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01-21-2013, 04:32 PM
محمد حسن محمد ادم
<aمحمد حسن محمد ادم
Registered: 08-22-2012
Total Posts: 171


    He may be one of the best singers in Sudan
    He may ....but I will not say here I am a dedicated fan of him ,though the late Mahmoud Abdulaziz is a legend
    He got the title of the most respected most admired person to me
    It is not because of his talent ,not his strong beautiful voice nor anything related to his performing statue .
    It's his humanity ,his compassionate ,his dedication to help whoever needs a hand
    People will remember him as the one whom they listen to his songs or dance to his music and enjoy him to the most
    I in the other hand will miss his presence as a human
    May god bless his soul

Arabic Forum

01-27-2013, 12:42 PM
Asma Abdel Halim
<aAsma Abdel Halim
Registered: 05-01-2006
Total Posts: 1028

Re: Legend (Re: محمد حسن محمد ادم)

    salam Mohamed:
    yes may Allah bless his soul.
    I have to admit that being away and busy with a few things I missed on listening to some good voices.
    if it were not for the Ramadan program Aghani wa Aghani I would be the most ignorant person on who is who
    after Tarbas.
    I also saw Mahmoud Abdelaziz a couple of times on Sudan TV. I was a bit scared at how he looked like another
    Zaidan, physically I mean, which makes me want to point out that both might have had a health problem.
    In other countries the death of such prodigies calls for bringing up what they suffered, and whether it can be avoided for the
    new generation of artists.
    Other cultures increase the contribution of such geniuses by having their fame and name be an incentive to address some
    of our ailments. whether it is cancer, liver or kidney disease or even addiction the names of the great men and women are a good
    way to make them contribute even after death to the health of the living.
    Some make this happen in their lifetime, take for example Betty ford and her breast cancer, or Mandela talking about his son's AIDS,
    both raised awareness for killer diseases and the world cannot thank them enough.
    That is of course if I am right about both men suffered one ailment or another.

Arabic Forum

02-17-2013, 02:00 PM
محمد حسن محمد ادم
<aمحمد حسن محمد ادم
Registered: 08-22-2012
Total Posts: 171

Re: Legend (Re: Asma Abdel Halim)

    Dear asma
    Sorry I have been away from the English forum
    I came back and read your response just now
    You are right and not only we always tend to ignore our valued assists but we always bombard them even after their death ,
    You are right ,death can be an awareness to a lot of aliments ,Rock Hedson,arther ash , plus the examples you kindley mentioned
    Thanks and hope to hear from you

Arabic Forum

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