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In Recognition of Khatim Adlan's Contribution

04-02-2005, 09:26 AM
Mohamed Elgadi

Registered: 08-16-2004
Total Posts: 2861

In Recognition of Khatim Adlan's Contribution

    Thanks for your great input and feedback… I would like to go ahead and suggest a committee of Ihsan Fagiri, Mahgoub Tigani, and myself. I will go ahead and create a Blogger (the new era of websites) to post articles (English and Arabic) of Khatim Adlan, so it will be available in one place for those interested in his work.

    A word of clarification on the idea of celebrating and recognizing the role of Usatz/Khatim Adlan is needed especially to those who contacted me personally.
    The recognition does not mean at all that we surrendered our struggle in fighting the battle against Cancer along with our beloved politician/writer. Of course by no means founding an institution in the name of Khatim Adlan should be understood that he is no longer with us, physically. This is why I mentioned the example of the legendary African American Bill Sutherland who still full of life with us while we are celebrating his great contributions.

    Mohamed Elgadi

    “The Jangaweed is a culture and mentality for this regime...They ride on horsebacks in Darfur and in SUVs in the streets of Khartoum”…
    Dr. Ibrahim Karseni (www.sudanile.com 9/16/04), a progressive Sudanese Economist (not a verbatim translation)

    -----Original Message-----
    From: mahgoub eltigani [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2005 11:09 AM
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Re: A proposal to celebrate the life of Khatim Adlan

    dear Mohamed,

    The health crisis of Khatim is shuttering news. Let us pray he would soon
    get well to continue his life long admirable struggles for the sake of the
    poor and the needy.

    Your proposal is timely. As a practical step, we need to collect Khatim's
    works and introduce them to readers in Arabic, English, and possibly others

    Let us also collect other forms of recognition....

    Any ad hoc committee to take care of these and other important issues?

    I am reqadily volunteering with you and all colleagues concerned ...


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Mohamed Ibrahim"
    To: ; ;
    Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2005 9:28 AM
    Subject: A proposal to celebrate the life of Khatim Adlan

    Activists and Friends of Khatim Adlan....

    In my difficult efforts to overcome this shocking news of the health crisis facing Ustaz/Khatim Adlan (see the Press release of HAQ http://www.sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb...ard=6&msg=1112412824, I'm trying hard to face the cruelty of this reality.

    The cruelty of this reality is the man-made cancer become part of our life... especially for people who are coming from countries ruled by corrupt systems. In specific area of Gezira, the cancer percentage increased by 3 times of the National average. This is mainly because of the heavy use of agricultural chemicals, in addition to the irresponsible acts of technocrats (the Hasahisa pesticides graveyard is only one example).

    Khatim Adlan fought and will continue fighting for the social justice of the poor thru different community organizing tools that he excelled. This legacy of Khatim should continue in his life and beyond. The mass educational workshops, rallies and Political Nights that he has been doing over the past 40 years helped many of us to become more focused and aware.

    I proposed to a number of Ustaz/Khatim's friends (in Philly and DC) that we should move beyond this crisis and continue with Ustaz/Khatim in his mass educational campaign mission. I proposed one idea of founding a Think Tank institute or Community Organizing center in recognition the role of Ustaz/Khatim Adlan in our political and cultural life.

    I participated last summer in the inauguration of the Bill Sutherland Institute, an African American legend, in his life (see http://www.afsc.org/africa/toward-africa/) I hope to participate again this Summer and meet again with this thinker who did a lot for the global human rights issues.

    My proposal of Khatim Adlan Action Research Center comes within the same idea of the Bill Sutherland Institute. We should celebrate the achievements of our thinkers in their life.

    The cruelty of cancer pushes us to think ahead and get prepared to the worst scenario. We don't know when we will be exiting this short life.

    Mohamed Elgadi

    Philadelphia, PA (USA)

    (Edited by Mohamed Elgadi on 04-04-2005, 11:59 AM)


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