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Our strategy of the economic hub and the agriculture sector, livestock and natural resources

04-20-2009, 04:32 PM
osman elrayah
<aosman elrayah
Registered: 04-15-2009
Total Posts: 583

Our strategy of the economic hub and the agriculture sector, livestock and natural resources

    Strategic planning towards a national real participation in all sectors of civil society in the planning, implementation and follow-up.

    (Our strategy of the economic hub and the agriculture sector, livestock and natural resources .

    Peace be upon you and the mercy of God.

    The strategic planning is an art and literature as the deliberate and people that looks forward to a prosperous future and striving to achieve the hopes and aspirations of generations in the life of a happy and well-being sustainable, and therefore can not determine the order of national priorities in various areas of economic, social and political, following the participation of scientists, intellectuals and specialists genuine partnership In the planning, implementation and follow-up.

    The synergy and coherence of movement and cross-fertilization of ideas between different sectors and actors of the political, trade union is a fundamental requirement to be able to produce a national document by the complex .

    The main cause of problems in Sudan is not due to lack of experts and scientists, intellectuals and cadres, but a problem of conscience, honesty and impartiality, and also the problem of managing a fair fight corruption and allow close monitoring and follow-up of what has been planning and implementation.

    A separate detailed study of the electoral programs, especially with regard to planning the national strategic vision based on careful analysis of all failures in the overall national strategy and evaluate the programs first and second in 1998 and 1993 to evaluate the third program in 1999 to 2000 and national strategy overall long-term (2002 to 2027) and before planning a short Term programs and the five-year plan and ten-year plan .

    True, there are a lot of achievements have been done and large projects related to infrastructure and other, but that measured the length of time it is modest, as it had ignored in the whole economic situation in which citizens living condition has deteriorated to a degree which is very obvius , who made a lot of Experiences and competencies to migrate abroad, for example, have migrated thousands of doctors, university professors and other competencies.

    That our team not limited to one it is open to all experiences and competencies, is an integrated team of legal, political and administrative and those witnessed the administrative system before the government including constitutional peoples, including those who participatedin the writing of the current constitution .

    In my answer to the question on the press concerning the materials prices, necessary under the current dynamic world economy, which now tends to raise support for basic goods, which contrary to the interests of the vast majority of poor people in Sudan say that we have a vision of an integrated economic strategy, which includes (program priorities and major policies , Economic policies, investment, finance, trade and insurance) as we have a strategic sector of agriculture, livestock and natural resources, which include (a strategy of irrigation and water resources, irrigated agriculture strategy, a strategy rain-fed agriculture, natural resources strategy, a strategy fisheries and drinking water strategy).

    There is also the strategy of social development sector, which include the (welfare, child care and maternity care for women, youth strategy, a strategy of interdependence, business strategy and voluntary charity, health development strategy, a strategy of public education, higher education strategy, strategic urban planning, housing, tourism development strategy Strategy and sport strategy environment) .

    Sector Strategy human resources development (population strategy, public service, training and statistics).

    Sector Strategy of Culture and Information (Strategy of cultural radiation, media strategy).

    Sector Strategy of Science and Technology.

    Sector Strategy and Policy justice system (the federal government, political system, the syndicates and the block, the Justice and Peace).

    Foreign relations strategy.

    Strategic security and defense sector.

    Strategy maps and land information.

    Strategic industry, energy and mining.

    Transport Sector Strategy, transportation, communications, storage, which includes the (rail, road transport, roads and bridges, river transport, marine transport, sea ports, air transport and air ports, public transport network of oil pipelines, storage, postal and telecommunications) .

    Reference to the question above, we will respond through the vision of our strategy to brief economic and agricultural: --

    First / economic strategy:

    There are many treatments that could lead to the sufficiency and prosperity, and processors : --

    - Adopt policies that lead to a strong investment, production, employment and strengthen the national currency liberalization policies and closing the road in front of restraint and control systems and convoluted transactions.

    - Maintenance strategy in the national currency to float the price to lay the actual impact of market mechanisms in the free market governed by orderly and salary incentives of production, consumption and freedom of trade and play a central role of the bank corrected the imbalances and curb market speculation of chaos and enhanced capabilities of real-time automatic correction of the structures, including price and exchange rate factors The relative stability of the elements of economic life .

