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Arabic forum is very annoying
12-27-2012, 01:14 AM |
النصرى أمين
Registered: 10-17-2005
Total Posts: 9434
Arabic forum is very annoying
I can't stand it anymore.
very crowded, hard to follow your favorite posts.
when I go there I have this urgent need to pack up and leave.
the main purpose of us coming to sudaneseonline is to escape from our busy lives and have a good relaxing informative time. we can't have that now with the recent changes and annoying commercials
12-27-2012, 01:17 AM |
النصرى أمين
Registered: 10-17-2005
Total Posts: 9434
12-27-2012, 01:18 AM |
النصرى أمين
Registered: 10-17-2005
Total Posts: 9434
12-27-2012, 01:25 AM |
زياد جعفر عبدالله
زياد جعفر عبدالله
Registered: 11-15-2005
Total Posts: 2348
12-27-2012, 01:38 AM |
زياد جعفر عبدالله
زياد جعفر عبدالله
Registered: 11-15-2005
Total Posts: 2348
12-27-2012, 04:12 AM |
Registered: 05-19-2002
Total Posts: 16054
Re: Arabic forum is very annoying (Re: زياد جعفر عبدالله)
Salaam Nasri wa Zeyad, may I join your club, oops your post? I feel lost out there too. I guess we are getting old.
I think here can be cool till the Boardab start insulting each other, this could happen end of 2015, till then let's ask Bakri to add more options, as sending notifications when we got reply on the posts & Like option
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04-23-2013, 07:15 PM |
محمد حمزة الحسين
محمد حمزة الحسين
Registered: 04-22-2013
Total Posts: 1437
Re: Arabic forum is very annoying (Re: زياد جعفر عبدالله)
The Arabic forum became boring, full of dumb people who think they are funny!! Lots of hypocrisy and sheep mentality groups. I'm sick of writing on it :(
For these resons and more I desire to cover in low here for a moments
Hi Zyad and others mate
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12-27-2012, 03:52 AM |
Registered: 02-05-2002
Total Posts: 5558
12-27-2012, 04:38 AM |
النصرى أمين
Registered: 10-17-2005
Total Posts: 9434
Re: I'm planning my FRENCH forum (Re: elhilayla)
salam Ziad not long time ago there were 100 posts in the front page, you need hours to figure out what u want to read, it's like a huge all you can eat buffet. lots of varieties.
now you don't have that , a few members each have 10 posts occupying the front page.
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12-27-2012, 09:27 AM |
Registered: 01-19-2007
Total Posts: 1729
Re: I'm planning my FRENCH forum (Re: النصرى أمين)
Salam everybody
It is a good idea to move in here. It's been long time since I stopped posting in the arabic forum, it has become totally mess as I don't have enough time to follow up with posts there.
Anyway, it is a kind of change to try the English forum and wish to have enough time to continue here.
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12-27-2012, 11:22 AM |
Mohamed Elgadi
Registered: 08-16-2004
Total Posts: 2861
Re: I'm planning my FRENCH forum (Re: غباشي)
Salamat I almost agreed with you on the Arabic Forum until I read Raja's nice message and remembered that 'dumb' people are everywhere English/Arabic or Turkish forums... In the Old days, the english forum used to be more alive and actually rich in debate...
I agree with you in regard to Facebook... it's a very smart tool... with its Billion Users, still you can find your own interest topic whenever you wanted... it's there if your face (I guess this is why it's called Facebook)..
mohamed elgadi Amherst, MA USA
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12-27-2012, 02:17 PM |
Waly Eldin Elfakey
Waly Eldin Elfakey
Registered: 07-27-2005
Total Posts: 2142
Re: I'm planning my FRENCH forum (Re: Mohamed Elgadi)
Hi ....... Salam Absolutely correct and you cant keep yourself respected there it is a few comments or posts before being insulted by some one even do not know or understood what you wrote ?......
As well E nglish forum will miss some important writers and posters so I wish if Bakri can secure translation services ..... we should accept some of our sin as Sudanese.
