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The war for Energy in Sudan
09-01-2008, 07:58 AM |
محمد فرح
محمد فرح
Registered: 09-14-2006
Total Posts: 9222
The war for Energy in Sudan
By : Vladimir Alexe From Zuia "Daily newspaper, Sat, Aug.9.2008
Darfur lies on a sea of oil which is not exploited by Exxon, chevron or British petroleum, but by china, which is currently on a wide energetic expansion process in Africa, in competition with the USA. Unlike the IMF or the World Bank, china grans large, long-term credits, with smaller than the IMF interest, to the African states. More over, china is building residential districts, hospitals, schools, highways in these countries, granting support and assistance in different domains besides the entire drilling and extractive infrastructure, oil pipes, works in ports est. The extremely special interest shown to darfur-a desert region in western Sudan-in the USA and European mass-media in the past years, the ”humanitarian” campaigns in which huge amounts have been invested , the actions taken by some personalities (George Clooney ,opera, Angelina jolie)with the aim “to save darfur ” is worth some explanations which -unfortunately – are seldom given by mass-media. At first sight, darfur is an area in the west part in the Sudan haunted for years by a terrible drought, a desert area; over populated by Arab tribes and African black people – tribes that are in continuous conflict – an area where water is very precious because it’s rare, a cradle of arms and drugs smuggling, an area where slavery is in blossom. But underground, in the subsoil of this region – in the subsoil of Sudan, in general there are immense reserves generating huge interest and hot conflicts among the USA, china and the EU. Darfur lies on a sea of oil which is not exploited by Exxon, chevron or British Petroleum, but by china, which is currently on a wide energetic expansion process in Africa, in competition with the USA. Unlike the IMF or the World Bank, china grants large, long-term credits, with smaller than the IMF interest, to the African states. Moreover, china is building residential districts, hospitals, schools, highways in these countries, granting support and assistance in different domains besides the entire drilling and extractive infrastructure, oil pipes , works in ports est.
09-01-2008, 07:59 AM |
محمد فرح
محمد فرح
Registered: 09-14-2006
Total Posts: 9222
Re: The war for Energy in Sudan (Re: محمد فرح)
Uranium reserves Darfur has also other resources that the great powers covet for the region is on the third place in the world for its uranium reserves. Uranium is vital to nuclear industry (be it military or/and civilian). Darfur- and the entire Sudan – has the best gum Arabic, which is essential for the production of coca-cola or Pepsi-cola, candies, sweet as well as in the pharmaceutical industry.80% from the world gum Arabic come from Sudan. Here also there are huge reserves of diamonds and gold; it is also the third world tank of copper, timber and others. At surface, Darfur and Sudan are known as the largest markets of arm and drug smuggling in Africa. While the energetic resources of Saudi Arabia and Gulf courtiers are, according to all prognoses, coming to an end (2011-2015), Darfur and Sudan play today in Africa the role that Casein Sea is playing in Central Asia. Given the decrease of the resources of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries, the USA have taken some energetic measures since 1990 by penetrating the Central Asia (Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil ieline) and the middle East (Afghanistan, Iraq and soon Iran). The USA understood quickly that the immense resources-especially the energetic cones fro the African space would become Vital to the American economic development in the 21st century. In this respect, the pentagon created an independent staff – AFRICOM (African Command whish, in the coming future, will conduct the military operation, first of all those in West and central Africa. In this context it is explained the great interest of the USA and the UE for the small desert region of Darfur. Significant to say that, thought AFRICOM, the United States laces its strategic plans in Africa at the highest military interest. The level of the war The conflict in Darfur is at the incidence of some internal and external causes, as wells of an inadequate international response. Internal is the ethnical, tribal and religious conflict in the province of Darfur, which opposes Baggara Arab tribes of camel breeders in the North area of the province (Rizeigat)- tribes whose religion is the Islam –to the