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Discussion Board in English RISE OF SUN-SET BY HAMZA.M.ALHASSAN
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01-21-2006, 06:36 AM
adil amin
<aadil amin
Registered: 08-01-2002
Total Posts: 38618



    To all’s river which as my Atbara river-quick and fast- does sail and slide from eastern horizon to western horizon where sans and without our sight and fine eyes we rest and lie oh big lie of arts that day and night high and loud does yell and cry in its sweet voice of colours and tone: “Where are those two fine eyes of day and night whose beam and light is truth and beauty on all these countless miles of fine four leading eyes?”

    Two questions??

    Oh this divine sunrise
    of birth and life
    Why do you during
    Brief period and time
    Of day and night
    You become and be
    That solemn mysterious sunset
    Of no high and low
    In all’s real nest
    And lee whose bare
    Tree and dry willow
    Is you and me
    When you and I
    Sans and without eyes
    Down rest and lie
    In all’s mother’s womb
    This beaming beautiful earth?

    I become and be
    That solemn mysterious sunset
    Of death and demise
    Oh bard and poet
    The child and son
    Of sunset and me
    Since it is my
    First essential source and
    Fount that does again
    Out slide of my
    Sunset of solemn horizon
    Only to bright glitter
    And rise timeless rise
    Of hell or paradise
    Where those two eyes
    Of day and night
    Whose beam and light
    Is truth and beauty
    Bright glitter and rise
    All of the time
    Oh this divine light
    Of colors and tone
    Whose sly wise nude
    Night’s tribe and nation
    Of bards and poets
    During all days and nights
    In bliss of solitude
    Out of flying imagination
    Pen and write to
    Paint and draw their
    Bright stars and butterflies
    Fine lass and witch
    Of song and lay
    That high and loud
    Does cry on four leading
    Eyes of north and south
    With east and west
    Where are those two
    Eyes of day and night
    In you and me
    That either soar and fly
    From east to west
    Busy bee or fly ?

    A Question?

    Oh fine divine mermaid
    Of colors and tone
    How can man become
    And be fair and
    Fine on this eastern
    Horizon of fleeting life
    While quick and fast
    He does sail and
    Slide from east down
    To west with one
    Face and too two?

    An Answer

    He and I oh
    Those fine singing eyes
    Of colours and tone
    Loud yell at birth
    For our two eyes
    Of day and night
    Whose beam and light
    Is truth and beauty
    Oh this divine light
    Of imagination and creation
    Begin to darken and beclouded


    Here and there oh
    This divine fleeting sunrise
    Of birth and life
    Who is to play
    Fair and so fine
    While I with most
    Oh this singing eye
    Of colors and tone
    Quick sail and slide
    From east to west
    With one-face and
    Too two oh word
    The witch and lass
    Of bards and poets
    Who day and night
    In bliss of solitude
    Look for two fine eyes
    Of day and night
    The sun and the moon
    Whose beam and light
    Is truth and beauty
    For all these miles
    Of four leading eyes
    To sail and slide
    From fleeting eastern horizon
    Down to western horizon
    Of death and demise
    For all and me
    That beautiful busy hive
    And fine fascinating paradise
    Where you and I
    Bright glitter and rise
    Moon of fine sun.

    Four Horizons

    Oh this deep river
    And fine beautiful gill
    Of birth and life
    Narrate to all and me
    Where is your real
    Horizon while quick and
    Fast you sail and slide
    From west to east
    And from east to west
    Whose eastern timeless horizon
    Is either hot hell
    Or fine beautiful paradise
    Where those two eyes
    Of day and night
    Whose beam and light
    Is truth and beauty
    Bright glitter and rise
    All of the time
    Oh that divine light
    of colors and tone
    That day and night
    In bliss of solitude
    High yell and cry
    In its sweet voice
    Of song and lay
    Where are those two
    Fine beautiful eyes of
    Day and night on
    All these countless miles
    Of four leading eyes ?