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12-27-2012, 04:54 PM |
Registered: 05-19-2002
Total Posts: 16054
Re: I'm planning my FRENCH forum (Re: Waly Eldin Elfakey)
Salaam All, For the first time I started my tour in Sudanesonline with the English forum. I guess this is a good sign ;-)
Ya Alhilaila, here in Tunis my language is (Frablish), which is (French, Arabic wa English). I'm a beginner concerning the French, But I'm fitting in, hahaa
I agree with Wali's suggestion regarding the translation issue. I believe that the language (Any language) riches the topics discussed. So, if there's any good post in Arabic, we could share it here as well and help on translating the idea or having a review of the good topics in the Arabic board.
Good luck & Good day/evening
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12-27-2012, 10:13 PM |
Hadeer Alzain
Hadeer Alzain
Registered: 07-13-2008
Total Posts: 3530
Re: I'm planning my FRENCH forum (Re: Raja)
Salam Alnasri and all of the nice people here ..
wishing YOU all a very Happy New Year, and a Happy Life ..
Raja congratulations dear for the well-deserved position, all the best, and sorry for being too late! and please you and Alhilaila open for us a French class here, so we can hit two birds with one stone ..! lool!
Best regards ..
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12-28-2012, 05:49 AM |
Jawahir Ibrahim
Jawahir Ibrahim
Registered: 08-21-2012
Total Posts: 225
Re: I'm planning my FRENCH forum (Re: Hadeer Alzain)
Salamat Dear Alnasry and friends.. Nice to see some active posts in english here.. Here more peaceful than the arabic one for sure..gradually we can make it more alive.. For me, I crave writing and read in arabic as I lost some of my skills in arabic, so i will do both...
at some point I might ask Bakri to add forum in Araby Juba too..loool
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12-29-2012, 06:37 AM |
زياد جعفر عبدالله
زياد جعفر عبدالله
Registered: 11-15-2005
Total Posts: 2348
Re: I'm planning my FRENCH forum (Re: Jawahir Ibrahim)
Hi guys, As I stated before, one of the things that made Arabic forum unattractive is the sheep mentality and the Hyena - like groups that move together to clap for their members and support their posts even if carries absolutely nonsense, which leave good and purposeful posts sink to the bottom unnoticed!! >>>> Happy New Year to you all...
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12-29-2012, 06:46 AM |
النصرى أمين
Registered: 10-17-2005
Total Posts: 9434
12-29-2012, 08:17 AM |
Registered: 11-26-2002
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12-29-2012, 09:00 AM |
عائشة موسي السعيد
عائشة موسي السعيد
Registered: 07-10-2010
Total Posts: 1638
Re: I'm planning my FRENCH forum (Re: النصرى أمين)
Salam Nasri and his guests... I think what you are saying is both wrong and unfair... Like you expect people write only to entertain you! I totally agree that there is alot of rubbish ... Some others enjoy this type of writing... DON'T READ IT! Write your good stuff and dominate the scene...
They say the same things about you if you have seen Bakri's post. They are wrong too!
So try to activate this side with better quality topics and Language! If you ask my view I enjoy browsing on both sides of the Board and I always find something interesting...and I learn alot about human nature and negative and positive distinctions that are reflected in the writings... I also think that Arabic speakers-especially Sudanese- who are also second languages speakers are very arrogant and they have this tendency towards belittling their Arabic fellow citizens and forgetting the cultural impacts on them be it social,political, educational, economic or other..
I am sorry to be so blunt in my view and if I went too far it is because I felt offended with all contributers above against, and none of them recognized the eloquent contributors to the Arabic Forum who force us to tolerate glimpses of stuff we abhor...
My greetings and apologies....
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12-29-2012, 05:35 PM |
عبدالله الشقليني
عبدالله الشقليني
Registered: 03-01-2005
Total Posts: 12736
Re: Arabic forum is very annoying (Re: النصرى أمين)
Thanks to all
I think Arabic forum is really boring , as it is stated above . It needs to be classified in so many folders : social news ,foot ball news, etc . there are different writers : age from twenties up to seventies. Different approaches , life styles, and a lot of writing mistakes……
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12-29-2012, 07:26 PM |
النصرى أمين
Registered: 10-17-2005
Total Posts: 9434
Re: Arabic forum is very annoying (Re: عبدالله الشقليني)
Here we go
let's get this thing rolling let me start with Raja Today I sat at the computer ,, I checked my email , went to facebook , spent good 10 minutes there. check twitter , read last 100 tweets . Checked my newly designed web page. After all that i opened the new Arabic forum . looked at the post titles few seconds later i felt like i had to leave right away and i did . why ? because it is soooooooooooo stupid boring same stupid boring people (fortunately i can call people stupid here without hesitation} after that brief stop at the Arabic forum i came here
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12-29-2012, 07:36 PM |
النصرى أمين
Registered: 10-17-2005
Total Posts: 9434
Re: Arabic forum is very annoying (Re: النصرى أمين)
Elhilayla my man, I think we should notify the Baldman (Bakri) to activate all features on this forum.
