After you there was no longer squeaking for the quill ...for the lapping sea there was no longer rumbling Fate busted as we without a ruse .......................................for that esteemed knight to be back to being The pride of men, tumbled from lofty summits ............... ...... where him a tiny grave crypt is embracing I had lost my sense and my smile faded ..........................................and poetry is but glamour and feeling I shed tears, sloshing their drops........ ........... when lines of obituary intimated to multitudes his passing If the sobs would resurrect a departed .................................... seas from the wailers eyes will be flowing Yesterday he lived a thinker and fighter ..............................and today perfumes are eternity’s breathing Aware of concealment, braced in his for him people are an embrace and barricading ********************* He fought wars a guide and mentor ........................................ ............. and at afflictions he had presence Vivid in demeanour, ascetic in disposition ................................ best of men, venerated and of soberness Modesty of pundits is his life principle ............................. .....with wisdom he weighs things and disposes Your love has been inherent.. bound by my ribs ......................... and today in proclamation and bareness My poems will not sweeten and my wine will not an inspirer and companion being of them in absence....... He who had innovation the spring of his afflatus................he who was ever a connoisseur of magnificence My chanting and trilling will ever be falling short ................. of your lofty crown, truly in hight much less... And your name will ever be soaring in Pleiades .....................being decorated by constellations and moons I hobnobbed with him since puerility to find him .......................... matched by non in determination leaps Starred sacrifices are his neck ornament .......................................................... like silk are the fetters links You left behind opulent open thought ............................................... never tangled with sores and pimples Never were you a slave for texts but surely ......................a free concept decorated by the thought process Your party’s orchard is abound with flowers ..... ........ by them redolence pervaded and diffused fragrance A Party locking its night with day ....................................................... never daunted by cataracts and rocks A Party donned pendants by the struggle............................... of their glow is organization and governance If it chanced he landed at a tenebrous night ...............seemingly it will be rainy nimbus for the next ones... As the vaults of the invincible Party teem ............................ with followers of the path though it’s arduous And glory to the martyrs tranquil be their repose ...............concealing them are darkness and tombs How often their blood overfilled the tumbler of struggle .... an extracted nectar for the drinkers Our foxes were satiated picking up our cherries.....and there appeared bellies shaded by palaces Torment be to those who stinted measuring... our spirits are strained by them and so our chests Came true the prophecy of a contemplating scholar...that will reappear the hidden and those in curtains Engaging in struggle is a sacred obligation that along the road are streamlined matters ****************** Or that to the deserts return their spring ...........................yet it is ordained and has its charted direction And victory has flowers strewn around .... ................................and its token and herald is dawn If our time experienced calamities .......... ..patience is an antidote having elixir alleviation And solace from us to ourselves in full raising our hands in a gesture of supplication
الرسائل والمقالات و الآراء المنشورة في المنتدى بأسماء أصحابها أو بأسماء مستعارة لا تمثل بالضرورة الرأي الرسمي لصاحب الموقع أو سودانيز اون لاين بل تمثل وجهة نظر كاتبها
لا يمكنك نقل أو اقتباس اى مواد أعلامية من هذا الموقع الا بعد الحصول على اذن من الادارة