    The Blind

    East and west
    North and south
    The river and
    Its divine sunrise
    Of fleeting light
    Which oh bewitching
    Witch and fine
    Lass of yes
    And no does
    Flash and belight
    Only soon to
    Become and be
    That mysterious sun-set
    Of no high
    And low in
    Its real nest
    And lee whose
    Bare dry tree
    Is you and
    Me when you
    And I rest
    And down lie
    Sons and without
    Our two fine
    Beautiful eyes in
    All’s mother’s womb
    On whose surface
    Most of the
    Fine time we
    Quick and fast
    Sail and slide
    Sans and without
    Those two fine
    Beautiful eyes of
    Day and night
    Whom that night’s
    Tribe and nation
    Of all poets
    Pen and draw
    In bliss of solitude
    On their lush
    Dale and vale
    Of imagination and creation.


Arabic Forum

01-21-2006, 06:40 AM
adil amin
<aadil amin
Registered: 08-01-2002
Total Posts: 38618


    To Where?

    From where to where?
    Oh that magic dale
    Of colors and tone
    That day and night
    Does ponder and think
    To sing and warble
    In bliss of solitude
    With wise nude night’s
    Tribe and sly nation
    Of men and women
    That awake walk a child
    Of bard and poet
    For two fine eyes
    Of day and night
    Whose beam and light
    Oh this divine light
    Of imagination and creation
    Is truth and beauty
    To bright glitter and
    Rise on these four
    Fine beautiful leading eyes.
    Of north and south
    With east and west
    From sunset to sunrise
    And from sunrise to
    Sunset of timeless rise
    Where fully we awake
    At its garden and paradise
    With our two eyes
    And those two eyes
    Of day and night
    Or sans and without
    Our sight and eyes
    At hell and fire
    Oh those warbling eyes
    Of colors and tone
    Whose yell and high
    Cry is for the
    Freedom and the flight
    Of you and me
    That soar and fly
    From this eastern horizon
    Of birth and life
    Down to that western
    Solemn mysterious silent horizon
    Either bee or fly.

    A drop

    It is divine deep sea
    Of sunrise and its set
    Oh this deep sea and
    Green dale of creative imagination
    Where you and I during
    Day and night sail and
    Slide a drop that will soon
    Drop at that mysterious sunset
    Of no high and low
    In all’s real nest and
    Lee the grave and the
    tomb oh yes and no
    The witch and fine lass
    Of all bards and poets
    which bright flash and high
    Soar in bliss of solitude
    Star and fine butterfly at
    That fine new earth and
    Sky of creation and fine
    Arts out of that mind’s
    And brain’s magic green eye
    Of man or woman who
    Is wise nude child of
    Bard and poet that day
    And night look for two
    Fine eyes of day and
    Night whose beam and light
    Oh this divine light of
    Imagination and creation for all
    These miles of fine four
    Leading eyes to sail and
    Slide from east to west
    Whose one horizon in two
    Different horizons Oh C and
    O in yes and no
    Is fleeting life and demise
    That hive of beautiful paradise

    Flowers and Thorns

    Oh days and nights
    Your divine fleeting time
    Of hours and minutes
    Is flowers and thorns
    That scent to prick
    And prick to scent
    Our bodies and souls
    Till they are sent
    Sans and without our
    Will and fine eyes
    To that mysterious sunset
    Of solemn dumb nest
    The grave and the
    tomb whose sunrise is
    wrath of hot hell
    Or bliss and rest
    In garden and paradise
    Where sun and moon
    Bright glitter and rise
    All of the time
    Out of truth and beauty
    Oh night’s wise nude
    Man of innocent child
    The bard and the poet
    That day and night
    On all these miles
    Of four leading eyes
    Look for two fine eyes
    Of day and night
    In you and me
    The bard and the poet.

