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Discussion Board in English Ghada Award for Young Writers/Second Annual Contest 2011
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Ghada Award for Young Writers/Second Annual Contest 2011

07-24-2011, 07:13 PM
عائشة موسي السعيد
<aعائشة موسي السعيد
Registered: 07-10-2010
Total Posts: 1638

Ghada Award for Young Writers/Second Annual Contest 2011

    Second Annual Contest For
    The GAFYW 2011

    In honor of Ghada Mujtaba Mahasi, daughter of Siham Taha El-Mujammar, GAFYW Committee announces its second prize winning contest following the great success achieved by its first contest.
    The Award offers prizes that include electronic gadgets, and symbolic gifts for the best writer and the two runners-up.

    10 works (3 winners + 7 runners-up) will be published in a booklet to be marketed for maintaining continuous awards for young writers and the publication of their works.

    Rules for Entry:

    1. Contestants should be girls and boys of 14 to 18 years old – unrestricted level of Education.
    2. Participation could be either in English or Arabic Language.
    3. There are three areas of choice: Story, Poem, or Personal Experience.
    4. Articles should be between 750 -1000 words in length.
    5. Articles should be either written in black ball point, clear handwriting or typed, on one face side of A4 paper.
    6. Articles should be written, edited, and handed in by the contestant him/herself.

    7. Participants should include the following along with their work:
    • Written consent of the parent or guardian of the copyright inthe booklet referred to above, without prejudice to the rights of the author or literary rights in the future publication of his/her text.
    • A few sentences, not more than 50 words, introducing the topic.
    • A copy of Birth certificate
    • A contact number or e-mail address
    7. Deadline: We will be receiving articles until 15th August 2011.
    8. All materials must be submitted:
    • Sent electronically to the following email: [email protected]
    • Submitted in person as hard copies at the following collection centres:
    Holm English School (Alma’ Mora – Khartoum)
    Kibieda International Schools (Alamarat – Khartoum)
    King Fahd Private School (Kober – Bahri, Alhigra or Alwadi Street – Omdurman). A coordinator will be named in each center.

    9. The judges' Committees are composed of a President and three other members who are specialised linguists of Arabic and English. The Committees will be headed by Uztaza Asha Musa El Said.
    10. Some of the contestants may be called for an interview to verify authenticity of their topic.
    11. Any signs of plagiarism will disqualify the contestant.
    12. Any absence of the above mentioned documents will disqualify the entry.
    13. The Committee will be looking for the following:
    • Ideas, their relevance and coherence
    • Style of presentation
    • Language used: fluency and accuracy
    14. The results of the contest will be announced on 14th November 2010.

    For more information please contact:
    (+249) 910458045 or (+249) 0122086460
    Or send an email to [email protected]

    The Ghada Award Organising Committee

Arabic Forum

07-24-2011, 07:32 PM
عائشة موسي السعيد
<aعائشة موسي السعيد
Registered: 07-10-2010
Total Posts: 1638

Re: Ghada Award for Young Writers/Second Annual Contest 2011 (Re: عائشة موسي السعيد)

    I extend a warm invitation....

    From the Ghada Award Committee

    To young contestants (14 - 18)...

    From all over the Globe...

    To reach out this extraordinarily successful contest..

    Whose major objective is to hear the creative ideas, and read the creative words

    of Ghada's generation...She didn't stay long enough to freshen our hearts with her

    beautiful words and elegant style........



    Write in English..

    Write in Arabic..

    Short Story..



    Read the conditions above, ask for more information and wait for more talk on the subject.

    With all my love and enthusiasm!

Arabic Forum

07-25-2011, 10:59 AM
عائشة موسي السعيد
<aعائشة موسي السعيد
Registered: 07-10-2010
Total Posts: 1638

Re: Ghada Award for Young Writers/Second Annual Contest 2011 (Re: عائشة موسي السعيد)

Arabic Forum

07-27-2011, 05:32 PM
عائشة موسي السعيد
<aعائشة موسي السعيد
Registered: 07-10-2010
Total Posts: 1638

Re: Ghada Award for Young Writers/Second Annual Contest 2011 (Re: عائشة موسي السعيد)

    This is a sample of these young writers, early talents.
    Khalid's article was one of the most touching episodes.
    Written about another tragic loss the Sudanese community
    suffered of yet another rare calibre young man.
    May Allah accepts him a martyre of bravery and self denial!

