NCP: Britain's Banks boycotting Sudan
:Dr. Kamal Obeid: Ocampo's Allegations to Al-Bashir of Embezzlement intended to denigration of Sudan Image Dr. Kamal Obeid the Minister of information affirmed that the accusation of the prosecutor of International Criminal Court (ICC) against the President of the Republic Field Marshal Omer Al-Bashir by embezzling, targeted to tarnish him against his people, exploited the infiltration through his relation with officials in USA administration. Dr. Obeid stated that the weikliks documents exposed Ocampo and proved he receives instructions from politicians and he is unprofessional man. He reviled that Ocampo asked an American official advised him about doing this step towards denigrate the figure of the president, he added that Ocampo is a foolish man as he did not choose the suitable scenario to this accusation as he mentions about exaggerated amount – that he said the president embezzled (9) Billion Dollars, noted that State revenues hasn't such amount to be embezzled, and the President has no relation with the Britain Banks which are boycotting Sudan. He further added that if Ocampo has independent professional conscience, he will not need to take his commands from diplomatic bodies. He indicated that the document shows the involvement of the American Foreign and some of its infiltrators to distortion the image of Sudan and the President Al-Bashir.