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Discussion Board in English Dr Mustafa Othman is outside the ring now
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Dr Mustafa Othman is outside the ring now

12-27-2005, 07:03 AM

Registered: 11-29-2004
Total Posts: 2064

Dr Mustafa Othman is outside the ring now

    All of us know very well Dr. Mustafa Othman, a former Ministry of foreign affairs. With referring to his past we will find a mean man in very loose coat. He was not taking a crucial role in the Islamic movement at its new borne. He was a normal student going on his study through attending lectures, queuing in the library, and the dinning room. At that time university of Khartoum considered to be a heaven for the students, particularly those who come from remote area like Dr.Mustafa Othman. Unfortunately, now it becomes a wreck and every facility it gave before to the students turned to be illusion. We can say Dr Mustafa got into the history from its widest gate when Dr Al Turabi, El Ingaz brilliant Engineer, has recalled him to come back to the Sudan. . It was a new regime lacking the well-trusted cadres who can substitute the fired ones. The invitation card took its way smoothly to the right person and our assignees packed his luggage in hurry and come back to Sudan. Luck is lightening but once.if you don’t seize your chance other volunteer would come and say yes. According to my information, Mustafa Othman. When he was student, he used to attend all the spiritual lessons given by Dr Al turabi.
    He begun his diplomatic career by heading the council of popular and international friendship, this body despite it looks very vague but it shaped the Sudan foreign policy in 90s. The luck come again and knocked Dr.Mustafa’ window. He was appointed as ministry of foreign affairs, he was attached with the post till 2005 and was not subjected to hard questioning about how he was handling his job. He was given free hands, so he used in restructuring the staffs in his Ministry according to his will . He becomes very famous by his self-shadowed behavior, to the extent that, every inch in his Ministry was changed. He hired his relatives at the expense of the professional cadres. A lot of rumors were coming up like corruption, misuse of power and sacking the personal matters with the government duties. He passed all those things and nobody can stand on his face and say to him you are “wrong “. Mustafa Othamn thought he was the best from the best and he usually like a tainted parrot recurring that in the media, but his main failure become more apparent when Sudan was convicted by 1593 resolution issued by the Security Council
    We consider Dr Othman as a man of Media, he likes the appearance on TV but sometime he had committed horrible mistakes when he improvised. He still consider him self as over smart and the hero who delivered Sudan from the situation of the international isolation to the shore of acceptance, he might be right in his claim if no one fact disposing it. The Sudan good relations with countries of the world can not be extracted by the effort of one man .El Ingaz regime has changed its real skin many times, that took place beside its unlimited support to the united state in its persistent war against terrorism.
    Dr Mustafa has the option to stay among the members of El Inagz’s cabinet but (CPA) forced his to give out his favorite post. The government of National unity was composed .Due to the new arrangement Dr Lam Akul filled the role of Sudan foreign Ministry, this step made Dr Mustafa wait in the bench idle waiting anxiously for the next post. The luck knocked his window again, he become presidential advisors, and this come against his wish when he promised to abandon government jobs and return back to his original profession as dentist. DR Mustafa come to the world of lights and media again and he is enlarging his a small job, he is a minister in the basket of adviser, his out side trips are many, he is moving so fast between Arab nation cities presenting his self as president EL bashir’s Messenger .He is working hard now to mediate between Syria and Lebanon. His career is going well, Arab league has selected him to be its representative in Iraq because he is active and obedient. I give my remark to human resources section in the presidential Palace. Please hold on his salary. This guy is outside the ring now.

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