 11853

Re: Time to rejuvenate English board (Re: صلاح شعيب)

    Thanks you alot dear Hassan for deleiver this briliant ideas to refresh English forum, no doubt at all our country facing these days incredible crises,tragedys and disasters conditions.
    Unfortunately Arabs naition midea kik off our cases moods, so realy it's time to shaw the Civilized societies a round the World who we are! and this this may occur from here, from Englsh Forum,, again many big huge thankx for this post catch you later.

    (Edited by محمود الدقم on 06-22-2011, 02:19 PM)


Arabic Forum

06-22-2011, 09:45 AM
hassan bashir
<ahassan bashir
Registered: 02-17-2006
Total Posts: 1302

Re: Time to rejuvenate English board (Re: صلاح شعيب)

    Warm greetings Salah Shuaib

    I am pleased and honoured tp see you here.

    Quote: this is the first time to participate in such an english forum

    ...but it is not going to be the last. You are needed here now. Please keep contributing.

    (Edited by hassan bashir on 06-23-2011, 04:25 AM)


Arabic Forum

06-22-2011, 09:41 AM
hassan bashir
<ahassan bashir
Registered: 02-17-2006
Total Posts: 1302

Re: Time to rejuvenate English board (Re: farda)

    Hello farda,

    Quote: english had done a great job improving my arabic...

    That's a very sharp observation. In Sudan, English is on the brink of extinction .. and consequently, standards of Arabic are deterirating.

Arabic Forum

06-22-2011, 09:50 AM
hassan bashir
<ahassan bashir
Registered: 02-17-2006
Total Posts: 1302

Re: Time to rejuvenate English board (Re: hassan bashir)

    Dear Mahmoud

    Thank you for the nice word. I am happy that this forum has managed to attract formidable writers of your calibre.

    Quote: it's time to show the Civilized societies a round the World who we are!

    .. and the move is already gathering steam.

    Thanks a million

Arabic Forum

07-06-2011, 09:31 PM
عبدالرحمن بابكر
<aعبدالرحمن بابكر
Registered: 06-17-2011
Total Posts: 16

Re: Time to rejuvenate English board (Re: hassan bashir)

    Quote: I think it is high time that SOL's English discussion board become an active platform for serious dicussions and debates about our own state of affairs. I hope it will attract more of those who can write in English. Arabic forum, with due respect to all members,has become more of a social network, with pressing political and economic issues of importance to our country, taking the back seat.

    Ustaz Hassan Bashir
    Well said! My own intake into this matter is as follows: Every concerned individual like yourself, has the burden of convincing like 5 to 10 just to touch base here! First let those respected people have a look! Then tell what they believe around the current columns, then probably they will decide to write something! I will come at some point for your writings! Stay warm!
    Abdul-Rahman Babiker

Arabic Forum

07-07-2011, 04:47 AM
hassan bashir
<ahassan bashir
Registered: 02-17-2006
Total Posts: 1302

Re: Time to rejuvenate English board (Re: عبدالرحمن بابكر)

    Dear brother Abdul Rahman,

    Quote: 5 to 10 just to touch base here!

    What a brilliant idea. In fact, we should convince all members by simply puuting a post in the Arabic forum asking people to visit, and hopefully to participate here. I will do that soon.

    I do hope that people here will not get dissuaded by the poor turnout. One day, this site will flourish, and as they say: build it and they will come.

    Thank you Abdul Rahman for the valuable advice.

Arabic Forum

07-08-2011, 01:20 AM
عبدالرحمن بابكر
<aعبدالرحمن بابكر
Registered: 06-17-2011
Total Posts: 16

Re: Time to rejuvenate English board (Re: hassan bashir)

    Quote: Dear brother Abdul Rahman,
    Quote: 5 to 10 just to touch base here!
    What a brilliant idea. In fact, we should convince all members by simply puuting a post in the Arabic forum asking people to visit, and hopefully to participate here. I will do that soon. I do hope that people here will not get dissuaded by the poor turnout. One day, this site will flourish, and as they say: build it and they will come. Thank you Abdul Rahman for the valuable advice.

    Dear brother Hassan Bashir!
    It is excellent to be here my friend! Yea, Well said! One day, this site will flourish, and people will come!!! As a matter of fact there is much to be discussed in here these days! Just for example: The new state of the Southern Sudan, the ties between the two sovereign states and how that reflects and affects the historical and geopolitical ties between them! People and their opinion on how they gonna manage this odd turn-out into the history on the (was) one nation! As a matter of fact we have so much to discuss around here! Thank you for adopting this topic in this post. Note: Would you allow me to write the coming paragraph to Ustaz abubakr!
    Quote: Anyway I always take languages as tools and media of communication and containers of cultural elements to some extent...
    Dear Ustaz Abubakr! You are one of the people that I really love reading them! Yes! Reading them! I have to celebrate the fact I'm writing with you in one place! See, how lucky I am!!
    Quote: a famous British Linguist said that English shall cease to exisit as the main language in this world within the next 300 years if China continues to expand it's industries and Chinses shall be the main language...He referred to Persian language which dominated the world for 700 years when Persia dominated the world and the Latin for 1000 years before that..etc...
    I strongly agree! I was in China for sometime and I really feel this gonna happen no matter what! Thank you Ustaz Bashir, Thank you Ustaz Abubakr
    Abdul-Rahman Babiker

Arabic Forum

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