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Imagine, John Lennon, Arabic Translation

03-06-2016, 01:46 PM
السر حاج يوسف الحساني
<aالسر حاج يوسف الحساني
Registered: 01-23-2006
Total Posts: 3

Imagine, John Lennon, Arabic Translation

    01:46 PM March, 06 2016

    Sudanese Online
    السر حاج يوسف الحساني-Riyadh KSA
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    لكل قومٍ عبدالعزيز العميري

    غنى جون لينون.. فطربت .. وترنمت مقاطعه بالبلدي

    Imagine there's no heaven

    It's easy if you try

    No hell below us

    Above us only sky

    Imagine all the people

    Living for today...

    Imagine there's no countries

    It isn't hard to do

    Nothing to kill or die for

    And no religion too

    Imagine all the people

    Living life in peace...

    You may say I'm a dreamer

    But I'm not the only one

    I hope someday you'll join us

    And the world will be as one

    Imagine no possessions

    I wonder if you can

    No need for greed or hunger

    A brotherhood of man

    Imagine all the people

    Sharing all the world...

    You may say I'm a dreamer

    But I'm not the only one

    I hope someday you'll join us

    And the world will live as one

    بس تخيّل ما في جنة

    إنت حاول وابقى فاكر

    والجحيم لو برضو مافي

    والسما تظلل محنّة

    ومانا شايلين همّ باكر

    بس تخيّل دنيا ما تقسّم بلادا

    ما صعب لو إنّو يحصل

    لا عداوات لا شهاده

    ولا ديانات

    إلا بس عيشة السعاده

    إنت بتقول عنّي حالم

    ما براي لو كنت عالم

    بس تعال وانضمّ لينا

    نوحّد الدنيا ونسالم

    بس تخيّل .. والفي إيدك يبقى شايع

    لو بتقدر.. وابقى رايع

    تنهدم كل الذرايع

    مافي جاير مافي جايع

    كل زول في الكون زميلك

    تبقى كل الدنيا هيلك

    إنت بتقول عنّي حالم

    ما براي لو كنت عالم

    بس تعال خليك معانا

    نوحّد الدنيا ونسالم



Arabic Forum

03-10-2016, 05:48 AM
عائشة موسي السعيد
<aعائشة موسي السعيد
Registered: 07-10-2010
Total Posts: 1638

Re: Imagine, John Lennon, Arabic Translation (Re: السر حاج يوسف الحساني)

    Salam and welcome aboard Al Hassani!

    I don't want you to be disappointed so I thought I would warn you that people around here

    seldom care to respond, comment or criticize.

    Including you of course, as you admitted that you started reading...

    Comment Man!

    A translator needs to hear views of others whether translators or just readers.


    You know the old talk about difficulties and impossibility to translate Poetry؟

    If that claim is true, then translating songs and lyrics is even more difficult; as you need

    to create rhyming lines..short and musical..etc

    You succeeded here in rewriting , and I wouldn't say translating, a beautiful song!

    It could easily be adopted by one of our musicians and singers and soon it would be

    more popular than a lot of the stuff we are forced to listen to.

    (This view is non-academic!)



Arabic Forum

03-14-2016, 01:54 PM
السر حاج يوسف الحساني
<aالسر حاج يوسف الحساني
Registered: 01-23-2006
Total Posts: 3

Re: Imagine, John Lennon, Arabic Translation (Re: السر حاج يوسف الحساني)

    Salam, and it's truly a quite wonderful coincidence!

    (Mother's Name Aisha Al-Saeed) Subhan Allah!!!

    Your comment is 100% coping with the 'academic' opinion regarding studies in Discourse Analysis.

    However, I intended to my best of my perceptual understanding, to compose the translated text into 'equivalent' poetry.

    I believe that translation of poetry, when poets handle it, a new genre emerges, which is something you generously concluded to: A new poem.

    I thank you very much for the brilliant insight.


Arabic Forum

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