    The article qualified for publication in the GAFYW Booklet which,
    unfortunately is still awaiting publication subject to


    To Laith and Ghada, who made us look down deeply inside and ask ourselves:
    “What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?”

    Resurrecting Laith Assad Al Rifi!

    By Khalid Musadaq Al Sawi
    Bangladesh International School, Riyadh, KSA, Gr.9
    "A friend is, as it were, a second self." Cicero
    The most severe and everlasting damage inflicted on a human soul is, undoubtedly, the feeling of losing a close friend. In my so young life, I have learnt to bounce back stronger from embarrassment, frustration, losing a silly fight at the school yard, and when my parents reprimand me. Every human being enjoys certain limit of tolerance before cracking and so does a hard rock under pressure. I am just another human being who cracked and severely hurt when I lost my best and dear friend (Laith).
    He drowned while was trying to save a Yemeni friend as old as him. He jumped with his clothes and mobile phone on. Saving another life was all that on his mind. Being the sole attempted to be rescuer, while there were six other boys besides the pool shouting and waiting for help. Tell me then; would anybody without a lion’s heart and high sense of humanity attempt to do so?
    He was a lion!
    Three months have already passed, since his tragic death, but the echo of his distinct laughter still resounds into my ears. All the shared little details of our life together never left me for a second. I could picture him, every morning in the school bus, sitting beside me. Whenever I roam the school auditorium, I would imagine him appearing from somewhere in the school calling for me to join him to play football. I wish I had a magic wand to bring him back!
    His memories are and will always remain with me. But life isn’t always a grief. Life has to go on and I have to face the reality of having lost him for good. Despite my grief, I have to be more realistic and neutralize the negative spirit and carry on with my daily routine and fulfill my duties.
    Many time I wish if I could set the time back to wake up and discover that the whole idea of having lost ( Laith ) was nothing but a mere nightmare. Truth is often very harsh and we have no option but to accept it. And so the death of ( Laith ).
    He had a sharp mind, determination and will. He was gifted, talented, generous, humorous, and haunted by football. When he didn’t find a ball, he could easily replace with a beverage tin and play. No one could resist his smiley face and football style. The day he died all the school mourned him. It was a general mourning and Memorial Day.
    The principle of the Bangladesh International School (BIs), described him as a wonderful boy that he got to understand, when it was too late: “it seemed that Laith wanted to leave his signature and print on every corner in the school as if he had a mission to accomplish and a message to leave”. He said.
    I believe that he was bidding farewell to everybody, everything his own way, And that his mission was to pulling me out of my corner and become more open! That was one of his major concerns for I was a bit calm. He seemed like my elder brother, though I was taller and looked more mature for my age. We were both studying at the British Section. He was in Gr. 9 and I at Gr. 8.
    Laith was the first student to welcome me when I entered the (BIS) for the first time. I did remember it was my first day to walk into the vast doors of a new school. I felt embarrassed nervous and alone because I had left all my friends behind. I wasn’t well welcomed, or felt so. Whenever I entered the classroom, I would get cold looks. Whispers felt like lead poured into my ear holes as soon as I entered... Recess came and I escaped my “predators” only to find myself alone again. I was surrounded by a lot of people but I still felt that I was the last person on the face of god’s earth. I sat down on a bench at the auditorium area watching my classmates pass by without noticing me. I wanted their friendship but I got repelled like the same poles of a magnet.
    But all that changed on the next day as I was trudging down the stairway, I noticed a 5 foot boy, with fair skin, who had a mushroom like hairstyle, gazing at me. I went on and continued to the bench, my sanctuary. He followed me, came near, shook hands and asked: “Brotha, you Sudanese?” I replied positively with a smile on my face knowing that I finally left my planet and landed on earth. We started talking about all the youth common issues from Football to Rap Music to politics. We started to talk daily and got so sad when recess would come to a closure till one day it turned out we share the same bus ride back home.
    My friend, like any other young man of his age, loved living life to the fullest. He was adventurous too; sort of a modern aged Indiana Jones without the hat and whip. And he was full of African pride too; I recall that there was some friction between him and a classmate which occurred because he couldn’t stand the gestures mocking the African society.
    My consolation is our short-lived friendship, our unfulfilled dream of attending the same university back in Sudan and our wish to extend this friendship to our both families.
    Having a brilliant future and beautiful relationships between our families will always be one of my major loveliest aims. By doing so, I am sure he will peer off his celestial wagon and whispers in my ears before vanishing in the light: “WELL DONE MAN!”

