06-21-2005, 04:48 AM |
peace builder
peace builder
Registered: 10-17-2002
Total Posts: 791
Global Week of Action Against Small Arms (6 -12 June)
MAMAN منظمة مبادرة الأمن الإنساني - مأمن Human Security Initiative Org.
Global Week of action Against small arms (6 -12 June) Human security initiative org. activities
The org. held the following activities during the week of action on small arms: - 8th June : Awareness raising lecture on the impact of spread and misuses of small arms on women’s lives , a lecture was presented on Albashir city -Haj Youssif locality , it shed the lights on the effect of spread of small arms on the civilians hands and how it accelerate the conflict , besides it’s dangers on family lives. 50 ladies attended the event and widely responded to the issue. (See the attached photos). - 9th June : Some posters encouraging disarmament were distributed (See the attached). - 10th June : The org .wrote letter urging the Sudanese government to ratify and sign the following firearms protocols: • UN. Protocol to combat illicit proliferation and trafficking of small arms (2000) , • Nairobi protocol on the illicit spread and misuses of small arms The letter was handed to the president Marshall Omer Al Bashir, and copies to president of SPLM Dr. John Garang, minister of Foreign affairs, minister of interior, minister of justice and the head of ministries council . The letter pointed out the devastating Impact of small arms and its role in conflicts ignition. - Media coverage: Four national news papers follow up the organization activities For the week of action, Sudan vision, Khartoum Monitor, Akhbar Alyoum and Alhayaa daily news papers had covered the Events. (See the attached) The report and photos of the week of action are available at org. website: www.humansecurityintiative.org