Remember we used to be able to post music files at the Arabic form? for some reason Barki deactivated that.
to make this board more attractive I think it has to have more features like html codes. for instance members should be able to upload media files (not only youtube).
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12-29-2012, 07:46 PM |
النصرى أمين
Registered: 10-17-2005
Total Posts: 9434
Re: Arabic forum is very annoying (Re: النصرى أمين)
hey غباشى
you are looking good (or should i say you are good looking) thanks to me for putting you back on shape .
Recently I lost the desire to hang around the Arabic forum, I cannot lie and say i don't go there.. I go there all the time but i can NOT stay for more than a few minutes.
Check the first page , same old same old ......same names ,, I wonder if they eat and breath sudaneseonline ... take a break guys , take a nap or something.. we are (or me) sick of your names all over the board
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12-29-2012, 07:56 PM |
النصرى أمين
Registered: 10-17-2005
Total Posts: 9434
Re: Arabic forum is very annoying (Re: النصرى أمين)
Salam mohamed elgadi Unless Bakri Abubakr make a fundamental changes sudaneseonlie will loose its battle with facebook. since the inception of site in the early 2000s there were few changes of the way things are run. Look at Blackberry ,,started same time as sudaneseonline , peaked together last five years, and then decline started . Now blackberry considered as obsolete
Bakri should have a team of strategists to put together a plan for next 5 years.
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12-29-2012, 08:15 PM |
النصرى أمين
Registered: 10-17-2005
Total Posts: 9434
Re: Arabic forum is very annoying (Re: النصرى أمين)
Salam Waly Eldin Elfakey
Same those people who go around insulting everyone can do the same here if they the have the tools to do so.
Personally i don't mind the friction between opinions and I expect the result to be fierily posts. what i don't like is the feeling i am looking at someone facebook wall and not sudaneseoline.
I just noticed Bakri made the front page of the new forum 100 posts..that's very good news
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12-29-2012, 08:35 PM |
النصرى أمين
Registered: 10-17-2005
Total Posts: 9434
Re: Arabic forum is very annoying (Re: النصرى أمين)
Salam Hadeer
Many years ago i went to Ottawa (Capital of Canada) , i was driving my car and crossed a small bridge and found myself in Quebec province ,,
All I wanted to hear people speaking french to each other. i got off the car ,, walked towards some high school kids and eavesdropped the conversation ,,there were talking French ..wow .. alright then , i went back to my car and headed back to English Canada.
it was weird incident ,I am still wondering why i did that.
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12-31-2012, 07:55 PM |
سيف النصر محي الدين
سيف النصر محي الدين
Registered: 04-12-2011
Total Posts: 8995
01-02-2013, 01:13 PM |
هيثم التوم
هيثم التوم
Registered: 04-30-2010
Total Posts: 1977
Re: Arabic forum is very annoying (Re: سيف النصر محي الدين)
Salam AlNasri. ..
This is my first time connecting with this forum..and so as my reply..
These words written by RJA:
Quote: I think here can be cool till the Boardab start insulting each other, this could happen end of 2015, till then let's ask Bakri to add more options, as sending notifications when we got reply on the posts & Like option
I agree & we need to make some aspects which are found at facebook or twitter really .. it's not joke
many thanx to all here, also ..
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01-23-2013, 08:28 AM |
Gaafar Ismail
Gaafar Ismail
Registered: 08-27-2005
Total Posts: 4951
01-25-2013, 06:07 AM |
جواهر ابراهيم
جواهر ابراهيم
Registered: 01-23-2013
Total Posts: 186
Re: Arabic forum is very annoying (Re: Gaafar Ismail)
Quote: I am well versed in Araby Juba and ready to be the instructer |
Dear Gaafar, salam taky Great that you are well versed in Araby Juba and it sounds like you are really good in it as your are ready to be an instructor :)
laken kede ana asal eta saye...mn profile taky ana arofo waledo eta fe Bor...yala Juba de bega kaefen? eta raba fe Juba wele shono... wa fe yato mahal enak... ashan kede anena ma amolo waja ras le nas ta post de, be kon tamam kan eta ageder fata le anena post ta arabi juba baro :) wa le ray taky shono...