Arabic Forum

07-28-2011, 11:31 AM
عائشة موسي السعيد
<aعائشة موسي السعيد
Registered: 07-10-2010
Total Posts: 1638

Re: Ghada Award for Young Writers/Second Annual Contest 2011 (Re: عائشة موسي السعيد)

    Our song

    It’s every love song,
    I hear it, feel it, and before long,
    My heart breaks to the rhythm
    Hypnotized; I sway and weep,
    Love and pain
    Intertwined in a magnificent melody,
    If only you listened,
    Open your heart, allow it to be driven,
    We’ll waltz into a sea of tears and passion,
    And drown in the beauty of music,
    Soul mates, united, in love,
    Drenched in pain,
    That’s how we’ll be, now and through forever
    Galaxies apart, but always together.
    If only you listened,
    Opened your heart, allowed it to be driven,
    Everything, is what we’d have been,
    If only you listened…

    By Ghada Mujtaba


Arabic Forum

12-01-2011, 08:24 AM
عائشة موسي السعيد
<aعائشة موسي السعيد
Registered: 07-10-2010
Total Posts: 1638

Re: Ghada Award for Young Writers/Second Annual Contest 2011 (Re: عائشة موسي السعيد)

    Time for the Second GAFYW FESTIVAL.......

    Disappointing contestants' participation!

    Beautiful results..

    Enthusiastic sharing in preparation for the event by last years' participants...

    Look out for the announcement and invitation.........


Arabic Forum

12-02-2011, 07:57 PM
عائشة موسي السعيد
<aعائشة موسي السعيد
Registered: 07-10-2010
Total Posts: 1638

Re: Ghada Award for Young Writers/Second Annual Contest 2011 (Re: عائشة موسي السعيد)

    جمعية غاده الثقافية
    جائزة غاده للكتاب المتميزين من الشباب
    تدعو .......................................................................
    احتفال الدورة الثانية لجائزة غادة للكتاب المتميزين الشباب
    تحت شعار
    في البدء كان .. "الكلمة"
    نحتفل لتكريم الفائزين المبدعين الشباب بأفضل نصوص لعام ٢٠١١م باللغتين العربية والانجليزية
    قاعة الصداقة
    الساعة السابعة من مساءالسبت 17 ديسبمر ٢٠١١

    بطاقة دخول الاحتفال لهذا العام هو تبرعكم بكتاب عليه امضاء واسم المتبرع وذلك مساهمة منكم في
    تأسيس مكتبة غادة الثقافية
    إيمانا منا بأن "قارئ اليوم قائد الغد"
    يشرفنا حضوركم
    (شعارات الرعاة)
    منتدى دال الثقافى وشركة سكر كنانة

Arabic Forum

12-02-2011, 08:17 PM
عائشة موسي السعيد
<aعائشة موسي السعيد
Registered: 07-10-2010
Total Posts: 1638

Re: Ghada Award for Young Writers/Second Annual Contest 2011 (Re: عائشة موسي السعيد)

    *Evocative and gentle prose. You take a simple memory and bring it to life with careful descriptive prose. This is what good writing does. A very promising voice.

    *Well written, articulate and powerful writing capturing the contradictions and conflicts of modern life.

    *Despite a rather blunt ending, a well written, passionate and intelligent essay is constructed. I would have liked to hear more detail of Sudan itself -the culture, the landscape to help contextualise the argument a little more fully. Nevertheless, there is a strong personal voice here which is to be commended.

    *Some powerful phrases and a sensitive voice is emerging here. It needs reigning in - simplify to ensure the purity of the emotion is not lost

    *This is a very difficult piece to write. To be , or to write as one, grieving for a sibling so loved and so missed. A brave and emotional response that really captures the feelings of powerlessness and loss.

    *A funny , bittersweet story. It capture the "teen" voice quite well here. My advice- read lots of examples of this genre (Jaqueline Wilson is the most famous) and watch how she sets the scene and how she structures her dialogue.

