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A Page From My Diary
08-24-2005, 06:04 AM |
Adil Osman
Adil Osman
Registered: 07-27-2002
Total Posts: 10208
A Page From My Diary
21/04/2005 08:07:58 AM on the train to leeds.
i got up at (0430) when the alarm clock in my mobile went off. i stopped it. wore my glasses, took off my socks, and wore my sandals and switched on the light in my bedroom, and to the bathroom i went with the intent to start a bowel movement, radical enough to rid my body from waste, and protect my waist from expanding unnecessarily!
after that, i brushed my teeth, and washed my face. in the mirror, a face of an exhuasted and slightly drunk intellectual was evidence that life continues despite everything!
i dried my face with a towel, and went to the kitchen after i opened the door to my lounge room. there, in the tiny kitchen, i put the kettle on, and took out my clothes, which were drying in the dryer, the night before. i had washed some trousers, and pillow cases and a duvet cover. i used a packet of washing powder which was a gift from the (hotpoint) people, the manufacturers of such wonders!
then i ironed a pair of trousers on the ironing board which i bought some years ago from the hardware shop in riley square. i am not sure if it is still open or not, but i am sure that the woman, the co-owner of the shop, was beautiful.
to my tummy, near the balcony door, a morning ritual, compulsory yet vital, carried a liquid via a needle. i need not say insulin! went back to kitchen, started eating my breakfast, then took the tray and went back to the lounge room and sat at the dining table and continued breaking fast not wind!
bran flakes and dried fruits and nuts were the ingredients of a bowl small enough to denote a healthy life style. after that i drank my coffee with toast, and switched on the tv, and watched the "bbc" early morning news. the sports news presenter was a young novice, as nervous as a duckling separated from her mother. anyway, i watched briefly, then went back to my bedroom, where i wore my clothes from head to toe. i had to, because going to work naked is not recommended in these chaotic times!
09-01-2005, 11:35 AM |
Adil Osman
Adil Osman
Registered: 07-27-2002
Total Posts: 10208
Re: A Page From My Diary (Re: Adil Osman)
I asked my friend Mohamed Ali Musa to comment on what I have written here. He sent me this: ---------
Dear Adil, It was very nice of you to send me a page from your diary for critical review. I say nice because to send part of you is really touching and to think of me as a critic is an over estimation of my humble abilities.I'm but an avid consumer of literature. My first concentration was on the simple but important adherence to the capital letters which are completely absent from your writings and I know that you know how and where to apply them. The only excuse will be laziness which is no excuse in your case being a careful observer of rules as you are. The narrative is easy- going and natural to the extent that most of your readers will feel at home with and that every one will relive the moments you are describing so vividly but which slip the memory as the day unravels. I wished if you detailed the Insulin part more but may be a diary is not for too much elaboration. One page was not enough reading into your busy day and we were left at the breakfast table wondering what will be next! All in all it was a light sunny start of a day in the life of a man living alone without the gloom of being lonely. Nephew-appointed Critic Mohamed
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09-12-2005, 01:53 PM |
Adil Osman
Adil Osman
Registered: 07-27-2002
Total Posts: 10208
Re: A Page From My Diary (Re: Adil Osman)
Dear Mohamed,
Thank you for your critique. You know what! Modesty is our ailment. The Sudanese people's malady is modesty. Many of them are geniuses in their fields. But they hate to talk about their achievements. It is ingrained in their collective consiousness that talking or writing about one's achievements is tantamount to sin. Humility is good. But modesty is bad. Look around you. You will see, everywhere, that there are people from Sudan who are doing a lot of good things. Experts. Specialists. Thinkers. International figures. And so on and so forth. Everywhere. But! This cruel word! But!!
Anyway, I hope what I have written above is not construed as if I am talking about myself. NO. Big No. I am talking about a phenomenon which is, almost, and typically Sudanese. This does not mean that hard work and renown are identical to celebrity status. No. Look now: who are the stars in our cultural, scientific, intellectual and creative life?
The stars are those who sought the blessing and the approval of the ruling junta. Those who betrayed the values of independence and integrity. Those who sought their selfish advancement, at the expense of intellectual and moral honesty and rectitude.
Now, let us go back to my post here. I have chosen not to use capital letters. I know that I have broken the rules. But I, deliberately, chose to do so! Rebellion? So it should. So let it be!!
I did not publish what I have written about the rest of the day. I will do that in due course. My intention, when I published this piece, was to see the reaction of the readers of this forum. So far, the response is shy! apart from your solicited piece!
I have been keeping diaries for 4 years now. Thousands of pages pile in my flat. They pile in my flat in English. Maybe I shall be able to edit and organise these pages in a book or something. And I hope I will have the time and the energy to translate these diaries, or part of them, into Arabic, our mother tongue. I hope so!
Thank you again for your insights. Your piece is an eloquent and creative writing in its own right!
And I hope other readers would contribute their thoughts and reflections! Adil
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09-14-2005, 12:26 PM |
Adil Osman
Adil Osman
Registered: 07-27-2002
Total Posts: 10208
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