    - Special attention to personnel development and expansion of cooperative property that those standards a form of collective ownership People

    - Controls the allocation of public enterprises that were individually or jointly with the public sector and the need to exclude industries and strategic installations and sovereign, with the need to know the real value to the state treasury in income from the sale of such installations.

    -The Need from the government to give good example in adherence to the ideals of austerity measures and restrict consumption full control of the administrative expenses and all manifestations of luxury and extravagance and waste.

    - Maintain the expenses related to the use of government cars and raise the real return on government property.

    - Higher rates of the agricultural sector investment and industrialization of agriculture to the highest possible levels of funding and guidance to the largest export crop production.

    - The use of loans and grants break bottlenecks in the balance of payments and finance the projects of rehabilitation and resolve structural bottlenecks and the provision of production inputs and lifting the debt-strapped regional critical and move to exempt Sudan from its external debt without any conditions .

    - Called double national income subject to the fates of investment resources and foreign component, and upgrading the high level of technical - economic, and remove structural impediments it is impossible to obtain such resources on an ongoing basis without the doubling of export revenues to rising ,the only way to achieve that in the short time over the non-commercial use of our Petroleum and agricultural and animal.

    - Economic strategy entails the need to control inflation not only control the money and restrain public spending, but the dissemination and application of some policies of support:

    - Directing credit and banking facilities to productive sectors and enterprises capable of successful payment.

    - To stop the financing of productive processes, such as buying land and real estate speculation in the foreign exchange transactions and all designated storage of goods and Compactness and unloading of the market

    - Strict control on government spending and waste of public funds and the introduction of a zero budget phased in public budgets methodological tools to control the budget on overhead costs and the effective use of a cost-benefit analysis systems in all public institutions.

    - The development of a national project to combat unemployment, especially unemployment graduates and the absorption of graduates in the private sector( industrial and agricultural opportunities and support for productive self-employment) . The means of support and incentives to speed up reform and educational skills conducive to facilitate productive work and the need for fair, justice in any opportunities without Dismissal .

    - The Development Planning methodology, which includes the agricultural sector, both plant and animal and agricultural industries.

    - The development of oil and mineral exploration and exploitation.

    - Strategy is labor-intensive projects, the cornerstone in the development of independent self-consistent with the policies to combat unemployment.

    - The strategy of planning international monetary cooperation on the basis of a deal with the patterns of exchange and money markets and work to develop the areas of financial and monetary cooperation . And the importance of planning policy guidance for the integration of bilateral economic and regional, Islamic and Arab , Africa and globally.

    - Planning policy guidance to balance the growth of national output and money supply and acceptance of deficit financing method exception in cases of the financing of real production capable of absorbing the increases in cash and the creation of new production capacities in order to control inflation rates.

    - Deepening the concepts of charity and humanitarian work and interdependence, especially in the areas of health, cultural, humanitarian and rural development, community and family and the establishment of financial institutions and funds related to it.

    - The average growth rate of real gross domestic product to strategic targets and higher rates of investment and national savings by increasing budget surpluses and private savings and remittances from expatriates and encourage the return of migrant money and improve investment.

    - Reform of the budget adoption of the budget performance to ensure that expenses related to the particular unit the size of the scheduled work and performing.

    - Reduce the size of the national budget gradually and the use of centralized cash budget for the distribution of cash between various sectors and give priority to the Health and scientific research and education.

    - tax reform and look at the tax system commensurate with the income of citizens and to contribute to all who are able to pay taxes and work to narrow tax breaks.

    - Amend the tax rates to encourage domestic and foreign investment and the development of private savings and encouraging small and medium producers.

    - To exempt tax relief for the helpless, and to direct all government units, institutions and companies in cooperation with the Office of Tax and provide the requested information and the supply of tax cuts immediately.

    - Investment:
    - To attract foreign aid and loans to pay for investment projects in all sectors, especially the agricultural sector.

    - Removal of double taxation and the review of the taxation policies, customs and excise and sales tax to the productive sectors and stimulating exports.

    - Openness to the world in order to restore foreign investor confidence and participation in the institutions to ensure effective investment and financing institutions, agencies and world bodies and the specialized regional and encourage small industries and rural industry spare parts and agricultural equipment.