    The Poet’s Whisper

    Will you nill you
    Uphill and down dale
    My deep running river
    And divine beautiful sea
    Does sail and slide
    Since that antique time
    Of first four eyes
    Adam and his Eve
    Down to that mysterious
    Time of no eyes
    Whose mysterious horizon is
    My source and fount
    On fell and dell
    Not caring whether you
    Are well or down
    That either flowering green
    Tree or bare one
    Which oh beautiful bewit-ching
    Fine witch and lass
    Of yes and no
    Is with that precious
    Root and invaluable treasure
    Of ideas and thoughts
    Or sans and without it.
    And you and I
    Oh singing warbling eyes
    Of imagination and creation
    Whose fine seven eyes
    Of Do Re Me
    Fa Sol La Se
    Are colors of rainbow
    In witch and lass
    Of song and poem
    Are either this or
    That who shall be
    In peace and at
    Rest at this sun-shine
    Of birth and life
    When you and I
    Are you and I
    That sail and slide
    As fast as that
    Deep river and sea
    Of divine fleeting sunrise
    That soon oh singing
    Eyes of creative imagination
    Does become and be
    That solemn mysterious sunset
    Of death and demise
    Whose timeless sunrise is
    The future life for
    All men and women
    Who sail and slide
    On all these miles
    Of four leading eyes
    Oh river and sea
    That shall soon up dry
    Only again lush and
    Green to sail and
    Slide through beautiful paradise
    Where those two eyes
    Of day and night
    Whose beam and light
    Oh this divine light
    Of imagination and creation
    Is truth and beauty
    Bright glitter and rise
    All of the time
    Or black neither to
    Stop nor to run
    Through fire and hell
    Oh verses and lines
    The fine magical key
    Of this whole universe
    Where the bard and
    The poet is man
    Animal and plant in
    Men and women that
    Are wise nude juveniles
    On that deep sea
    Of imagination and creation
    Whose divine sweet voice
    Of colors and tone
    Does color and play
    Through all days and nights
    Those two fine eyes
    Of day and night
    In you and me
    The bard and the poet.

    The River’s Light
    It is intellectual delight
    That invaluable brilliant light
    Of science and knowledge
    Where some flashing minds
    Are flash of lightning
    In busy hive of
    Heavy lush green rain
    And finely colored bees
    That drill their drops
    Of ideas and thoughts
    Into this deep river
    And fine beautiful sea
    Which oh fine witch
    And lass of song
    And poem quick and
    Fast does sail and
    Slide out of that
    Light of science and
    Knowledge from this sun-rise
    Down to mysterious sunset
    Of life and demise
    When they flash bright
    To soar and fly
    Through this divine river’s
    Light of intellectual delight
    For those who live
    To add either by
    Their hands or minds
    Only to be that
    Fount and running source
    Of faith and use
    All of the time
    When they use their
    Brain or skilful hand
    Oh men and women
    To till and plough
    Upon the green cheek
    Of all’s real mother
    This beaming beautiful earth
    Birth of that paradise
    And fine beautiful garden
    Where most bright rise
    Two fine beautiful eyes
    Of day and night
    The sun and the moon
    Oh sons and moons
    Of that night’s tribe
    Of men and women
    That child wander awake
    Mere bard and poet
    Whose permanent inspiration is
    Man, animal and plant.

    C and O

    How can we on
    This deep river and
    Fine sea of divine sunrise
    And mysterious solemn sunset
    Whose light and dusk
    Are life and demise
    Rest and relax with
    That invaluable C and
    O of science and
    Knowledge while most of
    Their invaluable precious outputs
    We utilize and use
    In war and fight
    Our tragedy and misery
    Oh this intellectual light
    Of imagination and creation
    That high and loud
    In song and poem
    Through all days and nights
    Does call all nations
    On all countless miles
    Of four leading eyes
    To hug and embrace
    During this fleeting tour
    Of east and west
    Life and its demise
    That fine white dove
    Of peace and love
    Whose feathers and wings
    Are you and I
    Oh this singing eye
    Of imagination and creation
    That sail and slide
    In bliss of solitude
    Out of colors and
    Tone whose source and
    Fount is childhood’s remini-scences
    Down to two eyes
    Of day and night
    Whose beam and light
    Is truth and beauty
    Oh this divine light
    Of songs and poems
    That does please to instruct
    And instructs to please
    Out of its magic
    River and divine tree.

