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New Book

06-26-2016, 12:09 PM
Mohamed Yousif
<aMohamed Yousif
Registered: 10-24-2014
Total Posts: 295

New Book

    11:09 AM June, 26 2016

    Sudanese Online
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    Razad and Bandar engaged in a series of emails which reflected their thoughts they called ’Our random thoughts’. The thoughts culminated in their marriage and eventually in a divorce. The thoughts mainly conducted by emails and in few occasions face to face encounter, and also reflected during the short time, when he was under the same roof with her and her mother. The story is real though the names of the characters are fictitious.

Arabic Forum

06-26-2016, 12:13 PM
Mohamed Yousif
<aMohamed Yousif
Registered: 10-24-2014
Total Posts: 295

Re: New Book (Re: Mohamed Yousif)



Arabic Forum

06-28-2016, 09:34 AM
Mohamed Yousif
<aMohamed Yousif
Registered: 10-24-2014
Total Posts: 295

Re: New Book (Re: Mohamed Yousif)

    The way they met, was one of those casual moments created by chance. It was brief, though remained in memory; time drifted by through almost five years, during which Bandar indulged in a failed marital life. Razad paid a brief visit to him and his family on her way to a business trip after which Bandar never had any contact for the next five years with her. Out of the blue Razad called him and since then a series of emails which he called ’Our random thoughts’ culminated in their marriage and eventually in a divorce. The thoughts mainly conducted by emails and in few occasions face to face encounter, and also reflected during the short time, when he was under the same roof with her and her mother. The story is real though the names of the characters are fictitious.

    Fatal mistake
    Bandar realized, in just a couple of weeks the fatal mistake he had made. His mother-in-law did all she could to ruin his marriage and, regretfully, she succeeded. She was a very sick woman. She interfered in every single aspect of the household. 24 hours watching the TV, watching the silliest programs one could imagine, she occupied the whole house. His wife did not want to interfere because she said her mother had always been like that, and they had always given-in to her. This was the unkindest cut of all. All this, coupled with his wife intolerable repulsive behavior left him with no choice but to divorce her as soon as she got her new assignment, accompanied by her mother, in an Asian country. That was one week after they arrived in that country. He watched them heading to the departure hall and his mother in- law limping in a hurry towards the departure hall. His wife never properly conceived of the idea of marriage and never respected the norms of it, for she was brought into it at a late age. Marital life was beyond her comprehension. He realized that he made a frightful and grievous mistake in his choice of spouse. His decision to divorce would have materialized at the very beginning and in many occasions he was on the version of taking such decision but he thought, wrongly, things might improve. He thought she might learn from her unforgivable mistakes but her behavior persisted to demise and disrespect the norms of marriage. All promises fell to the ground like autumn leaves. He did his best to hold his marriage, but it failed, for the autumn leaves were crushed long ago before settling to the ground.

Arabic Forum

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