tribes of African black people , non-Islamist and non Arab , Fur, Zagawa and Massaleit. The Islamist tribes of baggara Bedouins formed the Janjaweed paramilitary group, who has the support of the Islamist Sudanese Government in Khartoum, led by omer albashir, on whose name the ICC in The Hague issued recently an arrest warrant. The non -Islamist and non –Arab tribes of African black people formed in their turn, “Sudan liberation Movement” (SLM) and “Justice and Equality Movement” (JIM) as paramilitary groups. These would be, in brief, the internal forces. But on site, things are even more complicated: there are not less than 27 paramilitary armed groups (militias) confronting in Darfur. The recent conflict dates since February 2003. From geo-political point of view, the ethical (tribal) and religious war in Darfur is related to the conflicts among the states : Sudan , Chad, Uganda, Ethiopia, Congo, Libya, Eritrea and Central Africa Republic (the ex empire of jean Bedel Bokassa).Gerard punier writes in “Darfur; The Ambiguous Genocide” (Cornell University Press, 2005) that the incident among the states in the area started the moment Libya’s President, Muammar Gaddafi, tried to establish an “Arab belt” in Shale and promulgated the supremacy of the Arab ideology. In the 70’s-80’s Darfur became a real turn-table between Sudan, Libya and Chad. Here, the “Islamic Legion” support by Gaddafi was created; here, Hissene Habre – who tried to overthrow the pro-French government in Chad-settled his headquarters. In 1983 and 1984, the complete absence of rainfalls has thrown the province of Darfur into a server drought (runnier, Id, page 47-52). Drought has killed then about 95,000 people from the total population of only 3, 1 million inhabitants.
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09-01-2008, 08:00 AM |
محمد فرح
محمد فرح
Registered: 09-14-2006
Total Posts: 9222
Re: The war for Energy in Sudan (Re: محمد فرح)
Export of insecurity In the 90’s Darfur was well-known as the place from where attacks against neighboring countries were launched and where groups, trying to get the power through military Coups, were training, In 1990, Idriss Deby Launched from Darfur a “blitzkrieg” against Chad president, Hissen Habre, Soon after that, Deby-together with the members of his tribe-launched an attack against Sudan government, so that a paradox appeared when the rebels from Sudan had their headquarters in Chad, while the rebels from Chad were in Sudan, in the province of darfur respectively. In March 2003, when the regime of Ange-Felix patasse from Central Africa Republic collapsed, his soldiers took refuge to the bases in Darfur. Sudan supported the “West Nile Front” led Taban Amin-son of Ugandan dictator Idi Amin Dada-who took action again Uganda from Darfur. At present, the huge oil reserves-which lie from the Red Sea up to the area of the Great Lake in Central Africa-where Darfur holds the biggest reserves-represent the object of the special interest shown by the big oil companies, private military companies, as well as the “humanitarian” agencies present in the area. Sudan is currently the fourth oil supplier to China, the USA big economic rival. Therefore, the USA organized a local coalition against the Islamist regime in Sudan, coalition in clouding Uganda, Chad, Ethiopia and Rwanda in its turn, being about an “Islamist regime” Israel ensures the training of some anti-Dafur forces in Eritrea. The African Union (UA) displayed “peace-Keeping” forces in Darfur: troops from Nigeria and Rwanda, which were accused of atrocities in their own countries, The EU displayed as well 5.000 soldiers in Darfur. “Save Darfur” Coalition The current war in Dafur started in February 2003 when the tow non-Arab groupings (JEM and SLA) accused the pro-Islamist government in Khartoum of leading a pro-Arab policy of forced Islamization of the whole non-Arab population. The rebels in Darfur, belonging to (JEM and SAL) also accused the Islamist government of favoring the Arab militia of camel breeders,” janaweed”. The government in Khartoum responded to the (JEM and SAL) guerrilla attacks with air bombardments and raids of Janjaweed militia. The Janjaweed grouping was accused with violations of human rights, mass executions, systematic robbing and Kidnapping of non-Arab population. The Janjaweed militia was also accused for setting entire villages on fire, forcing their inhabitants to take refuge in camps or to cross the border to Chad. According to Western mass-media, in the summer of 2004, about 50.000 to 80.000 non-Arab people would have been killed and at least one million were driven away. Thus, the