    *A funny, lively opening to a novel

    *You record some powerful messages here. I think they would benefit from a tighter control of the form and structure

    *A well written if rather bleak reading

    *A sweet tale - every girl's dream -to be rescued.

    *A brave effort at a poetic form. Keep reading poetry to improve your own style

    *A good try which brings to life something that we take for granted in the West - education.


    The above are comments to our Young Creative Writers of English texts participating
    in the secong GAFYW contest.
    Written by member of evaluation committee Ms Maggie Hazeldine.

Arabic Forum

12-03-2011, 05:48 PM
عائشة موسي السعيد
<aعائشة موسي السعيد
Registered: 07-10-2010
Total Posts: 1638

Re: Ghada Award for Young Writers/Second Annual Contest 2011 (Re: عائشة موسي السعيد)

    Glimpses from last year contest activities:

    The Ghada Award for Young Writers
    Press Conference

    At 1:00 p.m.,Monday 27th September 2010, The Ghada Award Committee held a press conference hosted by the Sudanese Writers' Union in their offices in Kharoum.
    In addition to the significant presence of the members of the Writers' Union Committee the Press was heavily represented by:
    Al Sahafa, Al Midan. Ajrass Al Hurreya, Al Shahid, Al Akhbar, Akhbar Al Yawm, Al Khartoum, and many other media press figures.

    The speakers were the Chairman of the Award Committee, Mrs Siham Al Majjammar: mother of the deceased, Ustaza Asha Musa El Said, Chair of the English Writing contest and Dr. Raja'a Mahmoud Abu Bakr, Chair of the Arabic Writing contest monitored by journalist and Activist Hadya Hassab Alla from Ahfad University.

    There was a briefing about Ghada, her identity, childhood, and points of distinction in writing and other fine Arts and charity work dreams.
    Ms Asha spoke about the motive that made her take the initiative and the response with which the family met the suggestion and she called the whole project: Investment on Grief. The major points being: recognition of Ghada's dreams and encouragement and celebration of young creative writers and appreciation of their efforts with the purpose of creating a healthier educational atmosphere.
    Dr. Raja' Mahmoud spoke about the rules for participation: age 12 – 18, and said that this age group is targeted for their need of this kind of activity and for belonging to the same age group as the celebrated Ghada. She added that this is an advanced way of beating the pain of loss and serving an educational maxim.
    The committee answered many questions from the Media concerning the rules, the evaluating boards, contestants' age group, languages entering the competition, prizes, funding…etc.

    The conference was concluded at about three o'clock with Shiraz Abdel Hai reading the translated versions of poems written by Ghada on the theme: Love.

Arabic Forum

12-03-2011, 06:08 PM
عائشة موسي السعيد
<aعائشة موسي السعيد
Registered: 07-10-2010
Total Posts: 1638

Re: Ghada Award for Young Writers/Second Annual Contest 2011 (Re: عائشة موسي السعيد)

    Winners Last Year
    Arabic Prize Winners + Next 12

    1. امل عزالدين الطيب دموع على قبر فاطمة الحلفايا الحغرافية الثانوية بنات (مربع 7) الفائزة الاولى
    2. اجلال قسم السيد محمد شكوى الفائزة الثانية
    3. امنية هاشم احمد عمر قصة ضياع الفائزة الثالثة

    4. مهدى عمر عثمان حمد شعبٌ طيبٌ
    5. اسراء حاج الطيب يا ست الدنيا .. يا أم درمان مدرسة الخير والبركة
    6. تسنيم الفاتح صالح عن الذي أحبه
    7. اسراء التجانى محمد احمد قف تأمل
    8. ترتيل اميرالدين جامعة القرود
    9. ايمان احمد الحاج آخر من تعلم
    10. دعاء عوض السيد الصبر جميل
    11. شيماء عبدالرحمن تاج السر حب صادق .. إخترق جدار المستحيل
    12. مروة صديق فضل المولى قد أيقنت
    13. حفصة خالد المحرب أقوى على كل شيء ولا أقوى عليها
    14. مروة صديق فضل المولى وصمة عار
    15. ريان ابوبكر عبدالمولى رَوْعَةُ اللَّيْلِ والسَّمَرْ
    ثانوية الملك فهد)

