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09-07-2008, 02:01 PM |
محمد فرح
محمد فرح
Registered: 09-14-2006
Total Posts: 9222
It is known that the United States is boasting about its freedom of press, but it has faced criticism from my circles. In the annual report which was published on may 2, 2002 correspondents without borders accused the United States of exorcizing pressures against the press groups in its war against terrors that followed the attacks of September 11. The freedom the attacks of September 1.these pressures resulted in constraints on the freedom of the press. The racial discrimination in the United States is deeply rooted. According to a study of the American judicial policy institute, the issue of racial discrimination is a key factor for the application is a key factor for the application of law. Around one out each five blacks in imprisoned for a certain period in his life. The number of black people in the American prisons is bigger them the number of the blacks in the US universities. The ethnic minorities are cauterized as among the poorest groups in the United States, while these minorities are suffering from injustice, according to the study. The blacks are being given medical treatment, which is much worse than that given to white Americans. This situation continued to exist since arrival of the blacks from African into the United States. There is a gap between the life expectancy of the blacks and whites, which extends to seven years. The racial discrimination remained increasing in the United States since the terrorist attacks of September 11. The most dangerous aspect of discrimination was relating to the Muslims and Arabs. According to statistics of the North American Islamic society, 48% of the Muslims living in the United States say that their life has changed to the worse since September 11/2001. The United States is adopting its method of individualism regarding the international affairs. It is continuously committing serious violations of human rights in other countries. The United States managed to neglect the serious calls of the international community upon it to refrain from staging a war against Iraq. But the United States and other few countries tended to disregard this call and to launch their war on Iraq on March 20,2003. This war posed a flagrant violation of the goals, principles and the Charter of the United Nations. The war resulted in severe losses in the lives of innocent civilians and mutants as well as major humanitarian disasters. In its air raids against Taliban in Afghanistan in the year 2002, the American forces drooped about 250,000 cluster bombs, and attacked several non-military targets, a matter that resulted in severe civilian casualties. There were also serious violations on the rights of the war prisoners. According to CNN news channel, around 12,000 militants of Taliban were detained since the start of the US aggressions, adding that only around 3,500 to 4000 persons of them have survived. Hundreds of thousands of American forces exist abroad. These forces are committing crimes and violating human rights wherever they land. More than 400 traffic accidents are being committed by American troops every year in the republic of Korea, but only less than 10 of these cases take its way to courts. The American forces at Okinawa in Japan are known for their bad conduct and involvement in crimes, such as intended arson and rape. The investigations revealed that more that 300 #######. Crimes were committed in Okinawa since the world war 11. All these examples and facts affirm the double-standard method being adopted by the United States in the international field of human rights, that is because the United States has been issuing annually reports on human rights practices in which it tended to criticize the situation of human rights in other countries, and in the same time it turns a blind eye to the severe human rights violation in its own territories.
A summary about American history There was a report issued by the ministry of education in the United States, which revealed that the students at the secondary school level in the United States have no knowledge about the history of the United States. Thus, if the students in this country are ignorant about the history of their country, then we shall not be amazed about the injustice and ignorance of the United States government toward US, because they are actually do not know US. The foundation of the United States was in the year 1776 through 13 colonies at the eastern border. At the beginning it was a limited piece of land, but it is a large one which extends from the Atlantic ocean in the east till the pacific ocean in the west, and from the Caribbean sea in the south till the Northern frozen ocean in the north, let alone its military, economic and political impacts world. Wide following the cold war, the United States became the single super power in the world. The western scholars tended to depict as “the Empire of all the World”. The history of the American expansions can be divided into four stages: - The stage of expansion in the continent, the stage of over-seas expansion, the stage of conflict for hegemony world-wide and the stage for domination world-wide. The stage of expansion in the continent dealt with the conventional expansion in lands, but all the four expansion were concentrated on effecting economic, political and cultural influence. The era of cold war witnessed dispute between the United States and the Soviet Union for the sake of imposing hegemony all over the world. During this era, the United States has succeeded to make Europe dependent on it economically through extending economic support to the European countries. The United Sates has sent its forces to establish the anthraces of the North Atlantic treaty Organization (NATO). Thus, Europe became a small partner of the United States. The United States also established military alliances with Australia, New Zeland, the Republic of Korea, Japan and Philippine. The United States got involved in conflict with the Soviet Union for the sake of influence in the Middle East and other regions in the world. The American arrogance continued to increase day by day after elapse of the cold war. Following the cold war, the theory of American horn and the New Empire began to propagate. Where will the fourth stage of American expansion reach its and? . The answer of this question depends on the war, which is being staged by the United States against Iraq.