Arabic Forum

01-21-2006, 06:45 AM
adil amin
<aadil amin
Registered: 08-01-2002
Total Posts: 38618


    The Little Beast

    I met little beast
    On all’s deep river
    And fine beautiful sea
    Of divine fleeting sunrise
    That soon does become
    And be that dumb
    Silent solemn mysterious sunset
    Whose sunrise is timeless
    Of hell or paradise
    Who called me and
    Named friend and mate
    When my function and
    Role is to bed
    And eat at this
    Fine beautiful divine surise
    Of birth and life
    Whose real feast of
    Delight is addition of
    Ideas and bright thoughts
    Or beautifying and de-corating
    Oh this magic decora-tion
    Of song and poem
    That high and loud
    Does whisper to all
    On all countless miles
    Of four leading eyes
    Either to add or
    To decorate and beautify
    While quick and fast
    They sail and slide
    On all’s deep river
    And fine beautiful sea
    From east to west
    Whose two horizons oh
    This magic horizon of
    Imagination and creation are
    Fleeting life and demise.

    The Herd

    While I was sailing and
    Flowing from east to west
    Of sunrise and its set
    Whose mysterious dark horizon
    Is death and demise
    Oh this divine warbling nest
    Of imagination and colored cr-eation
    I met herd and wild
    Flock who pleaded me them
    To join when my brain
    And mind I fast lock
    Only to be seen and heard
    A mid that flock and herd
    Of animals and savage beasts
    When my function and role
    Is to bed and eat
    At this fine divine sunrise
    Of birth and fleeting life
    Which its pith and core
    Oh fine lass and witch
    Of magic yes and no
    That are song and bewitching poem
    Of Do Re Me Fa
    Sol La Se with colors
    Of rainbow on that divine
    Dome of imagination and creation
    Is addition of bright thoughts
    Or beautification and decoration
    Oh this fine divine treasure
    Of blissful pleasure and instruciton.

    The Sick River
    We the sons
    And the buds
    Of that divine
    Clay to the
    Sun most of
    Us don’t look
    And eye while
    Quick and fast
    We sail and
    Slide from this
    Fleeting sunrise of
    Birth and life
    Down to that
    Dumb mysterious sunset
    Of timeless rise
    Whose horizon either
    Hell or paradise
    Unless there are
    Mist and fog.
    And when there
    Are thick fog and
    Mist we look
    And eye to
    That fine eye
    Of day since
    Ourselves oh song
    And poem of
    Colors and tone
    Are covered and
    Shrouded by that
    Thick fog and
    Mist of disguise
    Which oh witch
    Of fine song
    Make our River
    Of fleeting sunrise
    With its mysterious
    Set of demise
    Too sick and
    I ll to sail
    And slide through
    its paradise of
    Truth and beauty
    Where day and
    Night you high
    Cry and yell
    With your wise
    Nude night’s tribe
    Of all poets
    To disperse that
    Fog and mist.
    Sun and Moon

    Oh all’s fleeting divine
    Sunrise and its shine
    Of day and night
    How can you shine
    To bright glitter and rise
    On all these miles
    Of four leading eyes
    Those two fine eyes
    Of day and night
    Whose beom and light
    Oh this divine light
    Of imagination and creation
    Is truth and beauty
    While most during your
    fleeting days and nights
    Oh all’s fleeting sunrise
    Soar and quick fly
    From east to west
    Of birth and demise
    In selfishness and fog
    Of lies and disguise
    Which Oh fine witch
    Of song and poem

    Make our river and gill
    Of birth and life
    Too ill and sick
    To sail and slide
    Through its busy hive
    And fine beautiful paradise
    Of sun and moon
    Whom day and night
    Your son and child
    The bard and the poet
    Oh sunset and its rise
    In bliss of solitude
    At that magic dome
    Of creation and fine arts
    Does color to play
    Both out of that fine
    Bewitching witch and lass
    Of yes and no
    That whisper to all
    In its sweet voice
    of truth and beauty
    On all these miles
    Of four leading eyes
    Since that antique time
    Of first four eyes
    Adam and his Eve
    To best love and like
    While quick and fast
    They sail and slide
    From east to west
    Of life and demise.

