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Discussion Board in English DARJEELING (POEM)
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06-02-2013, 08:56 AM
Abdul Monim Khaleefa
<aAbdul Monim Khaleefa
Registered: 08-28-2006
Total Posts: 1274



    (Where I had been dazed by the beauty of nature at the Himalayas)

    Poem By: Abdelmoneim Khalifa Khogaly
    (Translated from Arabic By: Dr. Ahmed Ibrahim Yagi

    Spring of comeliness indeed your beauty had moved me that of wording I was listless......
    By you is the pride of life, O pageantry by you year after year is resplendence of existence.....
    O shrine of beauty to you we came chaste in consecration dress....

    O mountains as if in pride imposingly lofty like Buddha ...like those steadfast in stance...
    Verdant, blooming and flourishing .. delight to the eye wherever falls its glance......

    Ye this waterfall is streaming silver. Whence did you come, since when and till when your existence....
    Like youth of life in rushing steps ..being greeted O youth in bliss .....
    Darjeeling .. I fell in love, so can I love then love infuse??.... .

    O pearl glittering at morning onset, and stay the evening in glitter, and in continuance ......
    You .. O paradise, thirsty as we are, we have imbibed and still in sickness..........

    And we suckled the zest of beauty for inebriety..do I seem for weaning to have yet tolerance??...
    O beauty for its like evolved afflatus, art and poetry ..and singing fanned over distance


    As if in pride imposingly lofty like Buddha ... like those steadfast in stance


    Verdant, blooming and flourishing .. delight to the eye wherever falls its glance[/


    Ye this waterfall is streaming silver. Whence did you come, since when and till when your existence....
    Like youth of life in rushing steps ..being greeted O youth in bliss


    O pearl glittering at morning onset, and stay the evening in glitter, and in continuance


Arabic Forum

06-03-2013, 06:01 AM
Asma Abdel Halim
<aAsma Abdel Halim
Registered: 05-01-2006
Total Posts: 1028

Re: DARJEELING (POEM) (Re: Abdul Monim Khaleefa)

    Dear Abdul Monim Khaleefa
    great poem and pictures, could you please post the Arabic version? It is worth it to have both versions.

Arabic Forum

06-03-2013, 08:19 AM
Abdul Monim Khaleefa
<aAbdul Monim Khaleefa
Registered: 08-28-2006
Total Posts: 1274

Re: DARJEELING (POEM) (Re: Asma Abdel Halim)

    Dear Ustaza Asma..
    Tahiyaty and thanks for your appreciation

    Here is the Arabic text of the poem:


    شعر: عبد المنعم خليفة خوجلي


    مــنبع الحسـن إن حسـنــك أشــجــانــي فــمــا اســتطــعت كـلامـا

    بـك فــخــر الحيــاة يــا مـهـرجــانـاً بك زهــو الوجود عاما فعاما

    أنت يــا معبد الــجــمــال أتـيـنــاك حــجـيـجـاً مطهرين حرامـا

    يـا جــبـالاً كــالكبــريـاء شــمــوخاً مثل بوذا كالراســخــات مقاما

    واخـــضـراراً ونـضــرة وازدهــاراً بــهـجة العين أين ما تترامى

    أيــهــذا الشــلال ذوب لــجــينٍ أنــت مـــن أيــن مـذ متــى وإلام؟

    كشـــبــاب الحــيــاة منــدفع الخـــطــو حــييت يـا شبابا تسامى

    دارجــيلــنج أنــــي عشــقت فهل لي أن أبث الغرام ثم الغرامـا

    أنت يــــا درة تلألأ إصـــبـــاحـــاً وتــمســـي لألاءةً ودوامـــــا

    أنت يا جــنة ونــحن ظمـــاءً قد نــهلـــا ولا نــزال ســـقامـــــا

    ورضعنا من نشوة الحسن سكراً هل تراني أطيق بعد فطـــاما

    يا جمالاً لمثله خلق الوحي والفن والشعر .. والغناء ترامـــى


    ولاية أسام – الهند 1968م

    (Edited by Abdul Monim Khaleefa on 06-03-2013, 08:27 AM)


Arabic Forum

07-07-2013, 01:16 AM
إبراهيم عبد العزيز عثمان
<aإبراهيم عبد العزيز عثمان
Registered: 07-06-2013
Total Posts: 175

Re: DARJEELING (POEM) (Re: Abdul Monim Khaleefa)

    Greetings Brother Abdelmoneim

    It is the far-fetched beauty in both languages. Though. the English version is rich in vocabulary, I think the Arabic version is more eloquent with the sensational feelings of the well kept rhythm. This master piece reminds me of Mohamed Ahmed Mahjoub poem when he described The Alps mountains. The magic of mother nature was captivated by both of you and it is overwhelmingly fascinating. Thank you brother and please keep us posted with these wonderful thoughts.

    Ibrahim- ( I hope you still remember me, I used to be in Oman with the late Abdelmoneim Al Shafie at The Institute of Public Administration)

    (Edited by إبراهيم عبد العزيز عثمان on 07-07-2013, 05:14 AM)


Arabic Forum

07-20-2013, 01:19 PM
Abdul Monim Khaleefa
<aAbdul Monim Khaleefa
Registered: 08-28-2006
Total Posts: 1274

Re: DARJEELING (POEM) (Re: إبراهيم عبد العزيز عثمان)

    Dear Dr. Ibrahim

    Greetings and best wishes.

    Very much gratified with your positive comment and critical appreciation for Darjeeling poem. Your highlighting for the sensational feeling and the rhythm running through the verses of the poem made me feel proud and much encouraged.
    Thanks also for detecting the relevant comparison between the description of the beauty of nature on the Alps by Almahgoub, and on the Himalayas by me in this poem

    Hope to see you again in Muscat

    Abdelmoneim Khalifa

Arabic Forum

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