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01-25-2013, 03:22 PM |
Gaafar Ismail
Gaafar Ismail
Registered: 08-27-2005
Total Posts: 4951
01-26-2013, 07:27 AM |
جواهر ابراهيم
جواهر ابراهيم
Registered: 01-23-2013
Total Posts: 186
01-27-2013, 01:39 PM |
Asma Abdel Halim
Asma Abdel Halim
Registered: 05-01-2006
Total Posts: 1028
Re: Arabic forum is very annoying (Re: جواهر ابراهيم)
Hello all Gaafar and Jawahir, sorry ain't gonna do nothin, me is reportin you to Bakri!!! Yes i learned this in America
Now that i have taken care of those two, let us see about the Arabic Board. I visit the Arabic Board mostly if I am poked, but, whatever I write seems to be boring For example: an active good lawyer posted a suggestion of a new Personal Status Law; I took her seriously and started to comment on it, believe it or not, even the Post Master (this is my contribution to some name calling) not even she was present in the post. Not that I was making any sense, but i thought that law needed some for and against voices. After talking to myself for a while I decided to tour the Board. Ya Asha ainik ma tashouf illa alnour. It was so bad that I was convinced that posting on any serious matter better be made somewhere else. Many people are posting serious matters but one طالعني الخلا post will steal the scene for weeks. sometime I wonder whether a person attacking racism is a racist, or war mongers are seeking peace and some biyout iris and biyout bika get more audience than anything else. End of blabbering: if you want to visit and be active on the Arabic post answer the following questions: 1- How old are you? (I mean mental age not calendar age) 2- Are you free from diseases such as ulcers, heart disease, homesickness and would like to nurse one? 3- Are you Cavalier enough to "tolerate" name-calling? 4- Are you patient with Charlatans? (I mean those smart mouths who think they know it all, all they need to know is how you feel about an issue, how YOU feel is what they want, it is easier to cut you to pieces if only your opinion is out there.) 5- Do you know what ##@%and* means? 6- Are you good at taking sides? (this include: are you a halabi or an Abid, are you with the govt. or against it, are you just an idiot shooting your mouth or are you عالم لا يُشق له غبار ) if you answer 2-6 with YES. You are good to go on any discussion whatever, even this English site (that is if I call Asha a few names and get you all hounding me).
(Edited by Asma Abdel Halim on 01-27-2013, 01:44 PM)
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01-27-2013, 11:26 PM |
عائشة موسي السعيد
عائشة موسي السعيد
Registered: 07-10-2010
Total Posts: 1638
Re: Arabic forum is very annoying (Re: النصرى أمين)
Hoooooy Asma...keep away from me ..I am a غرباوية and نينا ترى كلام هقارة حق أهل البحر دي ولا امندوروه!! However.. I do agree with the negativisms raised up here... But it strikes me that criticism and name calling against Arabic Board comes mainly from الطيور المهاجرة And my interpretation of this is that they are culturally removed(cant find a better word) from our day to day life, talk, interests, fears, and ofcourse, jargon used to express those things. Personally I fight nonstop in high level intellectual circles against being called in singular and plural: المرة، الحريم، النسوان، والعوين and the like of expressions unacceptable in public and educated forums.I expect for you people it sounds even worse. So..we shouldnt assume that all writers are of the quality WE(I mean YOU) expect.I do admire the variety of writers the Board attracted to write.It reflects the typical society we are!Varied levels of everything including behavior and likes and dislikes and views etc....
