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Discussion Board in English A protest against deployment of an observation mission to the election in Sudan
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A protest against deployment of an observation mission to the election in Sudan

04-10-2015, 10:34 AM
سيف اليزل سعد عمر
<aسيف اليزل سعد عمر
Registered: 01-11-2013
Total Posts: 9495

A protest against deployment of an observation mission to the election in Sudan

    09:34 AM Apr, 10 2015
    Sudanese Online
    سيف اليزل سعد عمر-
    My Library at SudaneseOnline

    Stockholm, 10th April 2015

    H. E. Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma
    Chairperson of the African Union Commission
    Addi Ababa – Ethiopia

    A protest against deployment of an observation mission to the election in Sudan

    On behalf of the Sudanese Diaspora in all over the world we strongly regret the decision of the chairperson of the African Union that deploys a short-term election observation (STO) mission to the Republic of Sudan’s Presidential and Parliamentary Elections scheduled 13-15 April 2015.
    We, the independent Movement and the Sudanese in the Diaspora, would like to express our deep disappointment and grave concern over the participation of the African Union in this so called election in Sudan. This is totally against the respect of the basic political rights of the Sudanese citizens to freely and unconditionally participation in a fair, free and democratic election. It is very alarming that the AU has not openly published the report of the inquiry mission sent to Sudan in the beginning of March. Participation in this election is completely against the basic principles of the AU. How such an election should be conducted? It contradicts every clause of the AU declaration on the principles governing democratic election in Africa.
    It infringes the basic political rights of the Sudanese citizens, particularly, those who exist in the war zones in Darfur, Blue Nile and South Kordufan. Where people are exposed to killing, rape and terrorization and consequently are disadvantaged by not having the right to be candidatures, voters nor can they hold or even have the right to boycott the poll as the government excludes these areas. This is the same election in which the government of Bashir has decided to deny the people of South Kordufan the right to participate.
    How come? Vast areas are havocked by war; people there are subjected to displacement, vagabondage and disasters. The opposing politicians are always

    detained without charges, without appearing in courts or with fabricated charges.
    This is a flagrant violation of the international declaration of human rights of 1948 and the International Declaration of the Political and Civil Rights of 1966. The political parties are denied the right to compete on equal terms and their members are harassed and jailed systematically.
    The government ignored all exerted efforts by the regional and international organizations for making peace and continues maneuvering and temporizing to impose this suspicious and distorted election as a fait accompli to gain a false legitimacy.
    The upcoming election is not accepted by the masses of Sudan and it won't be credible nor legitimate. Therefore, we expect you to condemn and refrain from supporting such an election.
    The Independent Movement is an International Nongovernmental Organization with thousands of members from the Sudanese Diaspora worldwide with main office in Stockholm and representation offices in Washington, Cairo, Juba, Dublin, London and Genève.

    Communication and International Relations Departments
    Independent Movement
    Stockholm - Sweden
    mailto:[email protected]@almustagleen.org

Arabic Forum

04-13-2015, 10:23 PM
سيف اليزل سعد عمر
<aسيف اليزل سعد عمر
Registered: 01-11-2013
Total Posts: 9495

Re: A protest against deployment of an observation mission to the election in Su (Re: سيف اليزل سعد عمر)

    The Independent Movement
    Press release

    The first day (13th April 2015) of the Alingaz fake election
    The first day of the Sudanese election started with a massive crackdown on human rights activists in different towns of the country. Fifteen human rights activists were kidnaped or detained by the Sudanese National Security Service (SNSS). No one knows their detention sites and their families were worried about their fate. Sandra Kadoda, a human rights activist was kidnaped at daylight while driving her car to attended a political rally in Omdurman. Kadoda is a mother of two children under seven years. Six of the detainees were youth and students leaders from the Sudanese Congress Party (SCP). For more information see the list of detainees below.
    List of human rights activists detained today by the Sudanese National security Service (SNSS):
    1- Adlan Jamaleldin – Sudanese Congress Party, (Alsouki)
    2- Salwa Adam Binya - Sudan People Liberation Army, (Khartoum)
    3- Shumo Hamid Zakria - Sudanese Congress Party, (Alsouki)
    4- Taha Alfatih - Sudanese Congress Party, (Alsouki)
    5- Sandra Farouk Kadoda, Sudan Communist Party, (Khartoum)
    6- Musa Jojo Sudan People Liberation Army, (Khartoum)
    7- Mohamed Yusuf - Sudanese Congress Party, (Aldowiem)
    8- Ali Omar Alfaki - Sudanese Congress Party, (Aldowiem)
    9- Ahmed Altayeb - Sudanese Congress Party, (Aldowiem)
    10- Naji Abdulgalil – Activist (Khartoum)
    11- Husam Mohamed Adam- Sudan People Liberation Army, (Port Sudan)
    12- Ibrahim Ahmed Juma – People United Front (Khartoum)
    13- Musa Mohamed Osman- People United Front (Khartoum)
    14- Haron Kangom - People United Front (Khartoum)
    15- Yusuf Kafi - - Sudan People Liberation Army, (Khartoum)

    Thousands of the internally displaced people (IDPs) in camps in Darfur demonstrated peacefully for the second day against the election, demanding a change and calling Bashir to step down. The demonstrations were met with force from the police injuring more than fifty people.

    The citizens boycotted the fake election despite the day-off from work announced by the government to help increasing the turnover of voters. Some of the election districts recoded less than twenty voters during the whole day. Frauds were discovered in many districts like Captod in Dongola where washable ink was used. Voting was completely halted in Adeleng and Rashad towns in West Kordufan as ballot boxes were taken by force by identified gunmen.

    The IM urge the Sudanese diaspora, international community to stand firmly against the violation of the Sudanese citizens’ rights and do whatever possible to guarantee their safety and rights for a decent future free from corruption, genocide and terror. We urge the International Community to respect the will of the Sudanese people and not recognize the deceiving election.

    The IM is an international organization with thousands of members from the Sudanese Diaspora worldwide with main office in Stockholm and representation offices in Washington, Cairo, Juba, Dublin, London and Genève

    Communication and International relations Department
    Stockholm – Sweden
    mailto:[email protected]@almustagleen.org
    15th April 2015

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