And also the war that is being launched by Qaeda against the United States. If the United States achieved a victory in Iraq, then its might and influence will increase. Many American scholars view that the United States shall not tend to establish the all world system or the American Empire through military and individual work. The United States is incapable to avoid the terrorist attacks by bombs or other forms on its lands, unless it manages to abandon its endeavourer to set up the American international Empire.
09-07-2008, 02:02 PM |
محمد فرح
محمد فرح
Registered: 09-14-2006
Total Posts: 9222
Vision of the United States toward the human rights organization Human rights watch stated that the preliminary results achieved by the United States on Israel’s violations of agreements and conventions, through its use of cluster bombs in Lebanon in the past summer, shall lead to immediate to sell these bombs to Israel. The Bush administration is due to provide the US congress with the out come of the investigations on Israel’s use of Americanmade cluster bombs 6.6 four million bombs. The United States has demanded Israel to provide detailed information on the quality and quality of the cluster bombs. In 1983, the administration of President Ronald Regan imposed a bon on the sales of cluster bombs to Israel, after the US congress knew that Israel has used this kind of bombs at populated areas during its invasion of Lebanon. Human rights watch stated in its annual report for the year 2007 that the United States was unable to assume the position of leadership concerning the issue of human rights on the issue of the detainees in Guantanmo. Human rights watch also criticized the stance of the European Union with regard to this issue and its refrain to utilize its influence for solution of this human rights question. Human rights watch has expressed its frustration over the negative attitude of European Union countries and the United regarding protection of human rights. The report referred to various aspects and challenges that deserve urgent and great concern on human rights matters. Unman rights watch also pointed to repressive acts under taken by governments in North Korea, Burma, Saudi Arabia, rights and people’s dignity. The report said that Russia, Egypt, Iran and Ethiopia are carrying out repression against non-governmental organizations and apposition. Human Rights watch also said that around two million people in Darfur are being subjected to continuous attacks, adding that more than 20.000 persons were killed in Darfur, while two million people became displaced. It said that around four million people in Darfur are dependent on international food aid. Human Rights watch also lashed out in its annual report on the violations and torture being inflicted on detainees at Guantanamo without holding trials, indicating that this continuity of detention represents a stigma that mars the United States record of human rights. The report of Human Right watch demanded the administration of President Bush to refer for trial or release of around 400 detainees at Guantanamo camp. The American administration is keen to stick to secrecy concerning every issue relating to the detainees at Guantanamo. Most of the detainees at Guantanamo were arrested for away from battle fields, despite their depiction are prisoners of war. According to registers of pentagon, no accusation or charges were directed against most of these detainees. There fore, around 300 detainees are imprisoned, in Guantanamo without charges against them or justification. Human Rights, watch said in its report that five of the administrations of prisons in the United States are allowing use of ill- natured police dogs to terrify and attack prisoners, so as to out of their cells. The report described this conduct and other acts as Violations of American soldiers against Detainees in Iraq Facts about violation and abuse practices against delaines in Iraq were reported by American soldiers them selves. They confessed about torture, abused torture, abuse and violation that they have committed against the detainees at prisons, especially at Abu-Ghraib prison and detention at Baghdad Airport, and with the approval of the concerned authorities. Human Rights watch referred to the scandal which was disclosed at Abu-Gheraib prison on torture and abuses against Iraqi prisoners, who were subjected. To strikes torture and prevention from slumping for long period. These severe violations were committed by American troops. The United States refuses to abide by the ban on torture The United States should have been ashamed of its defiance of the international community concerning the proven violation and repression that it has continued to practice in several areas in the world. Human Rights watch referred to a discussion