    The Drowing Ship
    Oh that magic beam
    And fascinating divine ray
    Of song and lay
    The fine magical key
    Of all these miles
    Of four leading eyes
    From time to time
    He does beam to smile
    Only at the deep
    Depth of his false
    Self and untrue being
    By that murderous poison
    Of hatred and down
    Down to drown that
    Life-ship of friendship
    While that fine eye
    Of day and night
    Whose beam and light
    Is truth and beauty
    Does drop her bitter
    Tears and eye drops
    Behind his fog and
    Thick mist of lies
    And disguise only bright
    To glitter and rise
    Through this fleeting sunrise
    Of birth and life.

    The Horn
    Your brush and horn
    Oh wise nude child
    Of that night’s tribe
    The bard and the poet
    Is at that divine
    Magic sunny-pleasure-dome
    Of imagination and creation
    Where in bliss of solitude
    You cower by your
    Fine witch and lass
    The yes and no
    To play and draw
    Through all days and nights
    Out of your mind’s
    And brain’s green eye
    Fine singing warbling eyes
    Of colors and tone
    That sing and warble
    In its bewitching voice
    Of earth and sky
    For all on all miles
    Of four leading eyes
    To sail and slide
    From this fleeting sunrise
    Whose beam and light
    Is birth and life
    With its mild lamb
    And savage mild beast
    Of good and evil
    Down to that sunset
    Of dumb mysterious nest
    The grave and the tomb
    Nude and sans horn
    Oh that magical horn
    Of Do Re Me
    Fa Sa La Se
    In colors of rainbow
    On this divine life.

    Fly or Bee?

    Whether fly or busy
    Bee you and I
    Soar and high fly
    From this eastern horizon
    Of divine fleeting sunrise
    With its mild lamb
    And savage wild beast
    Of good and evil
    Down to western horizon
    Of dumb sunless land
    Where is the real
    Nest and lee oh
    That fine white dove
    Of imagination and creation
    For all of us
    Who at that real
    Dumb nest of sunset
    In peace rest and lie
    If at this sunrise
    Of birth and life
    We become and bee
    Fount of faith and love
    When we fast and pray
    Oh verse in lay
    The fine magical key
    Of this whole universe
    To the able Creator
    And Maker of all
    On all countless miles
    Of four leading eyes
    Whose men and women
    With animal and plant
    Are the beaming fount
    For that green smile
    Of colors and tone
    That does all call
    The fine three kingdoms
    To best love and like.

    You or I ?

    Who is the busy
    Bee or the fly
    You or me and I ?
    Upon this eastern horizon
    Of divine fleeting sunrise
    Whose beam and light
    Of birth and life
    Oh that divine light
    Of imagination and creation
    Shall soon out die
    At that western horizon
    Whose dark of sunset
    Is death and demise
    Which oh bewitching witch
    Of song and poem
    Does attract and magnetize
    All on all miles
    Sans and without their
    Sight and fine eyes
    I don’t know till
    My sensitive self and
    True being of innocent
    Child deep I know

    On all’s deep river
    And fine beautiful sea
    Of sunrise and its set
    Oh yes and no
    The witch and lass
    Of all bards and poets
    That day and night
    In song and poem
    Call you and me
    To soar and fly
    From east to west
    Sans and without that
    Thick fog and mist
    Of lies and disguise.


    Oh all’s river and sea
    How can I into
    You deep dip and dive
    To thorougly comprehend and
    Understand your running currents
    Of life and its sunrise
    In all and me
    While my ture self
    And sensitive innocent being
    Of man and child
    I don’t know oh
    That yes and no
    The witch and lass
    Of all bards and poets
    That call you and me
    Through all days and nights
    Out of their mind’s
    And brain’s green eye
    To soar and fly
    From east to west
    Busy bee for all
    On all countless miles
    Of four leading eyes.

