12-26-2007, 08:17 AM |
Abuelgassim Gor
Abuelgassim Gor
Registered: 10-28-2006
Total Posts: 4630
SPLA Killed 13 from Missaria Tribe in Grinti area
SPLA killed 13 from Missaria tribes in Grintti area only 20 km South of Almiram . Some witnesses said a violent action have broken between the SPLA and the Missaria tribe when SPLA started to disarm Missaria by force .In the same time some official circles announced that according to the CPA the Disarmament is not among SPLA military mandates and it dose belong to the SSDDR and NS DDR Commissioners . According to Mohmmed Abdella Adam PM of SPLM Free Well said SPLA could committed a genocide crimes and ethnic cleansing in this confrontation and he would develop the issue to the international circles