02-01-2009, 07:01 AM |
مكي المغربي
مكي المغربي
Registered: 08-08-2004
Total Posts: 216
Obama is not African, he is Arab!
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For us as East African we do know that Obama is not African, he is Arab! All Muslims in Kenya(or most of them) were immigrants from two Arab countries, they came for slavery trade. Some of them married African girls, daughters of African tribal men, just to protect them. The two countries are Oman and Yman. Most of Arab writers(in Yemani websites) said that Obama’s roots belong to a region in Yaman. Its name is Hadramoat. The same region of Osama bin laden. Hadr means in Arabic (came) and moat means (death)! You can ask Arab people in America. People in Hadramoat have two ways to build their names: either to add Ba (father) or Bin (son), as example Bajmair, Bashare ,Bakatheer OR Bin Laden, Bin Aseel , Binhussain and so on . RACk means a kind of traditional bag for fishermen: Barack means a man has got a Rak. Father means owner in old Arabic Hadramoat (still spoken there) . Obama means Abou Alamma; the Aunt’s Father. A man: he or his sons relate to you by woman. Have you ever heard about the story of Prophet Mosses and Egyptian Pharaoh? The king who breeds his arch foe in his palace. Now a relative of Osama Bin Laden governs America. This is your fate.