As to the point of responding to a contributer...look here..Alnasri didn't bother to throw a 'salam' to contributors ...It is afew weeks now and he managed to answer less than half of the comments.. So : ياالنصري أمين أحلال على بلابله الدوح.....؟ ولا لأنكم امريكان تمشوا كيفكم؟ - That was only a closing joke Nasri -
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01-28-2013, 00:46 AM |
جواهر ابراهيم
جواهر ابراهيم
Registered: 01-23-2013
Total Posts: 186
Re: Arabic forum is very annoying (Re: عائشة موسي السعيد)
Quote: Gaafar and Jawahir, sorry ain't gonna do nothin, me is reportin you to Bakri!!! Yes i learned this in America |
Asma, me and Gaafar won’t get into any trouble if you reported us to the Boss …wayeeeee… heeeey and O O Oh and lala lala lala :))) you know why? because I went back and read all the 27 Board Laws and none of it referring to Side Talk or Arabi Juba in any way… My apology was just a courtesy as what we were chatting about has nothing to do with the main topic of the post and not everybody understand it... ******
Dear Gaafar… kede anna akodo permission mn Bakri and start our own post in Arabi Juba in near future to chat freely from time to time… who knows may be Asma and others one day will come and say salam takom :)
****** Dear Alnasri..where are you? you are missed here, hope you everything ok with you...
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01-28-2013, 02:00 AM |
Asma Abdel Halim
Asma Abdel Halim
Registered: 05-01-2006
Total Posts: 1028
Re: Arabic forum is very annoying (Re: جواهر ابراهيم)
Asha! who is afraid of Asha Musa, Asha Musa, Asha Musa? I bet anything that you saw Richard Burton sing Who is afraid of Virginia Wolf, Virginia Wolf, Virginia Wolf. I think you are right, being expatriates took a toll on us. We have to be polite, lest we should be a shame to all Sudanese, you know we are treated as one lot and we look alike. And in this country you may shoot your mouth but you do not get away with it. i think the main problem for us Sudanese is that we became used to getting away with language that gets peeped out over here. that may be the case, but why are we attracted to gossip and sensational news especially scandalous news? shouldn't we as Muslims be more t careful with أعراض الناس Such news and scandals have certain media called Tabloid. on Sudaneseonline Tabloid sits side by side with great writers and poets. I posted a very interesting article from Dr. Ismail Abdalla, before this side of the Atlantic woke up i had to go dig it from three pages back, and I think most people who would be interested in such an article never saw it. anyway Yes, نحن أمريكان نمشو كيفنا
Jawhir: i so enjoyed your exchange with Gaafar, for a long time i wanted someone to teach me Arabi Juba. I am going to make a Rosetta Stone of that exchange and decode it.
(Edited by Asma Abdel Halim on 01-28-2013, 02:14 AM)
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01-28-2013, 05:39 AM |
Gaafar Ismail
Gaafar Ismail
Registered: 08-27-2005
Total Posts: 4951
Re: Arabic forum is very annoying (Re: Asma Abdel Halim)
Dear Jawahir and Asma
Quote: i so enjoyed your exchange with Gaafar, for a long time i wanted someone to teach me Arabi Juba. I am going to make a Rosetta Stone of that exchange and decode it. |
ya slaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam What a pleasant spirit يا ســلام على الروح الطيبة
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01-28-2013, 06:07 AM |
Gaafar Ismail
Gaafar Ismail
Registered: 08-27-2005
Total Posts: 4951
Re: Arabic forum is very annoying (Re: جواهر ابراهيم)
Quote: kede anna akodo permission mn Bakri and start our own post in Arabi Juba in near future to chat freely from time to time… who knows may be Asma and others one day will come and say salam takom :)
Dear Jawahir I support your proposal . yomkin nas taneen kateer bejo maana
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01-28-2013, 01:43 PM |
Asma Abdel Halim
Asma Abdel Halim
Registered: 05-01-2006
Total Posts: 1028
Re: Arabic forum is very annoying (Re: Gaafar Ismail)
I am in ya Gaafar and Jawhir. Asha has to apply and get in as we are going to need an experienced translator. I always remember ustadh Gamal Mohamed Ahmed, when he said if the Arabs think that they can spread their language around the world and not expect it to change into different dialects, they are wrong.
so let us keep Arabi Juba alive. by the way, I was in souq alsajjana once to buy some paint and was astonished at a Chinese construction worker's exchange with the shopkeeper. a new dialect is in the making. stay well.
