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Discussion Board in English Urgent: Update On Sudanese detained nuba mountain human rights activis
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Urgent: Update On Sudanese detained nuba mountain human rights activis

06-22-2012, 02:33 PM
amir jabir
<aamir jabir
Registered: 01-12-2006
Total Posts: 5550

Urgent: Update On Sudanese detained nuba mountain human rights activis

    Dear Human Rights activists and defenders, civil society members, I would like to convey to you as the indigenous people rights network coordinators; that Mr. Bushra Gamar Hussein Rahma, who has been under arrest by the Sudanese state security since 25th June 2011, is still being detained on no legal ground. On 17th June 2012, the judge in charge has refused to renew his detention, declaring that Bushra has exhausted all periods of investigation prescribed by Sudan Criminal Procedure Act 1991. In protest against his illegal detention and after the judge decision, Bushra has gone on an open strike since Tuesday 19th June, despite the severe deterioration in his health. His strike forced Kobar general prison authority, where he is kept pursuant to order of attorney general in charge of political and state offenses, to hand him back to the attorney on 20th June 2012. On an extreme violation of all Sudanese laws and its human rights obligations Bushra is now kept in the state security attorney general custody in a very bad condition and his health is seriously deteriorating.

    It is to be noted that the attorney general in charge of political and state offenses had cleared Bushra on 14th August 2011, but he was not released and was moved instead to the state security cells in a handover scenario. Bushra stayed at the state security cells since then without being neither interrogated nor, charged, till moved again back to the attorney general custody on Sunday 22nd January, who kept him in Kobar general prison till 17th June 2012. It is clear that the same scenario is going to be played, where Bushra will be handed again to the national security officers.

    Therefore, the family of Bushra Gamar pleads with all concerned organizations to put a maximum pressure on Sudan’s government to avoid repeating this catastrophic scenario that Bushra will not have the strength to undergo, and to save the life of a human rights civil society activist. Going on an open hunger strike and keeping him under detention in such poor condition will no doubt further deteriorates his ill health and justify the fears and concerns of the family on him.

    Bushra’s family strongly believes that he is innocent and he should not be imprisoned indefinitely and tortured on unfounded accusations and baseless rumors. He is eminent human rights activist whose guilt was his keenness to help his people in Southern Kordofan and being of Nuba descent.

    Mr. Bushra , is Kadugli-based human rights activist, originally from Talodi, is the Chairperson of a prominent human rights organization (Human Rights and Development Organization – HUDO-) in Kadugli. He went to Khartoum "where he was arrested” in an official mission calling for a humanitarian assistant to South Kordufan state after the latest war in the state.
    Should you need further information or verification, please do not hesitate to contact: Dr Ezzeldin Gamar Hussein Rahma (Brother of Bushra
    Gamar): cell phone: +966548455853; skpe: ezzeldin.rahma1; email:[email protected]
    Best Regards

Arabic Forum

06-26-2012, 01:28 PM
amir jabir
<aamir jabir
Registered: 01-12-2006
Total Posts: 5550

Re: Urgent: Update On Sudanese detained nuba mountain human rights act (Re: amir jabir)

    Bushra Gamar Life at risk after 6 days of hunger strike

    The Nuba activist Bushra Gamar has been on hunger strike since June 18th , and in result he had been entered to the hospital after his health seriously deteriorated . Bushra I detained for a year now without charges, as the Sudanese security failed to present any evidences to the judges justifying their arrest on bases of unapproved charges of crimes against states and other charges.

    On 17th June 2012, the judge in charge has refused to renew his detention, declaring that Bushra has exhausted all periods of investigation prescribed by Sudan Criminal Procedure Act 1991. In protest against his illegal detention and after the judge decision, Bushra has gone on an open strike since Tuesday 19th June, despite the severe deterioration in his health. His strike forced Kobar general prison authority, where he is kept pursuant to order of attorney general in charge of political and state offenses, to hand him back to the attorney on 20th June 2012. On an extreme violation of all Sudanese laws and its human rights obligations Bushra is kept in the state security attorney general custody , now after 6 days of hunger strike Bushra life is in real danger as he is being hospitalized in the Police hospital since June 24th , but his family is very concerned that he might not getting the enough and proper medical treatment he needs , while he is continuing his strike.

    Arry Organization is very worried about Mr. Bushra’s life , and we call on the Sudanese authorities to unconditionally release him, in respect of the decision of the attorney general and allow him family and doctor visit and provide him the medical treatment he need.

    Please write immediately in English, Arabic or your own language:

    Call on the authorities to either charge the detainee with a recognizable criminal offence or release them immediately;

    Call on the NISS to grant them immediate access to family, lawyer, and to any medical treatment he might require;

    Call on the authorities to immediately end the harassment and detention of Nubans on the basis of their ethnic identity.



    HE Omar Hassan Ahmad Al Bashir

    Office of the President

    People’s Palace PO Box 281

    Khartoum, Sudan

    Fax: +249 183 782 541

    Salutation: Your Excellency

    Minister of Justice

    Mohammed Bushara Dousa

    Ministry of Justice, PO Box 302

    Al Nil Avenue

    Khartoum, Sudan

    Fax: +249 183 764 168

    Salutation: Your Excellency

    And copies to:

    Minister of Interior

    Ibrahim Mohamed Hamed

    Ministry of Interior

    PO Box 873

    Khartoum, Sudan

    Also send copies to diplomatic representatives accredited to your country.


    Mr. Bushra , is Kadugli-based human rights activist, originally from Talodi, is the Chairperson of a prominent human rights organization (Human Rights and Development Organization – HUDO-) in Kadugli. He went to Khartoum “where he was arrested” in an official mission calling for a humanitarian assistant to South Kordufan state after the latest war in the state.



Arabic Forum

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