between a high –level American delegation and a UN Committee on Combat of Torture. The United States, through this discussion, declared its refusal to abide by its commitment to put an end for torture, inhuman practices, abuse and humiliation. During May 5-8, 26 officials of the American State Department, the ministries of Defense and justice and the internal security were subjected to interrogation by the UN committee for combating torture. This committee is conducting regular review of reports of 141 countries which have ratified the agreement for combating torture. In its review of the United States file in the year 2000, the committee focused on many issues, including the conditions in prisons and violations and practices being done by police authorities. Head of this UN committee said that the Bush administration should adopt serious measures to punish all the officials who committed torture, violation s and abuses against detainees, as well as application of new policies and plans to prevent re-occurrence of such violations. Secret American Detentions in Europe violate international law The Congress and the European Union shall conduct investigation on secret Detentions. The Washington Post reported on November 3, 2005 that the United States has used secret detentions in Eastern Europe for detention of. Suspected terrorists, without permitting them to meet with lawyers. The article did not fix certain areas in Eastern Europe. Human Rights watch conducted on investigation to verify the information, which was published by the Washington post in secret detention in Easter Europe. Human Rights watch gathered information that planes belonging to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) left Afghanistan in the years 2003 and 2004 directly to ports at remote at remote areas in Poland and Romania to transport detainees from places in Europe, Afghanistan and the Middle East. Human Rights Watch was able to give names of 23 prominent persons who were put in theses detentions in Eastern Europe countries. It stated that more detainees are to believe to be in similar detention in areas in the Middle East. Officials of the CIA, who called for anonymity, said that there are around 100 persons in detention outside the United States, Human Rights watch and concerned circles in the European Union called for investigation to identify the countries that are allowing the United States to use their lands for detention of suspected persons, without giving them the right to meet with advocates and lawyers. Human Rights watch called on the US congress to conduct hearings on these accusations and to ask concerned authorities in President Bush administration to explain the legal reasons behind the continuous detention of persons in CIA prisons in Europe and Guantanamo. Human Rights watch also called on the European Union to carry ant more investigation on the CIA detention in European countries.
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09-07-2008, 02:03 PM |
محمد فرح
محمد فرح
Registered: 09-14-2006
Total Posts: 9222
Examples and Events on American Crimes throughout its History
1 - In April 1961: The American Marines made repression on an uprising in Dominican, and occupied all the country in early May. This occupation lasted for eight years. 2 - On June 6, 1933: The Saudi Finance Minister, Abdalla Al-Suleiman, and Luid Hamilton, signed an agreement giving the Americans the rivilege of oil exploration in Saudi Arabia. 3 - In May 1945: The American Air Force attacked the German Dersen city. The bombing resulted in the death of 150,000 civilians, and destruction of 60% of the city’s buildings. 4 - In early December 1943: The German Marine Forces sank the American ship (S/S john Harvey) which was carrying 150 tons of the poisonous mustard gas/ 5 – On August 1845: the US President, Turmen ordered the throwing of the second nuclear bomb on the Japanese Najazaki city. Around 78150 people were killed due to the bombing as well as the severe injury and distortion of tens of people. 6 – On September, 1945: the American President, Truman approved establishment of an American air base in Dhahran to be the first American one in the Arab Gulf. 7 – In 1946: the Americans looted 250,000 tons of fatal gas in Georgia area in Austria. 8 – On March 3, 1949: The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) launched a military coup in Syria led by Hosni Al-Zaeem. The military coup was planned at the American Embassy in Damascus. 9 – On August 4, 1949; A group of Syrian officers were ordered by the American Embassy in Damascus to besiege the house of Hosni Al-Zaeem and killed him. 10 – On June 26, 1950: The United States intervened militarily against North Korea in favour of South Korea. 