Arabic Forum

12-03-2011, 06:47 PM
عائشة موسي السعيد
<aعائشة موسي السعيد
Registered: 07-10-2010
Total Posts: 1638

Re: Ghada Award for Young Writers/Second Annual Contest 2011 (Re: عائشة موسي السعيد)

    GAFYW Winners Last Year
    English Prize Winners + next12

    List of Contestants; GAFYW 2010

    1. 1 يسرا أحمد عبد العزيز 16 My Journey Toward the Light
    1. 2 سارة وضاح محمد عبد الحي 12 The Angels Offer
    1. 3 مازن أسامة حافظ الشاذلي 13 Reigns of Chaos

    1. 4 دانية أحمد شدو 13 To Wear Or Not To Wear
    A Life Time Decision
    1. 5 بلسم يوسف أحمد العبيد 15 My Mirror Image
    1. 6 محمد أسامة عبدالسلام عمر 12 A Special One
    1. 7 سلافة فيصل إبراهيم محمد الأمين 12 I Have faith
    1. 8 سناء فيصل فؤاد أحمد مكي 15 Mountains
    1. 9 سارة عبدالرحمن الحاج البشير 13 Silent Struggle
    1. 10 محمد طارق محمد خير 12 Criminal
    1. 11 ملكة عثمان السيد عثمان الأمين 16 Because You are
    the Love
    1. 12 باسل أنور كمال زكي مصطفي 15 Persevere
    1. 13 بيثل ماريق تافيري 15 Dust Country
    1. 14 إلهام خالد حافظ 13 My best vacation ever

Arabic Forum

12-05-2011, 07:56 PM
عائشة موسي السعيد
<aعائشة موسي السعيد
Registered: 07-10-2010
Total Posts: 1638

Re: Ghada Award for Young Writers/Second Annual Contest 2011 (Re: عائشة موسي السعيد)

    First Prize Winner

    Yusra Ahmed Abdel Aziz (16 YEARS OLD)

