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Looking for an enemy...................!!!!

12-28-2012, 00:01 AM
salah ismail
<asalah ismail
Registered: 04-27-2009
Total Posts: 1258

Looking for an enemy...................!!!!

    Militants always looking for a fight. Obviously , none of them will even exist without an enemy to shoot at or kill, those are the kind of people who are governing
    some of the third world countries , Sudan is the best example, why do they look at their own brothers in the south as enemies, . It just proof one facts all the time, Army people
    are trained to find an enemy, it has been planted inside their head during the training camps. Taking the governments by force is the old fashioned as the world around us is changing
    since lethal, atomic and nuclear weapons are all over the plant Earth no body will win a battle or a fight. However , where some nations are living in peace naturally , their own Army
    turns against them , take over their nations wealth , building them selves against each other ,buying more weapons and training them selves with the best in the world on
    how bring down any civilian spirit under control.

    We have to look at how this kind of professionals are trained, there is always a target to shoot at even if it is made by themselves, funny enough, while training their imagination is
    incredibly utilized to make that enemy very clear, with this kind of mentality what would we expect from them...say no ...and you will make them real and important attaching themselves to that gun machine they will show and make sure you say yes....sir...because you are an enemy...

    We just have to listen to Albasheer once and that is enough to know how he think....he do not think...actually he brings the enemy in his mind right in front of himself and start shooting..that is how all of them are trained...their motto is take guard and shoot....our nation has to wake up take the guns from the hands of those people, crazy as it could be there is no any other way and the toll of lives must be paid , what is happening in Syria now is just true.....



Arabic Forum

12-28-2012, 05:03 PM
salah ismail
<asalah ismail
Registered: 04-27-2009
Total Posts: 1258

Re: Looking for an enemy...................!!!! (Re: salah ismail)

    One of the very serious situation between Sudan & South Sudan is the defensive mind set resulted from the long time war and terror and abuse
    of the militant to their unsupervised loose powers through the years of war. The ward (shamali) or the one from the north has very strong ties to that heritage of abuse, discrimination,
    and racism . The negative experiences has no place to expand except in the collective mind of the generations suffered from the war, where families were torn away , villages were
    were burned, women were sexually abused and children were forced to carry gun machines to survive, all that is not just memories but deep emotional scars started to shape the DNA of
    the generations to come, a dis-functional relationship at the level of two nations ... not two houses not two people but the whole two regions that will offspring ugly monsters in form of people, their inside was severely damaged , their hopes for the a better life is always threatened , and their present is guarded with doubt and uncertainty .

    Rehabilitation programs are urgently needed in the South Sudan as well as in Sudan, we are experiencing a painful feeling of victimization in one side and an anguished anger in the other side. Broad guide lines must be highlighted all the times to develop awareness about the this critical situation as the two nations are now fighting for resources, land and independence. The question will be who is there to start the programs???

Arabic Forum

12-29-2012, 05:53 PM
salah ismail
<asalah ismail
Registered: 04-27-2009
Total Posts: 1258

Re: Looking for an enemy...................!!!! (Re: salah ismail)

    For some one who has been through the bad experience of addiction to any substance we find that medical attention is the last resort as the problem and
    the challenge became clinical. A healthy individual is mandatory to build a healthy community as well, however, nations are aggregates of communities, the sustained reaction between
    those communities living together consequently results in the development of an identity of a country. Individuals reactions to wars and its consequences is experienced individuality
    and we can learn from the other nations resume what we can do to help those who has been affected by war. By stopping the fight and imposing cease fire protocols we just changed the course
    and the direction of how war will continue , fear anger, hate and frustration will have a larger space in people mind and lives since the fighting it self was some sort of expressing those attitudes, and emotions has been stopped. This will explain why there a break up of the fight again and again and even worse than the first fight.



Arabic Forum

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