11- On March 10, 1952: The United States supported General Patista to stage a coup in Cuba. He seized power and became a dictator who was linked to the United States. 12 – On August 1952: The CIA launched a military coup in Guatemala and bombed the capital and other areas. 13 – On July 15, 1958: The six American Fleet occupied Lebanon to support the government of Kamil Shamoon. 14 – On November 1: The CIA killed Prime Minister of Vietnam, Dego Den Dem, who was its former agent. 15- On April 1961, 1961: The United States attempted to invade Cuba through a number of deported Cubans, who were supported by American planes. 16 – On May 4, 1965: American ships and planes transported 1700 of Infantry troops and 2500 soldiers to Dominican. 17 – On September 11, 1977: The CIA implemented a military coup against Salvador Alinde in Chile. 19 – On October 20, 1977: The American Minister of Energy declared that the United States shall resort to protection of the oil production areas in the Middle East. 20 – On December 13, 1979: The American administration decided to expel the Iranian diplomats in the United States. 20 – By the end of May 1980: More than 30 American military ships gathered near the coasts of Iran. 21 – On April 28, 1980: The American President Carter said that he is studying the possibility of launching military operations to rescue the five American hostages in Iran. 22 – On July, 1980: The American administration decided to work out a new military strategy based enabling the American army to fight two major wars in one time. 23 – On February 25, 1982: The US administration adopted steps to ban the Libyan oil and to ban the petroleum and electronic equipment to Libya. 24 – On July 7, 1983: Ships of the American Sixth Fleet arrived at an area of less than 50 kilometers from the Lebanese coasts to support the Zionist forces which invaded Lebanon on June 5, 1983. 25 – On May 22, 194: President Regan told King Fahad bin Abdul-Aziz that the American administration is studying the stage of military work, if necessary, to protect Petroleum Ships at the Gulf. 26 – On July 1985: The American Senate ratified a law that entitled President Regan to intervene militarily in Nicaragua. 27 – On January 1, 1986: The United States imposed a number of sanctions on Libya and severed the economic relations with. 28 - On January 24, 1986: The United States’ Sixth Fleet conducted provocative sea and maneuvers near the Libyan coasts. 29 – On April 22, 1986: The United States, Britain and France used the Veto at the Security Council against a draft resolution of the Non Allied Movement which condemned the American raid against Libya. 30 – On July 10, 1986: The American Ministry of Defence disclosed its plan to establish new establishments to store nuclear arms in 26 air bases in Europe and the Far East. 30 – On November 1986: President Regan imposed economic sanctions against Libya due to what he called its support to terrorism. 31 – On April 3, 1988: The American Ministry of Defence decided sending more military forces to provide required security for the American forces at Panama Canal’s are and to protect American nationals and interests. 32 – On April 18, 1988: American war ships destroyed two Iranian oil tanker ships southern of the Gulf. 33 – On December 20, 1989: the American forces invaded Panama through orders from President George Bush to arrest General Manuel Norega and to try him before court in the United States. 34 – In 1990, the United States suspended its military and economic assistance to Pakistan bases on its suspicion that Islamabad is developing nuclear arms. 35 – During January 17 – February 1991: The American forces in Iraq destroyed more than 8437 houses,157 bridges, the railways, 130 major and branch electricity stations, 249 kindergartens, 139 social welfare houses, 100 hospitals and Health clinics and 1708 elementary schools. 36 – In 1990, the American planes destroyed Al-Ameriya resort in Baghdad, killing tens of elders, children and women. 37 – Intensive American air missile and air attacks staged on Iraq. 38 – in 1996: The United States set up a fund of 20 million dollars to undermine the Islamic regime in Teheran. 39- On September 28, 1997: Iraq announced that more than 1.2 million persons have died due to lack of medical supplies sine the imposition of the siege on Iraq. 40 – On November 2, 2000: A report revealed the United State’s use of uranium in 1991 in its bombing of Iraq. 41 – By the end of 2003: American forces killed many Afghan people in the context of its co-called campaign against terrorism. 42 – On June 28, 2005: secret American detentions in Europe are violating the international law. 43 – On June 27, 2005: The United States detained tens of Muslims without directing charges against them. 44 – In April 2004: The American forces’ abuse of war prisoners in Iraq began to provoke concern in the world.