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01-28-2013, 10:54 PM |
عائشة موسي السعيد
عائشة موسي السعيد
Registered: 07-10-2010
Total Posts: 1638
Re: Arabic forum is very annoying (Re: النصرى أمين)
Thanx Asma for the invitation... Ofcourse I am in ...you know I taught Arabization and Arabicization for over a decade and Dialect has been a major concern.. hassa sawa sawa maa nas jamaa da annina bakalimo arabi juba kan kwayes kan makwayes humman balimoona...
Aha...what do you think?
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01-29-2013, 03:19 PM |
Gaafar Ismail
Gaafar Ismail
Registered: 08-27-2005
Total Posts: 4951
Re: Arabic forum is very annoying (Re: عائشة موسي السعيد)
Dear Asma and Aaisha salam You are welcome to enrich Arabi Juba.
Quote: hassa sawa sawa maa nas jamaa da annina bakalimo arabi juba kan kwayes kan makwayes humman balimoona... |
Aaisha de kalam kwayes, ana kaman aawiz Asma katibo kalam ze de.
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01-31-2013, 07:01 AM |
Asma Abdel Halim
Asma Abdel Halim
Registered: 05-01-2006
Total Posts: 1028
02-01-2013, 06:07 AM |
Gaafar Ismail
Gaafar Ismail
Registered: 08-27-2005
Total Posts: 4951
01-31-2013, 05:04 PM |
أحمد أبكر
أحمد أبكر
Registered: 08-21-2012
Total Posts: 1339
Re: Arabic forum is very annoying (Re: Gaafar Ismail)
Dear Post Host, النصري أمين And your guests salam I am unlucky as I am late in joining the English Forum That one is getting boring, But again feeling a bit fortunate to find this post in the threshold of my arrival here This post in particular is doing very well to mitigate my boredom, Especially when the guests started to exchange the ( Arabi Juba) , It is so lovely, interesting and makes you full of nostalgia
I will be following closely
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02-01-2013, 06:03 AM |
جواهر ابراهيم
جواهر ابراهيم
Registered: 01-23-2013
Total Posts: 186
Re: Arabic forum is very annoying (Re: أحمد أبكر)
Salam takom Dear Asma and Aisha nice trial :) Dear Ahmed salam taky....great you like arabi Juba hope to see u trying it too...you can start with one or 2 words mix it with english *** When Alnasri return to his post, he will probably get lost here :)
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02-01-2013, 11:11 PM |
Asma Abdel Halim
Asma Abdel Halim
Registered: 05-01-2006
Total Posts: 1028
Re: Arabic forum is very annoying (Re: جواهر ابراهيم)
Quote: When Alnasri return to his post, he will probably get lost here :) |
He won't recognize it, we took it into a whole new area. and we will start another, I am sure he is reading us and is content that the post is doing will.
Taalou nihna nasawi post jadeed. nasawi maglab on Amin.
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02-07-2013, 02:37 PM |
الصادق يحيى عبدالله
الصادق يحيى عبدالله
Registered: 10-02-2009
Total Posts: 929
Re: Arabic forum is very annoying (Re: Asma Abdel Halim)
Hello Nasri
Quote: very crowded, hard to follow your favorite posts. |
This is how I feel whenever I go there. Many years back, I proposed that it needed restructuring on specialist lines but the owner of the place didn't take the trouble to read my poor post!
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02-08-2013, 08:05 AM |
Gaafar Ismail
Gaafar Ismail
Registered: 08-27-2005
Total Posts: 4951
02-08-2013, 11:57 AM |
الصادق يحيى عبدالله
الصادق يحيى عبدالله
Registered: 10-02-2009
Total Posts: 929
Re: Arabic forum is very annoying (Re: Gaafar Ismail)
Quote: Dear Dr. Alsadig Hope you are, and the family in good health. Nice to see you again on board after a very long time. Best regards. |
Hello brother Gaafar Thanks a lot for your warm words. Wish you and your family well. We are still here in Saudi Arabia. It was I found it extremely difficult if not impossible to contribute anything useful to the Arabic discussion board. the good thing is the English board appears more organised and objective.
