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The Impossible Outcome of the Egyptian Election

05-30-2014, 11:37 AM
إبراهيم عبد العزيز عثمان
<aإبراهيم عبد العزيز عثمان
Registered: 07-06-2013
Total Posts: 175

The Impossible Outcome of the Egyptian Election

    As I wrote before Al Sisi presidential regime is inevitably coming bynwhatever means! Since the time of throwing out President Mursi, the entire private and the official media of the state are polarized towards solidifying the coming of the Al Sisi era by hook or crook. Monitoring the mocked election, I think the latter is quite evident! There are many actions that signify the occurrence of a crystal clear fraud in the outcome of the election. It doesn’t need a genius to figure that out. I will start with the obvious mishandlings situations at first then proceed to the solid mathematical proof.

    The first day of the election witnessed the participation of all those who have a stake in electing the coming messiah who will save Egypt from all the ills that grabbed this helpless nation. Unfortunately most of the Egyptians never realized that Egypt is a nation that lives on begging and debt. The main financial supporter of Egypt is the American government under the order of the powerful Israeli lobby! Most of the 1.6 million dollars go to the top generals of the army, top government officials and the sold out media outlets. Those who benefit from these endowments are few families who are the true governors of the daily life in Egypt. The army with its powerful intelligence executes the wishes and orders of these rich families. The main composition of these families includes rich Coptic families with the top Christian church leaders who boast openly that they will never allow Any Islamic government to run their Egypt.

    The second day of the election had shown empty election stations which signaled the start of a necessary foul play to the officials and their media outlets that there is a genuine boycott from the Egyptian masses. Such action will spoil the already cooked broth. The cries of shame were very loud which invites an alarming call for the intelligence units to make their move. The deadly silent voting process was given another day by the so called (independent) election committee! I can understand that if there are large queues then the extension of few hours deems necessary but the polling stations were almost empty! There is no need for an extra day unless there is an urgent activity that should take place! All the international media and political newsmen had seen empty polling stations in the third day. Therefore the extension of the third day didn’t contribute millions of votes as was claimed. It is opening the doors for rigging the election behind the scenes.

    It is the only election in the world where the supporters of one and only one candidate are allowed to demonstrate, advertise and dance in front of the stations. All the other supporters or citizens are arrested and jailed under many accusations and fabricated laws. It is a unique democratic experience that may never repeats itself in our life time. I called it dictatorial democracy or democracy Egyptian style where the citizen has no choice not to vote. The 500 pounds fine is declared openly by both, the prime minister and the minister of justice. Most of the government organizations and private companies had threatened their employees not to skip voting or face punishment or dismissals! This threat explains the intentionally wrong marked ballots. These wrong ballots are about one million while the underdog runner-Mr. Hamdain got about 700,000 votes. The percentages are 93% for Al Sisi 4% wrong ballots and 3% for Hamdain. It brought the question whether Mr. Hamdain is a genuine runner up or he is a cosmetic stooge of the theatrical play.

    It is quite evident that the whole process is a farce and the real ballot boxes were never even counted. At the night of the third day of election most judges had left the election stations as reported by many international journalists because of no voters present. I was really surprised to the official judges’ announcement just one hour after 9 pm on the third day that 25 million voters had casted their ballots! The number that is revealed so far is few hundreds short of this 25 million!!!! Even a super computer might have committed a mistake in counting this number. I wonder whether these judges are supervising the election or counting the voters.

    Being a statistician, let me do some simple arithmetic operations, the day of voting is 13 hours starting from 8pm till 9 pm in the three days which is a total of 39 hours in each election station to facilitate the election process. Those who voted are about 24700 000. Suppose there are 10000 election stations (I am sure it is far less) and these 24700000 voters are divided among these stations at an average rate of 24700000/10000=2470 persons per station though there are busy stations like the Cairo area. If on average these 2470 would vote during the three days of 39 hours that means 2470/39= 63 persons should vote in one hour. That means in each minute 63/60= approximately one person. Just imagine one person should come in one minute to check his name and sign and got his ballot paper and check the required candidate in only one minute even if there are more servers this should take more than ten seven to minutes per person at least!!!!! It is absolutely impossible that could happen especially in the congested areas of Cairo, Alexandria, Ismailia and the Suez area. The process is clearly rigged from top to bottom because of the shown empty polling stations during the last two days of voting. This declared number could have never been served in the way it was announced.

    However, I kept wondering why the African Union and The European Union had consented to indulge in this day light fraud election jeopardizing their integrity after their wise refusal at the beginning. There must be a powerful twisting of arms from the American and the Israeli circles. Though, most of the western media outlets had pinpointed the ugly scenes that should be enough for any decent international organization to nullify the outcome of this silly drama.

    Therefore, I would expect the General to sweeten the pie by declaring an amnesty to the Islamists and those unlawfully charged by trying to accommodate them within a voiceless opposition to his rule. The coming days will tell if the Muslim Brotherhood and the young April Movement members would yield to such request. Anyway, as I outlined before, Egypt is moving hastily towards an uncertain bloody dictatorial path....!!

    (Edited by إبراهيم عبد العزيز عثمان on 05-30-2014, 02:16 PM)


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