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Discussion Board in English Announcement from the Employees in Omdurman Ahlia University
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Announcement from the Employees in Omdurman Ahlia University

06-20-2005, 02:50 PM
Registered: 05-05-2002
Total Posts: 2663

Announcement from the Employees in Omdurman Ahlia University

    Announcement from the Employees in Omdurman Ahlia University about the last Fires Events
    To The Respectable Sudanese Public

    We would like to keep the public informed about the unfortunate and devastating events at Omdurman Ahlia University.

    1- The acts of destruction and arson were not a result of riots among the University students, as portrayed by some local newspapers. They were deliberate, concerted and organized on the part of a large group of people from outside the University who forced their way in vehicles loaded with weapons and explosives.

    2- The acts of burning University buildings took place at 4 p.m where most students and employees went home and lasted for no more than one hour. Those who were inside the University were scared to leave it.

    3- Fires had continued for a long time before police forces appeared on the scene and fire brigades came after complete destruction of the targeted buildings had been completely demolished. As the University Board of Trustees put it, it seems that the events were a comprehensive and well-planned criminal act.

    4- We add our voice to the board in demanding an imminent legal investigation to determine the perpetrator of the horrid crime.

    5- Shortly before the events, roughly eight persons kidnapped a staff member. who alleged that they were security elements, He was tortured physically and psychologically and finally thrown unconscious in a distant and isolated area where he was picked by some passers – by and taken to hospital. Burning the university and kidnapping this lecturer are not unconnected events. They are both linked to the unprecedented incident of threatening the University vice-chancellor by a pistol a short time ago by two students who were academically dismissed and who belong the National Congress Party.

    6- Humiliating the staff members, damaging University assets and resorting to state – backed violence is a concern not only of our University employees but the Sudanese public at large. We should not allow this to pass unpunished and should not let it repeat itself again and elsewhere.

    7- We call for the immediate opening of the University and resumption of academic activities by the presently available resources.

    8- We call upon the Sudanese people in their voluntary societies, universities, trade unions, youth, students and women organizations to stand up against such practices and join forces in defense of:
    - Omdurman Ahlia University.
    - The Values of higher education & education in general.
    - The values of democracy transformation to which we have been promised to see soon.

    Teachers & Employees & Administrators Staff in Omdurman Ahlia University
    18 june,2005

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