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02-09-2013, 02:19 PM |
Asma Abdel Halim
Asma Abdel Halim
Registered: 05-01-2006
Total Posts: 1028
Re: Arabic forum is very annoying (Re: الصادق يحيى عبدالله)
Yesterday Dr. Alsadig posted a reply to one of my entries in this post, I posted a response; today neither one appears, i am sure they were there because i checked the post therefore they must have been, somehow, removed. I am beginning to get a bit spooked here, I will tip toe out of Sudaneseonline, I do not need this. So Long! ا
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02-09-2013, 06:23 PM |
الصادق يحيى عبدالله
الصادق يحيى عبدالله
Registered: 10-02-2009
Total Posts: 929
Re: Arabic forum is very annoying (Re: Asma Abdel Halim)
Quote: Yesterday Dr. Alsadig posted a reply to one of my entries in this post, I posted a response; today neither one appears, i am sure they were there because i checked the post therefore they must have been, somehow, removed. I am beginning to get a bit spooked here, I will tip toe out of Sudaneseonline, I do not need this. So Long! and#199; |
You are right dear Asma. It took me a lot of time and thinking to hammer out my response to your argument. It is so sad that both contributions just disappeared for no good reason! (Please refer to my first name only)
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02-10-2013, 05:05 AM |
Gaafar Ismail
Gaafar Ismail
Registered: 08-27-2005
Total Posts: 4951
Re: Arabic forum is very annoying (Re: الصادق يحيى عبدالله)
Quote: will tip toe out of Sudaneseonline, I do not need this. So Long! and#199; |
It is very sad to see one of the most active members leave the forum. Unfortunately, I did not read both entries, but it is hard to believe that they contained foul language that justifies their removal.
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02-11-2013, 06:07 PM |
عائشة موسي السعيد
عائشة موسي السعيد
Registered: 07-10-2010
Total Posts: 1638
Re: Arabic forum is very annoying (Re: النصرى أمين)
Let's hope Asma that what happened to you is what happened to me some weeks ago.. And I heard that it was some server problem.... Also.... Iknow you are not the 'walk away' type...Let's find out what happened?
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02-12-2013, 02:43 AM |
Gaafar Ismail
Gaafar Ismail
Registered: 08-27-2005
Total Posts: 4951
02-12-2013, 04:21 AM |
جواهر ابراهيم
جواهر ابراهيم
Registered: 01-23-2013
Total Posts: 186
Re: Arabic forum is very annoying (Re: Gaafar Ismail)
I don't know what happened, but... come on Asma...!!! Really?? you want to walk out?? No way...!!! You are going no where out of here, mafy leky tarega ya dectora, will get you back by the "interpol"- it is a crime not to comtinue here :) come on....!!! you are part of this English forum.. please stay and and hagek 3alena yakh... even if it is not our fault...please
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04-07-2013, 06:44 AM |
الطيب رحمه قريمان
الطيب رحمه قريمان
Registered: 03-21-2008
Total Posts: 12377
Re: Arabic forum is very annoying (Re: جواهر ابراهيم)
Hello everybody,
I feel the same as all of you do feel.
I find it extremely difficult to run a conversation or to have a dialogue over there. I better be here at least to relax from the vulgar and the way they behave ..
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04-24-2013, 01:00 PM |
Mohammed Haroun
Mohammed Haroun
Registered: 12-21-2005
Total Posts: 4836
Re: Arabic forum is very annoying (Re: الطيب رحمه قريمان)
The Arabic Forum is really not that bad. I knew many good writers through it and I strongly believe I have benefited a lot from the continuous heated debates in the Arabic Forum. Despite the aggressiveness of some members but it is quite useful to read diversified posts. Not just the posts of your favorite writers or political party mates.
My sincere regards.
Mohamed Haroun
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07-19-2013, 03:49 PM |
Zakaria Joseph
Zakaria Joseph
Registered: 11-27-2007
Total Posts: 9005
08-10-2013, 05:33 AM |
النصرى أمين
Registered: 10-17-2005
Total Posts: 9434
Re: Arabic forum is very annoying (Re: Zakaria Joseph)
Unbelievable : this post is still live and kicking
I apologize for my unexplained disappearance ..
to be honest with you guys , the reason behind my "no show " is I just lost interest .
I joined a couple of Facebook groups , they really satisfy my needs (intellectually)
both of the groups are religious oriented , you all welcome to join
one التجديد الاسلامى
the other is مسلمون ولكن
Finally thank you all for stopping by Eid Mubarak
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Arabic forum is very annoying
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