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SPLA's persistent Brutality against civilians needs international ....

06-14-2011, 09:44 PM
بكرى ابوبكر
<aبكرى ابوبكر
Registered: 02-04-2002
Total Posts: 18818

SPLA's persistent Brutality against civilians needs international ....

Arabic Forum

06-14-2011, 09:45 PM
بكرى ابوبكر
<aبكرى ابوبكر
Registered: 02-04-2002
Total Posts: 18818

Re: SPLA's persistent Brutality against civilians needs international (Re: بكرى ابوبكر)

    SPLA's persistent Brutality against civilians needs international attention By: Lok Franco Kok, SOUTH SUDAN

    14/06/2011 16:37:00

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    Lok Franco Kok

    Humanitarian crisis spread across South Sudan like wildfire. Since the signing of comprehensive peace agreement (CPA) in 2005. The conflict across the Nation between SPLA and Militias groups claimed over thousands of lives, injured more than 4000 people and displaced more Southern Sudanese population, of which more than 10 000 sought refuge in the north and other neighboring countries.

    South Sudan's death rate has risen sharply. A very large number of civilians have died or been murdered in cold blood and the rate of mortality has risen as the armed operations continued.
    In addition to combat or cross-fire deaths, SPLA forces have killed many Southern civilians. Many more have also died because of the disintegration of the health care system, as well as violence by militias, other armed groups and death squads.

    The humanitarian response has been slow and insufficient, due in part to concerns about the security of humanitarian workers. South Sudan could become another Somalia unless all torture, rape and killing of innocent civilians stopped, and the government put to an end the conflict between government troops and armed militias to prevent the country from descending into another prolonged civil war.

    A protracted civil war is obviously against the interests of all Southern Sudanese and will imminently destabilize the political situation in the new Nation.
    The United Nation could authorize "all necessary measures" with the aim of protecting civilians, meeting their basic needs and ensuring the rapid and unimpeded passage of humanitarian assistance. Unfortunately, since SPLA started its "measures" more civilians have lost their lives and the humanitarian crisis has worsened.

    Increasing military operation against militias will only increase animosity between them and the government and reduce the possibility of heading to the negotiating table, jeopardizing the efforts to restore peace in our country. Many thousands of people, mainly women and children, who fled the war heading to safe places, where most are sheltering under trees with little to eat or drink.
    The humanitarian situation in South Sudan continues to deteriorate drastically and the number of people in need of livelihood and humanitarian support has increased. Despite the increasing security threats, civilians fail to perform their daily work especially cultivation in a safe and conducive environment. Emergency and supplemental food rations for children and vulnerable families failed to reach them due to insecurity.

    The severe fighting has compounded what was already one of the most difficult humanitarian situations. If we do not get international support the war may spread throughout the region and may destabilize the new Nation.

    There have also been many international expressions of desires and hopes for South Sudan's peace, security, and future. Engaging in conflict at a time when a significant segment of the population is already struggling for survival is unacceptable and should be considered a violation of human rights.
    South Sudan government has failed to bring peace and stability to the country. Exacerbating the problem has been the extreme difficulty in providing assistance to war displaced people.
    The government should broaden and consolidate the reconciliation process, intensify efforts to complete the outstanding problems, and emphasize the importance of strengthening the South Sudan's security forces.

    Government ought to voice its hope that "multiple dimensions of the situation should be taken into account" when designing a comprehensive strategy for the realization of peace and security in the region.

    The Nation's national army, SPLA, continues to act in flagrant violation of all the norms of all civilized societies, they are hampering the flow of humanitarian assistance to the needy population and are perpetuating a siege over the population which is now hostage to their extremist ideology.
    Moreover, it is precisely important for international community to urge South Sudan government to create a conducive environment for increased political engagement between the government and militia groups outside the peace process and for the delivery of humanitarian assistance and public service delivery to the needy population across South Sudan.

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