02-09-2013, 11:46 AM |
سيف اليزل سعد عمر
سيف اليزل سعد عمر
Registered: 01-11-2013
Total Posts: 9495
CALL FOR PAPERS; Resources, Peace and Conflict in the Horn of Africa
CALL FOR PAPERS The 12th Annual Horn of Africa Conference in Lund, Sweden Focus On Resources, Peace and Conflict in the Horn of Africa Region Date: 23-25 August 2013 Place: City Hall, Lund, SWEDEN Whether natural resources are a blessing or a curse depends largely on a country’s governance system and leadership. This proposed conference on the Horn of Africa 23-25 August 2013 aims to provide perspectives on the complex linkages between natural resources, conflict and conflict resolution in the Horn of Africa. As this annual conference has pointed out, the Horn of Africa is unfortunately entangled by many different complex conflict drivers, of which some are continuously exacerbated by new local, regional and global developments. We as organizers have identified “Natural resources, conflict and conflict resolution” as a highly relevant topic for the conference 2013. In the region, there is nearly at least one ongoing conflict in each Horn of African country related either directly or indirectly to natural resources as a primary driver of the conflict. We witness today hostilities between the Sudan and the newly established state of South Sudan, which both desperately need the oil to run their governments, feed their people and stamp out insurrections. Many participants during previous conferences have concluded that competition over access to control of resources leads to conflict in the Horn Africa region. The countries in the region share not only political borders and communities but also freshwater resources in their common river systems which are important for their socio-economic development 2 and environmental conservation for communities and countries sharing them. The question of The Nile River-Lake Victoria basin which falls within 10 countries (Sudan, Ethiopia, Egypt, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea) is also relevant to the theme of the conference. The Horn of African conferences provide a great opportunity for academics, civil society actors, policy makers, and government representatives, international organizations to present their perspectives on and understanding of these linkages between natural resources, conflict and conflict resolution. In the Horn of Africa region, there are both intra- and interstate conflicts, and the conference is a platform to exchange knowledge, experience and ideas about mechanisms for public policy, local grass roots and human responses to the natural resource driven conflicts. The discussions will enlighten participants about countries in the region that are dependent on water for agricultural commodities and endowments of oil, or how to pursue strategies of diversification. Likewise, the conference expects to bring further understanding around the role of the weak state structure, rebels and grievance among marginalized or discriminated groups. Furthermore, the conference aims to bring clarity around needed localized governance and management systems of extraction processes and better usage of resource revenues that are controlled by states. Papers: The conference calls among others for inter-disciplinary papers within the following areas: and#61589;and#61472;Resource wealth causes conflict (greed-based analysis) in the Horn of Africa and#61589;and#61472;The power distribution of the central government, the political structure in (Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti etc.) and#61589;and#61472;The setting up of an equitable framework for the management of the country's (Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Djibouti, Eritrea etc.) and#61589;and#61472;The issue of disputed areas controlled by local groups. and#61589;and#61472;Natural resources scarcity as a cause of conflicts in the Horn of Africa and#61589;and#61472;Conflict causes poverty (costs of conflict analysis) in the Horn of Africa and#61589;and#61472;Poverty causes conflict (grievance-based analysis) in the Horn of Africa and#61589;and#61472;Joining insurgencies for economic reasons and#61589;and#61472;Regional Economic Relations – Can Closer Economic Ties Reduce Conflicts in the Horn of Africa? 3 and#61589;and#61472;The role of International community in resolving conflicts for resources (water, oil, and other minerals) in the Horn of Africa? You are invited to send a one page abstract which should include a working title, the author’s discipline and field, address, institutional affiliation and e-mail address to either of the conference coordinators written below before 15th March 2013. Deadline for the complete paper is 30th May 2013. Papers are expected to be of high quality. All guest speakers are requested to take an intersectional approach to their papers. We look forward to receiving your abstract. For more information please contact: Abdillahi Jama, Conference Coordinator Somalia International Rehabilitation Centre (SIRC) BOX 974, 220 09 Lund, Sweden, Tel/fax: +46 46-2114502, Mobil: +4673-989 75 33, [email protected], http://www.sirclund.se Ambassador Count Pietersen, Conference Co-Coordinator Somalia International Rehabilitation Centre (SIRC) BOX 974 220 09 Lund, Sweden Tel: +46 46-2115269 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] www.sirclund.se