    My Journey Towards the Light
    By: Yussra Ahmed Abdel Aziz

    Topic: My Personal dilemma with the Hijab

    Allah says: "I am just as My slave thinks I am, and I am with him if He remembers Me. If he remembers Me in himself, I too, remember him in Myself; and if he remembers Me in a group of people, I remember him in a group that is better than they; and if he comes one span nearer to Me, I go one cubit nearer to him; and if he comes one cubit nearer Me, I go a distance of two outstretched arms nearer to him; and if he comes to Me walking, I go to him running.' – Prophet salAllahu' alaihi wa sallam [Bukhari].
    "should I wear the hijab or should I not? And when should I wear it?" These are two questions that ultimately pass through the mind of every Muslim Girl and woman at one point or another in her life.
    I only seriously started to consider the idea of hijab during this summer of 2010. It all happened while I was in England accompanied with my mother at my favorite place in the world, called Speakers Corner located in the north-east corner of Hyde Park in London. It's a famous area where public speaking, discussion and debate all take place (Mostly about politics and religion). I was very fortunate to have met three Beautiful Muslim Moroccan girls while I was at Speakers Corner during one of my visits, who were all muhajabat (i.e. veiled). Moreover, I managed to notice how one of the girls was busy having a very interesting conversation with an atheist and a Christian. I was simply rendered speechless and impressed by her demeanor as she seemed to me like the consummate ambassador of Islam!.
    But, I felt something strange at that moment and I realized that it was guilt.
    And that my Iman (faith) was slowly dwindling and I knew that it was time for me to reflect and change! So I decided to take the opportunity to go a head and talk to the girl who became an unexpected source of inspiration for me.
    We talked for almost an hour about the hijab until she asked me an unexpected question, which was: why I don't wear the hijab?
    I answered honestly and truthfully and told her that I was simply scared. I was scared of what people would think and say about it, I was scared of repelling any future marriage proposals, I was scared of not being beautiful anymore and standing out in the crowed and potentially losing any of my friends. But all those fears faded away instantly after my long discussion with that faithful and knowledgeable girl, as she managed to justify every excuse I came up with.
    She told me not to care about what people in general think because what Allah thinks is all that matters. And that when I face Allah on the Day of Judgment these "people" would not help me. At that point I felt renewed and inspired as all my doubts were put at bay.
    However, this wasn't the only incident that had changed my perspective and approach to life; it was Ghada Mujtabah's – a former student at my school and friend – sudden death that changed me. Because that incident in particular made me realize that hijab was not just a covering but a reminder to me that I belong to Allah and that I will inshallah return to him. And that I shouldn't do what many Muslim girls in my Sudanese community would do which is to plan their future and decide to only start putting on their hijab after they get accepted into university or sometimes even after they get married! Which, to me, sounds very absurd; because how do we guarantee that we might even live till tomorrow or the day after?
    I also, had a recent remarkable conversation with a German lady who had converted to Islam. She argued that we should never feel ashamed of wearing hijab, on the contrary those who are not wearing it should be because in all religions the covering of women is obligatory. She quoted "There should be no shame in following God's teachings". She even stressed that the hijab symbolizes modesty, respect and honor and that the wisdom behind the legislation of the hijab is Purity.
    The two Christian portraits shown below have helped prove to me that hijab is with no doubt obligatory, and that most of the women even before the time of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, used to wear it, For instance The Virgin Mary and Sarah the wife of Moses:
    After these three encounters, I felt enlightened. It was a wakeup call. I took the decision to wear my hijab based on the right reason which was purely my dedication to Allah. I took that decision a few weeks ago while I was on my way to school and since then I have not looked back-Alhamdulillah. In addition, ever since I've observed the hijab, which has been for over a month, I've noticed that my fashion taste has not been affected negatively. In the words of Zainub: "I've scored a new accessory called Modesty, and it's always in style".
    Plus, when covered I am not judged by my appearance or style of hair, instead others are forced to judge me by my personality, character and morals.
    I thank Allah for blessing me with the beauty of hijab. And I take it from Muhammad Ali Himself – the famous boxer, that told his daughters that women should cover themselves just like every thing beautiful is covered, like diamonds are hidden deep in the ground, and how pearls are covered down in the oceans of the earth. We 're far more precious than diamonds and pearls, and we should be covered, too.
    Furthermore, what had started off as a personal dilemma has ended and still continues to be a worthwhile pleasurable commitment. Plus, I don't tend to consider the hijab as a responsibility, but a right given to me by my Creator-Allah, who knows best.
    I lived in darkness, fearful of what others thought; needing to be accepted. I now have journeyed towards the light!.

Arabic Forum

12-06-2011, 09:37 AM
عائشة موسي السعيد
<aعائشة موسي السعيد
Registered: 07-10-2010
Total Posts: 1638

Re: Ghada Award for Young Writers/Second Annual Contest 2011 (Re: عائشة موسي السعيد)

    That was the level of our contestants for the previous event..
    I wonder if this year will carry us even further in the World of Creativity.

    I must point out that the choice of topic also was awarded marks, that was a major area if distinction
    between texts as the level of English between the writers was more or less the same. The more advert and
    unique the subject, the more interesting it becomes.

    2nd Prize Winner:
    Sara Waddah Mohammed Abdel Hai (12 YEARS OLD)

