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What is happening in Sudan?
05-21-2014, 03:21 PM |
سيف اليزل سعد عمر
سيف اليزل سعد عمر
Registered: 01-11-2013
Total Posts: 9495
What is happening in Sudan?
In this post I will try to provide a short description of the current situation in Sudan with short assessement of each issue and its impact on the political scene..
05-21-2014, 07:18 PM |
سيف اليزل سعد عمر
سيف اليزل سعد عمر
Registered: 01-11-2013
Total Posts: 9495
Re: What is happening in Sudan? (Re: سيف اليزل سعد عمر)
Date: This has been going on since Bashir took power in June 1989 (A) A Rampant and chronic corruption at all levels in Sudan A number of corruption cases exposed last month have shown, without doubt, how corruption is deeply rooted in the Sudanese government at all levels of governance and administration. This is well reflected in the increasing level of poverty and devaluation of the Sudanese pound within few months. Billions of dollar have been diverted from the state income to private accounts outside Sudan, money laundering and other illegal investments owned by key figures in the ruling National Congress Party (NCP). A typical case is the case of the Sudan Cotton cooperation (SCC) in which key figures in the ruling NCP and their family members have created different sub companies to be contracted for millions dollar contracts illegally. A detailed report of the general auditor have shown how state money have been emblazed and entered pockets of people with close ties to power center and to the NCP in Khartoum and other regions. Another case is the way the state have sold the national aviation company Sudan Airways which is currently at the brink of collapse. The whole business of selling Sudan Airways to the Kuwaiti company called Arif Group is a corrupt business leaving Sudan airways with a huge sum of debt making it unable to pay salary for its personnel.
In all cases of corruption being brought up none of the person behind that corruption were brought to justice. The judicial system itself became part of the rampant corruption protecting NCP members from any prosecutions. The Sudanese are currently joking about a new term introduced by the council of Muftis called Tahlil (It comes from the word halal and means those who swindle the tax payers money can pay small percentage back and they will be free from the charges of corruption and makes their rest of the money they swindled as halal)
Assessment Almost all of the key figures in the NCP and their allies (some Darfurian Armed groups who signed agreement with the government) are involved in some kind of corruption. This has made it difficult for NCP government to take any action against any case of corruption. The government has hardly income to meet its obligations towards the salaries of its state-employees among them diplomats who have not received their salaries for the last three month. A political shuffle is going own in an attempt to clean the files of corruption. An internal fight is going on among key figures of the NCP and can possibly lead to bloodshed in Khartoum in control of power and getting rid of the dirty files of corruption.
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05-22-2014, 08:28 PM |
سيف اليزل سعد عمر
سيف اليزل سعد عمر
Registered: 01-11-2013
Total Posts: 9495
Re: What is happening in Sudan? (Re: سيف اليزل سعد عمر)
(B) Integration of the Janjaweed militia in Sudan Armed Forces (SAF)
The notorious janjaweed militia who dominated and featured the conflict in Darfur in 2003 is now becoming a focus of the conflict again. It is now formally belongs to the NCP and commanded by the National Intelligence and Security Services NISS. They are mainly from the Arab Riziegat tribe. To give them some kind of formality they were named Rapid Support Forces (RSF). Key leaders of the janjaweed were given military ranks and supplied with arms, land cruisers and money to fight the Darfurian rebel groups. Through a systematic horror and crimes against the people in Darfur, they became one of the key actors in the region. Their leader Mohammed Hamdan Daglo, better known as Hemeti was once an enemy to NCP. Today he is one of the most important allies to the government in Khartoum in their efforts to encounter insurgency in Darfur. Hemeti became the prime leader of janjaweed with influential power inside the NISSS and SAF. It is widely believed that the accusations made by Sadiq Almahadi, the leader of the Umma Party, against the RSF were behind his arrest in last week, by Hemeti in personal ordering his arrest. Almahdi was questioned before state security prosecutors regarding the remarks he made accusing RSF of committing serious crimes and abuse in Darfur and Kordufan including rape as well as #####ng and burning villages. Debating or discussing the role of the RSF in the conflict in Darfur and Kordufan is regarded as a crime against the national security of Sudan.
Assessment The formation of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) marks the beginning of the Somalization of the conflict in Sudan. The NCP has invested in arming Arab tribes to encounter insurgency in Darfur and Kordufan. The outcome of this policy is rise of warlords like Hemeti leading to more insecurity in those regions. The instability in South Sudan and the conflict between Riek Machar and Silva Kiir have strengthened the RSF positions in Kordufan and Darfur. Today they have been seen as heroes according to defense minister of the GOS Abdulrahim Mohamed Hussien. Of importance to mention here is that, the GOS has managed to keep UNAMID outside this conflict. UNAMID are currently silent observers to the crimes committed by the RFS in fear of being kicked out side Darfur and Sudan.
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