11-24-2005, 05:20 AM |
Eman El Sayed Taha
Eman El Sayed Taha
Registered: 09-09-2005
Total Posts: 69
One peaceful night, and under the dreamy sky Of the proud land, two optimistic people were walking around Talking about how wonderful this country is, sharing dreams and promising the best they can do to participate and contribute a smile in each face of the nation.
Wind was running lifting scents and thoughts, mingling them with night and the sparkling stars above their #########.
They were an optimist man and pessimist womon but they shared a good will a wonderful heart and a dreamy stare.
Everything for a while seem to be so good so real, the people in the street sides, the cars the lights every thing was so natural.
They stopped for a drink in a small shop next to the main street, the man went to get the drinks and the lady stood outdoors staring at the cars and people coming and going thinking of all the pleasant things that she can bring to her mind, for a while she thought she heard her friend yelling she ignored and continued in her long deep gaze.
She jumped out of a sudden and looked behind her, three musketeers were there surrounding her friend, pushing him yelling at him describing him with the nastiest names she have ever heard.
She dropped into silence, shocked she asked her self what went wrong, what had happened in the world while she was dreaming seconds ago….
A curse… it should be!
The man started to talk his way out, but the muskteers insisted to keep screaming so that every one can hear them and the group became bigger and bigger, he asked them what’s wrong what do they want??? The answers were that he is a homosexual and the lady with him was a prostitute and they doesn’t know God nor his prophet.
They charged them that they have never read Quran and that they are infidels, how come he walks with her in the street while she is not his wife and he is not her brother. They threated them to take them to the police station and mention there family names all over the news stating that they are a huge disgrace to the nation.
Moreover they were showing of what kind of felonies they could charge them for, they can pick two or three things out of the list and stick it to them. As they have got all the right and virtue all over law, religion and maybe faith it self.
Eventually the musketeers were feed up and its time for supper you know, and you two fine people don’t look like people who went into a jail cell before, there fore we can forgive you and let you walk away with your sins….BUT you should be kind and pay for our supper, you people don’t know how much they pay for us, almost nothing and we know that you understand. Religion, faith, charges, liberity, scandles, families, newspapers, rights, virtues and humanitiy all can be forgiven by a ransom of 10$.
End of one story NOT other stories.