Reasons behind Military Intervention in Darfur Article written by: Mamdouh Ismail Sudan has been engaged in continuous war against the rebellion in the south, which was supported by Zionism and the Americans. The conflict and war has halted the implementation of several development projects in south Sudan. As soon as the south conflict was solved, another problem appeared in Darfur region, which is fuelled by the United States and its allies with the aim to utilize the humanitarian crisis for putting pressure and carrying out invasion on Sudan. The American-motivated resolution on deployment of international forces in Darfur came in a time when the Arab World is suffering from split and severe weakness and the raging of wars and violence in Iraq, Palestine and Lebanon. It was astonishing that the American administration has demanded Sudan to accept immediately the implementation of the resolution on deployment of the international forces in Darfur. The resolution was intended to pave the way for American intervention in Sudan, which is regarded as a strategic and important area. Sudan is considered a strategic depth for Egypt, and it represents the southern border of the Middle East which is targeted by the United States. Thus, Egypt and its people are required to live up to their role for rejecting the American intervention in Sudan. The intervention in Sudan will undermine Sudan’s sovereignty and unity. The Political and Military Reporter of the French “ Libersion” shed light on the major hidden objectives for the United States plan to intervene in Darfur region. He warned that the foreign intervention in Darfur will negatively affect and harm all the Arab countries. The writer regarded the deployment of international forces in Darfur as intended to provide a legitimate reason for the United States to interfere in Sudan affairs and to colonize it for the sake of #####ng its petroleum resources. The French writer indicated the state of weakness and disunity prevalent in the Arab World is encouraging to the United States so as to implement its goals and strategies, including the invasion of Darfur and Sudan and the establishment of the New Middle East. The essay referred to the strategic position of Sudan at the Horn of Africa area and a source of water for Egypt.
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09-07-2008, 02:04 PM |
محمد فرح
محمد فرح
Registered: 09-14-2006
Total Posts: 9222
Glimpse of Human Rights Scandals and Support to Democracy in the United States I have read a report of the US State Department under the title: Support to Democracy and Human Rights at a time when I have just completed reading of a book of three chapters who lived in the United States for 18 years. Really, the level of double standard policy and thinking amazed me. The author of the book said that the form and essence of living and dealing with the Arabs and Muslims in the United States and other countries have changed after the September 11 attacks. The author, who disclosed his love to America in a former book, said that the accusation of hostility to America could lead to many punishments and harms against Arab and Muslims (like the Saudi Sami Al-Hussein). Fortunately, many of the Arab and Muslim writer who criticize America do not live in it; otherwise they will be put in American detentions. The observor of the roots of the American history will clearly notice that the evident factor of racism that is linked to the superiority of the Anglo-Saxon and the flagrant disregard of others in the United States. After killing tens of thousands of Red Indians, the White Anglo Saxons turned to assassinate the Blacks. A report of UNESCO in 1987 has shed light on the brutality which was inflicted on the Africans in America. This report stated that Africa has lost 200 million people in the slave trade, may of whom died during the loading and transportation in livestock ships, before reaching America to be slaves for White Americans. In the World War II, a Japanese military attack resulted in the death of 5,000 American troops. The civilized American response was the dropping of 234 tons of bombs on Tokyo and other 64 Japanese cities to kill 100,000 people within few hours, as well as the displacement of around one million Japanese people. This genocide was ended by the throwing of two atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima cities to kill tens of southands of people without discrimination between militants, civilians, children or women. America did not let peoples enjoy freedom and democracy. In North Korea it isolated the people’s government and led to the eruption of grinding wars that have claimed lives of 100,000 people. The United States appeared crushing the burgeoning democracies and values and protecting dictatorial regimes for the sake of its own interest. On October 8, 1997, the New York Times published a report which revealed that around 2.6 million people were killed in the American invasion of Vietnam. The American army has killed around 150,000 farmers in Guatemala during 1966 – 1986. No one can forget America’s continuing support to the tyrants and slaughterers in many countries. Then comes the American war in Afghanistan when the American army killed at least 30,000 civilian Afghans, and dropped between five to seven tons of bombs. The world is now aware about the American atrocities and in humanitarian acts in Baghdad, Abu-Ghraib prison, Musel and Fallojah, let alone America’s generous support to the Zionist terrorism which is engaged in the killing of the Palestinians and their children and occupying their lands.
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