    The Two Banks

    How can you and I
    On all these miles
    Of four leading eyes
    Alert and awake walk
    On only one leg
    From east to west
    Of sunrise and its set
    Whose beam and light
    Oh fine divine light
    Of imagination and creation
    Is birth and demise
    Whereas you and I
    Are emotion and brain
    Whose conflict and fight
    Oh this green rain
    Of poetry and poesy
    Is storm and howling gale
    That most does uproot
    From this divine gift
    Of sunrise and its shine
    Whose beam and brilliant light
    Of birth and life
    Smoothly does run and flood
    Out of that mysterious sunset
    Of death and demise
    From east to west
    By its two banks
    Of brain and emotion
    Oh this deep river
    And fine divine sea
    Of imagination and creation-

    You and I

    You and I who is
    Either busy bee or fly
    On this fleeting sunrise
    Whose beam and light
    Oh that divine light
    Of imagination and creat-tion
    Is birth and life
    Soon fast fly and
    Soar sans and without
    Our will to that
    Sunset of dumb nest
    Where you and I
    Shall be in peace
    And rest if at
    This divine fleeting sunrise
    Whose four leading eyes
    Are north and south
    With east and west
    We best love and
    Truly like oh this
    Fine singing warbling eye
    Of song and lay
    When we fast and
    Devoutly pray to the
    Maker and able Creator
    Of all whose two
    Fine eyes can be
    Sans and without their
    Sight and light when
    He and I oh
    Two fine eyes of
    Day and night whose
    Beam of bright light
    Is truth and beauty
    Crawl to loudly bray
    Then why we oh
    Fine song and lay
    Fast and too pray
    While quick and fast
    We sail and slide
    From east to west
    Of life and demise
    That whisper to all
    On all these miles
    Of four leading eyes
    To glitter and rise
    Those two fine eyes
    Of day and night
    The sun and the moon.

    Four Eyes

    Oh those first four eyes
    From whom all quick
    And fast sail and
    Slide from this east
    Of fine divine sunshine
    Down to that sunset
    Of no high and low
    In its real nest
    Of grave and tomb
    Where are those two
    Eyes of day and night
    Whose beam and light
    Is truth and beauty
    On all these miles
    Of four leading eyes
    Which once bright rise
    At your fine paradise
    Oh Adam and Eve
    That shall be our
    Blissful permanent nest if
    We best love and like
    At this divine rise
    Of day and night
    With its mild lamb
    And savage wild beast
    Of good and evil
    When we fast and
    Devoutly pray to the
    Maker and able Creator
    Of this fleeting sunrise
    With its mysterious sunset
    Of death and demise
    That shall all magnetise
    Only to be that
    Timeless sunrise of hell
    Or fine lush paradise
    Oh that magic flow
    Of colors and tone
    That color to play
    In bliss of solitude
    Out of that bewitching
    Witch and fine lass
    Of yes and no
    Whose new magic language
    Is dew of poesy.

    Too Two
    Oh that beam
    And bright light
    Of moon-face
    You flash day
    And night out
    Of your essential
    Source and fount
    Of beam and
    Light that fine
    Eye of day
    Into the mind’s
    And brain’s fine
    Lush green eye
    Of that night’s
    Wise nude child
    The bard and
    The thinking poet
    To pen and
    Draw in bliss
    Of solitude that
    Song and lay
    Of creative-imagi-nation
    Which high and
    Loud in its
    Sweet voice of
    Colors and tone
    utter and say
    To all and
    You on all
    These miles of
    Four leading eyes
    Why do you
    Sail and slide
    From this divine
    Fleeting sunrise of
    Birth and life
    Down to that
    Dumb mysterious sunset
    Of no eyes
    With one face
    And too two?