corporatist occidental mass-media declared that in Sudan-in Darfur especially-it was created “an immense humanitarian crisis”, and the Islamist government of Sudan is practicing ‘genocide” against the black population and, consequently, “ the international community” should intervene urgently in order to put an end to atrocities. On 18 September 2004, upon Resolution 1564 of the UNO Security Council, a “commission of Investigation” was created with the aim to investigate the causes of the “genocide” in Darfur. On 31 January 2005, a 176 pages report was forwarded by the Security Council. The report was confirming the assassinations and Kidnappings committed by both parties, but was confirming that one cannot speak about genocide” in Sudan , as “the Intention to annihilate a certain ethnical group”-which is actually the definition of genocide-was missing, there being only tribal conflicts. The genocide controversy Several activists-first of all, those grouped in “Save Darfur” coalition or in the “Genocide Intervention Network”- rejected the conclusions of the UNO commission and continued to speak about the “islamist genocide in Darfur”. Other organizations, like “genocide” for the tribal disputes in Sudan. According to Washington Post, in 2005 the Save Darfur coalition was settled in the USA: Save Darfur was created in 2005 as a coalition of the two grouping interested in the issue of genocide in Africa – American Jewish world and US Holocaust Memorial Museum. The Washington Post writes: Save Darfur coalition has a staff of 30 experts in politics and public relations. The 2007 budget was of USD 15 million. As china was the main beneficiary of Sudan oil, 'Save Darfur' was one of the main organizations that tried recently to be sabotage the route of the Olympic torch as well as to determine the ######### of state to sabotage the opening ceremony of Beijing Olympic games, which is to start on 8 August 2008, in an attempt to internationally diabolize China. Political marketing A spokesperson of Save Darfur Coalition pointed out that only the boycott of the Olympic Games in Beijing cost the organization some USD millions. The Save Darfur ' public relations' campaign is using typical political marketing techniques. For instance, it gathered students and bloggers of colour, trying to internationalize the vision according to which in Darfur would be genocide of the Arabs against the African black people. Save Darfur uses, in the respect, most of the techniques used by ex libration movements in south Africa, Namibia, Angola or Mozambique, Washington post also reads: No fund from those collected by 'Save Darfur' was used to help the victims in Sudan or their families. On the contrary, the coalition is using its conviction power and money to determine an international military intervention in Sudan. At the same time New York Times noted that: The 'Save Darfur' partisans from the USA are not interested in political negotiations in order to put an end to the conflict in the region. The UNO implication Ban Ki-Moon, the UNO Secretary General, showed his great concern in connection with a possible indictment o the Sudanese Personal Omar Al-Bashir. Ban Ki-Moon declared to Le Figaro that the measure to arrest and trial Al-Bashir by the ICC – following the well-known model of Slobodan Milosevic – would have very serious repercussions on the peace-keeping operations in the region and on the political process as well. on of the conflict in Sudan as one exclusively between the Arabs (Islamists) and the African black people – presented by the American mass-media – is simplified to a great extent. The Arabs are also black people, while the majority of Sudan, due to inter-marriages, is mostly Islamic.
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03-12-2009, 03:29 PM |
تبارك شيخ الدين جبريل
تبارك شيخ الدين جبريل
Registered: 12-04-2006
Total Posts: 13936
Re: The war for Energy in Sudan (Re: محمد فرح)
Where are all those "Save Darfur" war mongers repeating "Genocide" over ourheads like a scratched vinyl?
When we said that the genocide alligation is nothing but "dirty politics" designed to bring the US in the political arena after the big loss of oil deal consequencing the CPA, people - so called "opposition" - labled us as treators and "Kizan".
What, we think, happened is that they failed to read the US beneficiary in the Darfur ordeal. they failed to see the big picture!
.. or whatever ..
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03-13-2009, 08:02 AM |
تبارك شيخ الدين جبريل
تبارك شيخ الدين جبريل
Registered: 12-04-2006
Total Posts: 13936
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