    - Flexible price policy and determining the price, which reflects the real cost to the investor can achieve a moderate rate of profit with the need to study the phenomenon of unwarranted high prices compared to the neighbouring countries .

    - Strengthening research centers, investment and modern systems studies and help state and focus on the development of national expertise and project agreements include the requirement of the involvement of the Sudanese experience in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

    - Support the expansion of technical education and vocational training, administrative and investor require facilities to train workers in order to create qualified human frameworks to meet the needs of information, data and statistics and updating care.

    - Freedom from bureaucratic constraints and expand the work of the umbrella of investment activity across the entire nation.

    - Trade:
    - Liberalization of domestic and foreign trade with the necessity of the boundary between the mad rise in prices and the need not to exploit the policy of deregulating the economy.

    - Simplification of administrative procedures for export and consolidation in one hand and to disseminate awareness of laws and regulations export .

    - To open new markets and trade media attention and make maximum use of global and regional organizations.

    - Development of export of livestock and encourage the expansion of cotton raincoat.

    - II / strategy of Agriculture, Livestock and Natural Resources:
    - Intensifying efforts to increase productivity through the introduction of advanced technology and appropriate elements of production in the following areas:

    - 1 / irrigation: the introduction of modern irrigation systems, 2 / soil: the addition of fertilizer and protect it from erosion, 3 / production: improving strains, 4 / Mechanization: the introduction of mechanization which is appropriate to the weather of Sudan and the quality of soil.

    - The selection of regional specialized crops suitable for each state based on the comparative advantages of each region.

    - Achieve a major breakthrough in the production. Agriculture is the true country's petroleum and achieving real food security and increase the volume of exports.

    - Focus on supporting small-scale producers pattern basically agricultural development and justice.

    - To facilitate the marketing and its means ( paving of roads and the abolition of fees and levies in the national roads.)

    - Enhancing of the production by combat the smuggling of marketing by fair prices to farmers after deducting the total cost and the State must export surplus.

    - Reconstruction and rehabilitation of the Gazeera agricultural project and spinning and weaving plants and open investment in the textile and export.

    - Increased production in all agricultural projects (Rahad project and the increase in planting peanuts, cotton and sunflower) by providing funding and improved seeds to farmers advances along with the use of technical packages.

    - Lower prices to facilitate the flow of goods and movement of incoming and outgoing goods through ports while reducing the value of floors and expansion of ports and develop mechanisms and accelerate the movement of goods.

    - Increased production of sesame and maize in the state of Gedaref and the introduction of sunflower, cotton raincoat.

    - The provision of electricity and water for irrigation water and completion of elevation stages of reservoir Alrusaris , Marwi Dam and other dams in the north and south.

    - Increase qualified in agriculture, with job creation and promotion of agriculture and scientific research institutes and centers increased.

    -Animal Resources ( Livestock ):
    - The development of methods for animal husbandry and care and rehabilitation of herdsmen and owners of sheep and double exports of livestock and their products with eradication of epidemic and endemic diseases.
    - Self-sufficiency of basic vaccines and vaccines.

    - Promotion of research and veterinary professions .

    - Fisheries:
    - 1 / fish industry development / expansion of fish farms in the Red Sea and the rivers and canals and Lake Nubia and farms 2 / development of the canning industry and drying.

    - Natural Resources:
    - National mapping of natural resources, protection and investment.

    - Maintaining the natural diversity and balance.

    - Soil conservation and protection from erosion and degradation and desert encroachment and pollution Chemists.

    - Development of forests and grasslands and protecting natural herding unjust and developing protected areas and wildlife.

    - At the end of this analysis and reference to the living conditions of our people is our vision of displaced people to rebuild the deteriorating situation in Sudan , especially in the provinces especially in Darvor. Need to speed up the resettlement of displaced persons and refugees, rehabilitation of agricultural and call them to speed up the settlement of nomads with the provision of assistive devices for that matter, need to resolve issues with border disputes .

    may God guide us.

    Dr /OSMAN El rayah Omar HassabALAH

    Republic of the Sudan presidential candidate for next presidency .

    26 / 8 / 2008

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