    The Angel's Offer.
    A story
    By: Sara Waddah Mohamed Abdel Hai

    I live here. I grew up here, and recently I died here. People said it isn’t the best place to live, but still all I need was my friends and family. I lived in Sudan.
    Let me take you back 6 years ago. I was only 10 years old, when I met an angel. It was beautiful and graceful and everything that I would've liked to be. She told me about God, the universe, and about everything I didn’t know. For the first time ever I enjoyed having a real conversation. I begged her to take me with her to wherever she was going, but she would smile and say...
    “Maybe when you’re older.”
    ...and disappear.
    I lived my days thinking about the angeI. I would sit in my room and ‘daydream all the time. 6 years passed and I haven’t seen her again, ever since I would always think “Will l ever meet her again?” The answer was Yes, But when? On my 16th Birthday.
    I was blowing my candles from the most amazing birthday cake you could ever imagine with my friends and family. Someone was in the background, but I couldn’t figure out whom. At a sudden moment I recognized who was there, it was the angel sent from up above. She winked at me and whispered happy birthday to me. It was time.
    After the party and when everyone else left I was so exhausted so I went upstairs. I’d totally forgotten about the angel until I saw her on my bed.
    “Let me show you a preview of how your life will be if you decide to join me in the skies.”
    Who could say no to that? I was up for the adventure!
    She flew me up above the clouds, she took me to the Eiffel Tower, she took me to Rome, and she took me to Spain. She filled me with even more Iife...But I had a major decision to make. Would I leave my family or decline the angel's offer?
    The choice was hard and I thought about angels how I waited for this, and then my family and friends! Would I dare leave them? Life was so complicated right now. When I less expected it, the angel told me something...
    “Time is ticking little one, the older you grow the less your chances will be available. I chose you at this age because you’re a bright one, smart, fast and energetic. These characteristics will be useful as an angel. We have important jobs, and I know you would not want to leave your family or your school life, or whatever goes on, but remember. I will leave you to rest now, you have had a long day...But Sara, and I will be back.”
    And with that, she disappeared into the night, leaving me stranded in my own thoughts.
    The following week was quite amazing; as I treasured every moment and every second, I got a car. It was beautiful! It was red and suitable for me, all I ever needed was here...I forgot about the angel's offer for a moment but then it stroke me. I can't leave my family after what they have done for me, they have taken care of me for so long, helped me when I was in pain, and saved me when I needed saving. Same goes for my friends; my best friend Omnia! I couldn’t leave her! She was there for me when I needed to talk to someone, she brought light to my world when I was in the darkness...But then I thought of the angel. She taught me things I never knew, she was the first real person to appreciate me as who I was, she took me places I never thought I would see. She explained life to me as simple as a spreadsheet. l loved every single one of them...
    The sad thing was, I was driving while thinking about this, I wasn’t being very careful now. Not too cautious to notice a car coming from my right. That was the last thing I remembered...
    “Teeeet, Teeeet, Teeeet...”
    The sound was ringing in my head; it was so painful I wished that someone would just turn it off. Then it hit me, I was in a hospital. I tried to open my eyes and they felt as if they were 10 tons each. I opened slowly to see my parents and my friends all fast asleep on couches, chairs and even the floor.
    I realized how much they cared about me. I looked up and smiled, I knew where I belong and I knew what I would say when I next met the angel.
    Following morning, the doctors told me I was okay and ready to leave the hospital. I was welcomed back home with flowers, chocolates and gifts! It was like I was reliving my birthday but this was much better. I was in tears, tears of joy. I slipped to my room to change but no one really knew why, but I was going to meet the angel.
    “I’ve made my choice, you offered me something that’s worth a lifetime, and you showed me everything I never knew or saw. I look up to you, and see something amazing, some one who I will never forget you will be like a scar in my heart for I have known you too well. I’m sorry, but I’ve decided to decline. I’m sorry but I just really started my life, but I know we will meet again, and I know it is destiny, but angel, you have changed my life in many ways! Many good ways, and I will forever be grateful. Thank you.”
    “you're welcome Sara....” With a smile she was gone....

Arabic Forum

12-22-2011, 05:29 PM
عائشة موسي السعيد
<aعائشة موسي السعيد
Registered: 07-10-2010
Total Posts: 1638

Re: Ghada Award for Young Writers/Second Annual Contest 2011 (Re: عائشة موسي السعيد)

    Evaluation Committee Address announcing Winners
    of the 2011 Second Ghada Award Contest
    Asha Musa

    ( My Lord, Expand for me my breast, And ease for me my task, And untie the knot from my tongue, That they may understand my speech).

    It is a year since we gathered to witness the creativity of our young writers summoned by their sense of responsibility towards a call by GAFYW: The Ghada Award for Young Writers.
    We now meet for the second contest commemorating our super gazelle that flashed through our world like lightning, leaving behind her, not only a trail of light, but a flow of beauty. Beauty picked up so willingly and lovingly by young writers capturing the attention of all active media in the country and beyond.
    I am not a pessimist.
    But I must admit that these same writers received the second contest of GAFYW with much lesser enthusiasm. Participation came marginal compared to the last year event.
    The committee recognizes three reasons for this falling rate of participation and we invite you to feed us back with any views concerning this matter.
    1- Weak press publicity.
    2- Restricting participation to the age group 14 – 18.
    3- Setting dates that coincided with Final Exams.
    The Committee promises to give more consideration to these factors and others that might hinder the spread of the news.
    Numbers of participants were:
    15- English Language contestants
    31- Arabic Language contestants.
    Due to the small number of participants, we formed one joint committee for the evaluation of works:
    1- Ustaza Aisha Musa El Said
    2- Dr. Ahmad al Sadig
    3- Ustaz Suleiman El Ameen