    My Missed Bottom

    Why is your bottom
    Surface oh deep river
    And Fine beautiful sea
    Of sunet and its rise
    Where all quick and
    Fast sail and slide
    From east to west
    Of dumb real nest
    The grave and the tomb
    Only to get and
    Reach to that deep
    Bottom of fine paradise
    Where those two eyes
    Of day and night
    Whose beam and light
    Is truth and beauty
    Bright glitter and rise
    All of the time.
    Or are we oh
    Deep river and sea
    That does sail and slide
    Through all of the time
    From east to west
    Of life and demise
    Sail and slide far
    And away from your
    True currents and waters
    That whisper to all
    On all countless miles
    Of four leading eyes
    Through all of the time
    Only to sail and
    Slide with only one face
    Where my surface is
    That missed bottom of
    Hive of beautiful paradise
    That does hug and embrace
    Through all days and nights
    Some of my sons
    Suns and fine moons
    Who deep think to
    Sing and warble while
    In bliss of solitude
    At that floating dome
    Of imagination and creation
    They paint to color
    Their witch and lass
    Of yes and no
    Which flash and soar
    Butterflies and night’s eyes
    In song and poem
    That high yell and cry
    During all days and nights
    Why my countless jewels
    Of wealth and riches
    Are not for all
    On all these miles
    Of four leading eyes ?

    The Happy Fly
    You hurry to no where
    Oh wise nude child
    Of that night’s tribe
    Of men and women
    Since you live and
    Dwell at no-where
    Or you live and
    Dwell at one place
    Oh that son and child
    Of sunset and its rise
    Whose two different horizons
    Are demise and life
    Where few are fair
    Since most and more
    Oh bard and poet
    Have more than face.
    And at your bourn
    Of sky and earth
    Oh fine green skylark
    Of men and women
    The bards and the poets
    Most do not know
    Why they ar born.
    Then are they happy fly
    If they live or die
    Here or at any place.
    But to live and
    Dwell with one face
    Whose body and soul
    Are fair and fine
    Then we are happy bee
    That does live and dwell
    At hive and paradise
    Of give and take.

    The Salvation Ships

    Oh salvation ships
    You I see
    In my own
    Deep fine sea
    Of fleeting sunrise
    And its set
    Where I see
    My true self
    And sensitive being
    Of man and
    Guy who is
    Mere nude child
    Is your berth
    Oh salvation ships
    Whose cruise why
    Most of the
    Time is far
    And away from
    That berth of
    True life and
    Birth oh verse.

    My Sailing and Flow

    Foul and fair
    He is oh
    Wise nude nights’s
    Tribe of poets
    That are mere
    Children and juveniles
    On that river
    And deep sea
    Of creative imagination
    To whom in
    My bliss and
    Joy of intermittent
    Sailing and flow
    Upon its two
    Magical banks of
    Colors and tone
    You hand over
    To his mild
    Heart and mind
    My fine colors
    And tone of
    Song and poem
    Only to ope
    The deep depths
    Of my sunrise
    Whose horizon is
    Birth and life
    Fair and fine.


    How can you oh
    Fly; soar and fly
    From time to time
    Just me and I !
    I Soar and fly
    From time to time
    Just you oh bee
    Since you and I
    Both in all fly
    By our conflicting wings
    Of good and evil.

    His Tale
    Oh that son and child
    Of sunset and its rise
    Whose two different horizons
    Are demise and life
    Narrate to all out
    Of that singing eye
    Of your lush dale
    Whose two fine banks
    Are colors and tone
    How can those two eyes
    Of day and night
    The sun and the moon
    With their divine light
    Of truth and beauty
    Bright glitter and rise
    On al these miles
    Of four leading eyes?
    They would glitter and rise
    When all or most
    Fly and soar high
    From east to west
    Of life and demise
    With only one face.
    They would glitter and rise
    Oh man and guy
    When you and I
    Soar and high fly
    From east to west
    Of life and demise
    Busy bee and white dove
    Of peace and love
    For theirselves and all.


Arabic Forum

03-03-2020, 02:43 PM
adil amin
<aadil amin
Registered: 08-01-2002
Total Posts: 38618



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