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The Committee of Intelligence and Security Services of Africa CISSA

11-25-2008, 09:04 AM
محمد فرح
<aمحمد فرح
Registered: 09-14-2006
Total Posts: 9222

The Committee of Intelligence and Security Services of Africa CISSA

    The CISSA established in response to African countries head of states recommendation. It becomes an arm for African Union and mandates for provision union with security information.

    CISSA membership includes all intelligence and security services in African countries and party members shall sign the statute stipulates for the establishment of CISSA. Now CISSA includes 46 African security services.


    The CISSA objectives are for collection information in the continent and supplying the AU with such information instead of leaving that role to t other organizations. It also mandated to work as early warning entity for the AU on issues related to security, determines on security threatens and sets perspectives and proposals to resolving disputes and tensions in Africa.

    Previous Workshops:

    CISSA executive secretariat usually launches annual workshop. In 2007, a workshop launched in Addis Ababa focused on security threatening issues such as outlaws' mercenaries and terrorists' organizations activities, organized crime, trafficking of drugs and illegal migration. The second workshop held in Kigali Rwanda in 2007 where genocide issue tops the agendas of the workshop in addition to following up CISSA annual performance. The third workshop, planned be launch in Khartoum in the period from 24-27 November 2008. This workshop would discuss international Criminal Court case as main issue because it represents major security threat to stability in African continent.

    The tacking of ICC case in this particular forum assures the importance of the case as top priority security issue for CISSA organization.

    The CISSA decides deliberate on ICC from security point of view on background that security is fundamental issue that supports developing human welfare activities. It noted that ICC case discussed at countries parliaments and at regional and international forums such as AU, Arab League Organization of Islamic Conference, Arab parliamentarians Union, Bar Association, Non Alignment Countries and African Caribbean Pacific Bloc.

    The Third Workshop Agendas:

    This third workshop would discuss ICC case from various axes, of political, legal and social security aspects taking Democratic Congo, Chad Rwanda and Sudan as case studies. The workshop is to launch in Khartoum Friendship Hall Khartoum on 24-27 of November 2008.

    Participants to Workshop:

    The workshop attends mainly by all security services in the continent experts' level and meeting continued for three day.

    The AU political commission, the Sudanese minister of justice, international expert, Shadrik, Sayed Mustafa Kat from Senegal a Rwanda expert besides other international law experts and activists with long career in handing disputed issues in Africa continent all in all would participate in the workshop..

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