    4- Ustaza Faiza Nugud…..Arabic
    5- Ms. Maggie Hazeldine………….English
    Reports included the following comments:
    Arabic Texts:
    Included varied topics, some relevant to the social and cultural status of the Sudanese while others are not suitable.
    The report recommended more attention to reading, Grammar and rhetoric. And described the Arabic used as weak.
    Only 3 contestants reached the level targeted by the Prize while, even the next seven, were hardly up to the level of such competition.
    English Texts:
    All 15 topics were well chosen and they form a remarkable variety of writing.
    Some of the comments were:
    Strong promising voices; evocative gentle prose; funny and lively language.
    The grammar and vocabulary used are excellent.

    To give participants a good space of time the committee announces the openning of application for the Third Annual Contest of the Ghada Award for Young Writers and the closing date for accepting applications is 31stAugust 2012.
    Wishing you all a happy and successful year.

    وقد جاءت النتيجة في اللغة الانجليزية كالآتي:

    اللغة الإنجليزية:
    مجموعة (1)

    1- سنة15 رزان عبد الرحمن جعفر شيخ أدريس The Island نورة تاج السر حران

    2- رؤى عبد الرحيم محمد 17 سنه Poem نسرين كمال الهادي

    3- باسل أنور كمال 15 سنة My Country رحاب محمد صالح محمد [email protected]

    4- سارة عبد الرحيم البشير 14 سنة I Found her ماجدة حسن صالح أحمد

    5- شهد عبد العزيز محمد حسن 17 سنة Death of a human, rising of an angel مها محمد على

    6- سارة عبد الله الفاضل 15 سنة Patience إيمان على التلب

    7- يسرى أحمد عبد العزيز 17 سنة Pages from my Diary ندى سعد أبو العلا

    8- إلهام خالد حافظ 15 سنة Alien Twins سوسن عبدالله أحمد

    9- خالد كمال عبد القادر محمد 17 سنة Poem: Words of Advice كوثر إبراهيم أحمد قاسم

    10- موفق جبر الله 17 سنة Ahmed عائشة محمد عبد الرحمن

    وفاز بجائزة غادة للكتابة الابداعية باللغة العربية الدورة الثانية 2011

    اللغة العربية :
    مجموعة (1)
    الام العمر الاسم
    1- عروب محمد الأمين
    الفكي طه 18 سنة عودة إلى الحبيب إيمان السيد أحمد العمدة

    2- نعيمة رشدي
    عبد الجواد 17 سنة تحية إلى الدكتور شول جون فاطمة خالد إبراهيم المطبعجي

    3- الصادق يوسف حسن محمد 17 سنة رذاذ من نسيم الإستقلال عائشة محمد عوض الجيد

    4- سبأ حسن إبراهيم
    الطائف 17 سنة القلب الكبير مريم محمد على

    5- دانية كمال حسن طه 15 سنة العاشق الولهان علوية أحمد عبد الله

    6- أخلاص عبد المنعم
    إبراهيم على 14 سنة الأم المكافحة سامية فضل السيد مدارس الموهبة والتميز

    7- إسراء عباس محمد
    الحسن 14 سنة قصيدة رحمة خلف الله

    8- أسعد حسن سالم جمعة 14 سنة شعر
    حلم القدس كوثر جبارة على

    9- ترتيل أمير الدين حسن حاج على 13 سنة براءة طفلة سمية سيد

    10- محمود على خضر 16 سنه تغيير العقلية فوزية عمر احمد

    للمتسابقين جميعاً تحية إعجاب وتقدير؛
    ولأهلهم تحية وتهنئة ؛
    ولأسرة جائزة غادة الشكر الجزيل؛
    ولغادة الجنة وحُسن المقام؛
    ولوالديها الصبر وحسن العزاء
    والتهنئة والشكر على هذا العطاء الغير مسبوق
    والحمد لله رب العالمين؛
    والصلاة والسلام على سيد الخلق أجمعين.


Arabic Forum

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